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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. As stated earlier: the more expandable a ship becomes the more it's captain will be willing to risk it. If you make ships a rare good people will be less likely to take in a fight and more likely to run. Even with ships being rather easy to replace you see this in the open world. I'm in a 2/4 ship: "bring it". I'm in my 3/5 speed ships: "don't know if I'll be able to replace this soon. Let's stay in the side of caution here" 1 dura ships will reduce the likelihood of battles. Recent example. Spain attacked Georgetown with 1st rates. The port was properly defended and Spain was outnumbered. They left as soon as the British navy joined, saving their precious ships. If it was a 4th rate battle (with durability) they might have stayed for a fight instead of wasting everybody's time. Nevertheless I think crafters need a boost. A high percentage of ships can't be sold on the market covering the costs of production. Buying the material and sub assemblies costs way more than the ships is worth (especially if it comes out as a gold 2/4) No company would consider building a car, if buying the tires for it would already cost more than the car is going to be worth in the end. In NA ships are only crafted for the open market because the crafter isn't really after the gold he receives for selling it but he gets an additional currency in XP and BP drop chance. Reducing the durability on ships wouldn't change that. The overall prices might change, but the fact that 4 crafting notes are most likely worth more than a gold ship will sell for wouldn't.
  2. The First Event a French clan grabbed the majority of chests and had the heavy rattle snake BP exclusively. Care to elaborate what the hell your a on about?
  3. And that's totally fine. You like them and their way to play the game and vice versa.
  4. I proposed a 3(or more)-way exchange. To balance out the pain we just switch them around The Spanish guy goes to Britain, the British guy goes to France, the French guy to Denmark and so on. No money involved.
  5. Thats just not how it works, mate. You can butch about it all you want. People play with the guys and girls they like. If you do all humanly possible to be disliked, no one will want to play with you. And that's what's happening here. Since there is no mechanic to prevent you from forcing your way into playing with them, people will try their best to not include you: because it's not fun for them if you are around. Can you really blame people for trying to get the most enjoyment out of their game time? It's the same you do btw. What's fun for you just contradicts what's fun for them. You will never come to terms on that basis.
  6. Your welcome to join national TS. All the information is available. Just not in national chat.
  7. Nothing we didn't expect to happen.....
  8. Doesn't tell you anything about activity. British nation has thousands of votes but has difficulties putting together a full PB fleet at times. If you have 35 dedicated players that are online at the right time you can easily beat a nation with 10.000 players that don't show up for portbattles. As I said. These numbers don't tell you anything about strength of the nation. You can only field 25 in a port battle. If you have a core group fighting together that is much more effective than having different people in a port battle fighting for the first time in that combination. There is pros and cons that come with having a large player base.
  9. imgame mechanics don't prevent you from spoiling their PB and don't prevent them from thinking you are an **** and kicked you off their TS and ignoring/not helping/making sure it's hard for you in game. Same reasoning as yours. Do you like it?
  10. dont kid yourself... alliance system stopped you from attacking nations your council (and the majority of people that make the decisions) has decided to be allied with. the only one who lost something here is.... wait for it.... YOU
  11. It's not a popularity contest. (I would win the "likes" battle btw) And yes: your not the only negative person on the forum.
  12. Looks comprehensive to me, but we are surely missing something. @His teakness, lord of tropical woods, protector of AI fleets and so on and so forth: you want to add something?
  13. This is not a single player game. People play together and the game doesn't sort everything out for you that comes with playing together. I would actually lobby for a mechanic that makes PB entry invite only (maybe only for offensive ones because these are started organized and willed by a small group of players) If I pay the ingame go for it and do all the work to organize it I think I should be able to prevent people from spoiling it (maybe even on purpose). This argument does t work for defense, hence only for offensive battles. Back to the original point. A sandbox game doesn't regulate everything by game mechanics. Sandbox games are designed to leave from for plAyer organized stuff (like councils and politics) If you don't like that: you might have chosen the wrong kind of game in the first place. Btw. It has nothing to do with that if people don't invite you to participate in some parts of the game. It's like in pre school "sandboxes": if you piss of the other kids and they don't like you they don't play with you. Why would they. If I don't enjoy your presence I will make sure you are not around me. Why do you even want to play with the people that don't like to play with you?
  14. Honest question: does your keyboard catch fire, when you type these things?
  15. Can't recall any of your posts that wasn't negative through and through. And you made a lot of posts and topics recently
  16. Sry fox you are alone with that opinion. I think it is totally fine when the majority of players can decide on something and the minority can't just act against it. No different than in the real world. Most councils are made off representatives from clans. These people represent a portion of the games population and act in their interest. If they represent enough of the active player base they will come trough with their desires. If your style of playing hurts the majority of others in their style of playing than its not right for you to be able to do that without suffering the consequences. In your case it is being kicked off if TS (infrastructure that is payed for by the people you are acting against) You can talk to people and try to convince them of your view and build a majority that changes the current politics. Totally within your rights. What you can't do is try to spoil the majority's gaming experience. Example port battles. If 25 players organize a port battle and go there you shouldn't even be able to join if they don't allow you to (even though I know you can) Organize your own "event" and start your own port battle. No one stops you from finding 24 like minded and organize your own PVP. If you ruin what others are building for their enjoyment don't act surprised if they don't want you around. Simple as that
  17. So when you told "your council" that you don't respect the decisions made by that representational organ of your nation you can't understand why you have been kicked of the infrastructure that council (the players forming it) have provided? Are you serious?
  18. Wouldn't mind some paints to be micro transactions. After all the game needs to create some sort of continuous revenue to finance server etc. wouldn't make ships payable with real money though. If it starts to be a pay to win title a lot of people will resent that.
  19. British English speaking? I think most clans have members from around the world. In ROYAL you will find every imaginable dialect and accent. From Southafrica to Scottland, from Eastern Europe to the United States with the occasional Aussie mixed in. On PVP1 most of the larger clans are recruiting. In the forum section "guilds and trading companies" you can find posts were these clans introduce themselves
  20. It might have not crossed your mind, so I will help you here: their alliance is aimed vs. the Dutch & Brit (and soon US) alliance. Sorry is not important in this story, sorry
  21. Don't wort about our choices aphilas. We are doing just fine ;-)
  22. A question concerning that chat: is it an extra channel or is it access to that nations "nation chat"? How will it work with three party alliances. Will there be one combined alliance-chat or will there be 3 different chats?
  23. His royal teaknes is never shy of excuses. But he doesn't have to post on the forum anymore. He has his surrogates in place to do the trolling for him ;-)
  24. I am Pretty sure that allied or not, Pirates will be part of the anti British coalition. We are used to being at war with most nations at the same time. So nothing new here. Still better off than a couple of months ago if alliances with Dutch and or US nation upholds ;-)
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