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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. Britain wants a buffer around Jamaica. If you want to claim caymans and or south Cuba, you're welcome to try to take it from us.
  2. Thx, for changing your mind and doing the reports again :-)
  3. Yes Skullys ideas do complicate things. On the other hand, no features in a game are "necessary". If the aim is to find a solution to the "I surrender you gain nothing" issue, than yes: there are easier and less complicated ways to do so. If the aim is to fix the issue AND add another dimension to the game, I do like some of the ideas. I proposed in other threats and discussions on global chat to make a differentiation between surrender (while your ships is not sinking to safe your crew) and abandon ship, while you are sinking or in fireshock to give some of your crew a chance to survive. I like some of the ideas Skullys posted. I think it's at least worth a discussion.
  4. no... the spanish dont use the "shoot cannonballs to the hull" exploit. They stick to ther rules and only shoot sails
  5. i am one of the "redcoats" im afraid. we dont want to "exterminate" you, hence the diplomatic efforts to negotiate terms with you. if the winning side offers to give ports to the loosing side i really dont understand why that is referred to as "humiliating terms" british side could easily demand ports from spain in order to not take even more ports. no one has done that (as fas as im informed), bu instead offered to give some ports back to spain.
  6. i would like that :-) but in the meantime, take the 6 ports we offer out of good will, accept that you were beaten both in battle and the overall war. i think there is more honor in accepting defeat than there is in crying on the forums that everything is unfair and making heroic posts on how you will become a nightmare for us.
  7. i will have to correct you on this one: steel is an alloy of iron and (mostly) carbon. you can add other elements to achieve certain properties. if you just keep hitting iron with a hammer it becomes brittle and brakes. it does certainly not miracously turn into steel ;-)
  8. dont get me wrong Alvar: This is a "wargame". I had alot of fun fighting for the ports on south cuba. You guys are welcome to attack the ports and give us a fight here. But dont expect us to give up any of those ports without a fight :-)
  9. than spain will have to come and take these ports from us :-)
  10. i am not part of any negotiations, so all i am writing is my personal oppionion: in a negotiation two parties can only come to terms if: a) both are in posession of something the other party wants or one party wants something and the other party shows a lot of good will from my perspective Spain does not have a lot to offer I (and im specifically not saying Britain and/or the provinces) want. If Spain comes into negotiation wanting everythinh (30 ports) but has nothing to offer in return, this leads to a point where a negotiation does not start at 100 and meets at 65 to 55 as alvar has stated. I dont have any interest in reducing spain to one port or wiping them from the map. on the other hand i dont see any reason to give ports to spain that are close to jamaica. why would we? what does spain have to offer for me to give up that position?
  11. That is really unfortunate. I sometimes wonder if spanish diplomacy asks for things like this, because they think it is reasonable or if it is just trolling.
  12. Here is the solution: stop seal clubbing in enemy waters and start protection your home water. Leads to less sealclubbers and better protection at home.
  13. Like the Systems as it is. No merge, no decay, no 1-dura ships needed.
  14. Sounds like having a troop transport sailing behinds you. Don't like the boarding mechanic and don't support any ideas promoting the rage boarding approach. Did a fleet mission yesterday. While 11 players managed to sink 10 ships, 1 player managed to rage board the other 10 ships all by himself with the new 1000crew boarding bucentaure.
  15. A very nice gift indeed. Thank you guys! Make sure you are not spoiling us :-)
  16. Are you serious? Ranting because of a server crash? Step outside get some fresh air, cooldown and then apologize
  17. Can't believe there are 4 pages of replays to so little content. Really shows the effect of 12 hours server downtime
  18. Dont like it. If you cut cost by 5 for a fithrate it doesn't have any effect, other than having to go back to port collect material and craft more often. If you cut cost by less then five it only decreases availability of ships and encourages running away over fighting it out. A lot of downside for no real benefit: therefor I vote NO!!
  19. As stated: I don't think a system were I can't sail a ship because others already do is not going to help the game. All it does is frustrate the player who can't play the game he paid for.
  20. Maybe some form of "upkeep" is needed to control a port. If your nation can't afford the upkeep civil unrest sets in and a port becomes neutral or a pirate base. The further away from your home territory the higher the amount of resources you need to control the port. To balance out the game by creating equal alliances their could be mechanisms to encourage curtain alliances it discourage others. Keeping up an alliance could as well be something that has a cost attached to it. I would also like game mechanics that shuffles alliances from time to time.
  21. a lot of players play the game for different reasons than hardcore RVR. If you limit the choice of faction for players you are already taking away the motivation for some. The amount of "horatio nelsons", "jack Audrey's" and "jack sparrows" should already tell you that these players had reenactment in mind and where already set on a nation to represent when they created their character. As stated above language is another barrier. English is a foreign language for me and I don't speak French or Spanish. I would not want to play for either France or Spain based on language already. Imagine what rift would go trough the game if ayers start campaigning against each other for the opportunity to "play. "Go leave for another faction - you are taking crew away from people that use it to fight for the nation". Nice opportunity for exploits as well. Take away national resources by placing your alts in a nation. 10 low level alts take away a first rate worth in crew. Can see this coming and don't think this is a direction we should go
  22. Nations dont Need to be equally strong. Small nations can ally with big ones to equal things out. Limiting crew for a nation and therefor having a mechanism that prevents players from playing the game they bought is certainly not the way to go.
  23. Maybe new players can be encouraged to start within a smaller nation by some sort of a starter package - ships, upgrades, gold For some players language might be a barrier unless there is already a community speaking that language in the nation. Couldn't really imagine playing for a faction where a language I don't understand is the common ground in national chat. If nations like France and Spain want to boost their playernumbers first step might be to go for English as a common ground. Seems difficult to achieve since not everybody in these nations will be comfortable speaking English. I see that in Brit chat too, where some people get angry already if someone is typing in a different language.
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