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Everything posted by monk33y

  1. Come on British captains, proove us all wrong! Proove your not utterly useless, generate a port battle....! Since toxic returned home, the fight has disappeared from British hearts!
  2. You can't reason with a British player. They are correct by default! Brits have mabey 20% of server population but can't even generate hostility... But the British captains are mighty they are in a deep sleep waiting for alliances to turn back on!!
  3. @koltes As your the man with the pc graphic knowledge fancy helping flesh this idea out buddy?
  4. @admin Can you start introducing warnings for people who are trying to get there fellow gamers banned for what is without any shadow of a doubt utter bulls##t!! It seems like playing a pirate means your guilty of something, anything! Just guilty
  5. Tex, 99% of my posts get deleted by a certain moderator anyway. Plus iv learnt only pirates gets warnings for breaking rules on the forums. Nationals can do or say what they want!
  6. This is epic.. Put your nominations in here. To win this brand new window for licking... *laughed out loud at work* Skully I'm guessing your a British player?
  7. Skully would you like to join me on my window liicking marathon?
  8. What proof do you have skully?? All I can see is nonsense!!!
  9. If I say I'm the real Donald trump do I get my own tribunal section too??? Question is the average IQ of national players really getting this new depth of stupid!!? Best thing iv read in ages
  10. 1) national missions to drive conquest! 2) port battle revenge gankfest fix. Both parts get the chance to teleport back to capital, with ship only being available after server down time. Crew is lost amd must be re-purchases once at capital. 3) raiding -old flag system. Generates no hostility but costs 1000 combat marks etc. Gives, blueprints/ships/ resources or money. If defended defender gets a large regional buff etc...
  11. Like Norfolk stated. Having a record of the conquest on our servers could be used by the development team on big patches and wipes to show the last ages conquest information. Imagine our server map, slowly changing as the months go past, showing the hot spots of ships sunk on the loading screen while we are waiting to get in game... I think it would be epic!
  12. I understand where the author is coming from BUT we had a rookie zone that was hardly used. Open world sailing takes a long time but there are rewards etc. Game is beautiful for one! I know most players would hate this but I wish hostile AI fleets would attack you (AI engaging tags) in open world. So this complaint over boring long sails would go away forever and instead be replaced with stop hostile AI tagging complaints!
  13. Can't wait to see you guys develop this concept more. Any snip bits of information available?
  14. It would be nice to get a log of events for each server! We the community have developed a history through conflict, many epic ages! We have had a number of powerful nations and clans but currently any new player comes into the game with a blank history. The letter to the king did this very well. It's a shame it's only for global. I'd like to see a moderator given responsibility for keeping a locked thread showing weekly changes to conquest and the top three hot spots for combat over that week (ships lost etc), (busiest trade hubs) and (most missions run here) I think Norfolk would do an amazing job (with help) managering this log book of our collective history's.
  15. We are all very much aware that roe is broken, revenge ganking etc. Could we not introduce into the admiralty store/pirate den a "chest of flags". The chest of flags is basically a chest of different nations flags, enabling players that are grouped up to display any nations flag to interrupt any attempt at tagging or being pulled into combat via an AI tag. Each "chest of flags" is a single use item that are stackable. Works on the same idea as hull/rig repairs. Item weight to be astablished at a later point. The chest of flags is designed to give the chance for the captain to interrupt a player made tag. In the simplest use of this item, when the tag is counting down each player of a party must right click on there "chest of flags" to interrupt the tag. All members of a party must each use the "chest of flags" to interrupt the tag otherwise they are pulled into battle like normal. Once a chest of flags is enabled the user is protected from being attackable for 90 seconds! (again only works against lesser br attackers or AI tags) "Chest of flags" only works in groups say min 5 people. "Chest of flags" can only be used to interrupt a tag from an enermy with less br. Or when AI is attacked and you are pulled in through the stupid roe range. Any attacker with equal or higher br, the "chest of flags" has no use. The "chest of flags" will cost *edit after pm* only 10 combat marks each! Open to extra ideas and suggestions.
  16. The British won't fight anybody until they can allie up with which two nations are the strongest. Then and only then will we see the "mighty" proud British banging the war drums!!
  17. When you have played pirate for 5+ months. You can't join another nation. We went British to get pvp, which we enjoyed. The only problem with this game now is every nation is allied again... I just don't understand how nationals can have fun never attacking anyone! Mabey that's why alot of brits are turning to the black...
  18. Employ this man already!!! Make him a moderator at least!!!
  19. I take it back liq. I commend you on joining the pvp hunters
  20. Liq is an ex British player he only knows how to pvp in greenzones where he knows where the barriers are. Hence wanting the events back! It's a shame really! We play on a pvp server pith pve mindset players. I'm disappointed in you liq
  21. I love it when the zerg gets put into the convo. Pirates is nothing like the safe, friendly (boring) world that nations hide inside of. Pirate clans are effectively mini nations, we have own set of rules and collective desires. With pirates being able to attack each other the clans are under a single banner (pirate) but are independent. Pirates have well documented rogue clans that are on kos for most of the bigger clans. It's not like being part of gb where a rogue clan is only considered rogue because they don't play how the councils demand. I have always considered clans more like companies instead of clans. We sail under a single banner for our nation but we are independent. Pirate is probably the most open, non restricted way of playing naval action. [SORRY] is growing day by day, we appeal to players who want pvp, rvr etc without all the bs councils set up and control. Sorry is soon to have three 25 man first rate fleets. Sorry may be getting close to a zerg in size but we are still working towards single goals. Sorry has been active for a long time. The pirates are coming! The pirates of sorry are coming! The pirates of gaff are coming! The pirates of planb are coming! We now have ten, 30+ member active clans in the pirate nation working together. Our time is coming! The sun will be setting shortly, the black is coming...
  22. Hang on a second!! When the brits were the servers super power you shoved your "mighty" fleets down our throats. You strangled the server to fit your will! Now the "mighty" British are a footnote in history. It must be embarrassing to play Great Britain when you have over 400+ active members of the nation but struggle to generate more hostility than the usa who has like 50players!!! The days of seeing the map all red are coming to an end. The days of Yellow/green/blue and black is coming!!
  23. If a nation wins a port battle they should be granted safe harbour until port changes hands on reset. Or a free teleport (with ship) to capital
  24. Until rewards get introduced (buffs) etc, I don't see too many ports being attacked. We have to many allied nations (non aggression packs), *Edit* If you play on eu server the pirates are the most aggressive and active nation working for port battles... I still think all nation's need a mission from the Devs. capture x region to receive 99k gold 1 labour contract each and a labour regeneration buff of 25%. You have two weeks. (gb must capture grand turk) (Dutch must capture Belize) (daines must capture Ayrs) you get the idea. Failure to complete mission reduces labour regeneration by 10% and open world speed by 5%. 1 mission is Available per nation once per month.
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