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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. I just checked it out to understand what the fuss is about. You guys are seriously still bitching about two (in numbers 2) British ports on Haiti set to 4-6? At least one of them captured bro KIN (a British clan with a large US player base) that was defended yesterday when attacked. Yesterday night Spain, France and the Pirates where able to buy flags for misteriosa, st.nicholas, and tiburon at the same time with st anne and jermie open as well. And you want to tell me you can't play because les cause and saint Louis are set to 4-6? Are you sure that's your position on Haiti?
  2. I Do like Most of the stuff skully posts. He doesnt seem to take the game too personally. Like hethwill and pagan Pete He Understood that this is a game and WE should have fun playing it. Two Thumbs up.
  3. An appology would habe been the way to go. But i See your taking the other road.
  4. You guys Are the sorriest loosers in the planet. Your crying has become a disgrace for your respective nation/Gaming Communities. Hard to believe what you leave in These forums is representing the rest of your community
  5. Good for you. See. You dont Need all this crocodile tears than.
  6. Enough with the whining now. Starts to get annoying. They loose a battle - its because Brits use exploits They loose a battle - its because of porttimers They loose a battle - its because Brits habe more players and Servers Are Cut the crap and stop Bitching around!
  7. Are you trying to imply us players should play on pvp2 again?? I think this has been answered by mods offen enough.
  8. Answering in a discussion that is held in a common language most of us understand in your mother tongue without offering a translation is just impolite
  9. we faught you with zero allies before pepe. This is the first time we have allies in this war. We have faught against the pirate-danish-french-spanish Alliance alone. You know this very well. So please stop with that. Spain took adventage of the British Periode of weekness (which was their right) and took alot of british ports. Now the pendulum swung again. You Win some you loose some. But running around blaming the world and threatening to quit because you lost a battle is poor sportmanship in its own right. since we have started here with sayings in our mother Tounges here is a saying in german for you: "wer im Glashaus sitzt, sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen" - dont throw rocks when you are sitting in a house of glass. Spanish players have build a very nice glasshouse when it comes to exploits. Stop being hypocrits already On another note pepe: please stop insulting the other Players.
  10. Like some of the ideas. Since the whole system is being reworked i dont think they will/should change anything before the change.
  11. You do realize that the beotish fleet did habe 3flagcaptains and 1 master and commander in it Right? Seems like your 1 3rd rate and mortar Brig arent really that much of a hit for your odds.
  12. Why would you want that? All it does is make captains run from pvp engagements even more than now and promote uneven battles.
  13. No you really dont. I dont see a problem with it at all. Yes loosing crew hurts but you can always surrender and cut your losses.
  14. France did not defend a single port on Haiti. Probably because of timers too
  15. Welcome back. It would be appeeciated if you Could keep the bullshit to a minimum this time around and just enjoy the Game with the Rest of us.
  16. You should not be able to Sell or trade them. Otherwise Level 1 crafters Van produce endless supplies of Level 50 crafting hours
  17. I like that. In another post (don't remember where) I suggested some sort of size regulation as well. I like the choices AI fleets bring into the game. I wouldn't want to see a traders cutter being escorted by a victory though.
  18. Oh common now. Stop spamming your no fleets nonsense in every single thread on the forum already. We know you don't like it. Others do...
  19. I really like the concept of officers gaining experience and getting better. Somewhere I read that people wanted to now what they are up to and reasoned with this being more realistic. I think it is the other way around. If you are starting a battle you don't know if you are facing a seasoned crew with a captain that has spend time and energy on training it's crew in all aspects of gunnery or if it is a fresh crew that has been pressed of the streets of Yarmouth two weeks ago. A captain wouldn't know if the other captain has a new assignment or has been sailing the vessel for years and knows how to trim her to squeeze out every last bit of speed. Sure some perks need balancing. The only way to find out is test - feedback - patch repeat. I like where this is going.
  20. To be honest: information posted by jeheil concerning the reason why the flag was crafted by the British side is important information for the case and should not have been deleted by the mods. Only Spanish exploits made this necessary. So before deleting my post, please reinstate jeheils post on the matter at hand. Thank you
  21. Devs have never awarded a port that hasn't switched to a nation no matter if it should have switched. Wouldn't know why to start now.
  22. Would not want an automatic surrender mechanic. I would rather have the player make a choice: surrender and safe the crew or risk another broadside and sink. You would have to make this choice in battle if you couldn't surrender while sinking.
  23. I would not want that at all. Just leads to a lot of anger and grief. Give me 1.000.000 or I kill your officer. I think the idea only sounds good on paper. In practice it's just opens another way for people to be an explicit.
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