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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. You were able to redeem bucentaure as a present from devs to compensate for a day of server outage. Just forget about it. Go through the regular progression and learn the basics from playing the game. The learning curve is steep. The community generals answers all your questionable in chat. We've all made it despite the difficulties. If you stick to it, ask experienced players whatever you need to know, the game will reward you for your endurance :-)
  2. If you dislike playing for a pirate faction with players falling on their knees hailing their self proclaimed great leader: take the pardon, sail for a nation.
  3. Way harder to do it with 4 nations than with one clan the size of a nation, when it comes to active player base. Coordinating a lot of people with own interests is a feet to accomplish.
  4. Posted it on woodys officer thread already: In order to prevent instant switching between different officers a shore leave could always take a certain amount of time (48 hours) This gives you the flexibility to adjust between war times and more peaceful times in the game while you can't have an officer for every purpose that can be switched in an instant.
  5. Wouldn't mind the leaving the officer on shore even for a suicide mission. Maybe a shore leave always takes, let's say 2 days. That way you can't instantly switch between a port battle officer and a crafting officer, but it would give you some flexibility.
  6. I think the opposite is true. You surrender before your ship is sinking. This ensures, that your opponent can take your crew onto his vessel or allow it to stay on theirs. If your ship is already sinking, all you can do is abandon ship. In the midst of battle no one will turn around to safe your crew from their sinking ship.
  7. A good timed broadside could lead to a ship sinking (bug or intentional) and alot of people did not like the mechanic. A good timed broadside might kill so much crew that the battle is more or less decided. Will need testing, but I don't think it makes a difference if it's leaks or crew damage. What players didn't like was the fact, that a well timed broadside could decide battle.
  8. Good leaders don't need to talk about how great a leader they are. You seem to feel the need to overcompensate... How's that?
  9. In the world we (as in: the rest of us) live it doesn't work like this. It's not the guy that wants to lead who "decides" that he is a great leader. The people who are following somebody decide if some one truly is a leader. Maybe it's different in your little world
  10. Yes, we knew we couldn't defend more than a small perimeter around Jamaica. The war for the rest of our territory was lost, when one of our major clans betrayed us and a lot went inactive. We never had a problem with admitting when we are beaten. We retreated and reformed. No crying no bitching no promises of revenge...
  11. Hope battle won't turn into a "crew shoot fest" Historical or not. Don't want a battle to end after 5 broadsides with only raking as the premier way to win. Atm you can win with various play styles. Hope it stays that way. You have the benefit of the doubt here, since you got it right with the damage model as well after a couple Of rounds of tuning :-)
  12. Denmark used to have an outstanding PVP fleet that beat us more than once. Nothing to be ashamed of.
  13. You remember yourSelf leading all kinds of stuff all the time...
  14. I like open world. Arena just doesn't fit the theme of the game anymore.
  15. While you Are in british safe zone you can be attacked but can't attack yourself iirc. Maybe a pull inside the safe zone only draws in ships in that zone. Once the battle starts you can't join, because it's in the green.
  16. Yes! Our Marine scientists have noticed that the water level has raised around the islands of Jamaica since the Spanish nation has been pushed back. At the same time they recorded a severe rise in the level of salt in the know so called "ocean of Tears".
  17. To be very clear: the game needs a mechanic to protect the gaming community from people like you, that are unable to swallow their ingame pride and take this shit personal. If we don't stop taking you ports it hurts the game. That's why we stop despite the fact you continuously insult us
  18. I know :-) I was just joking. Spanish fleets always did a good job kiting our fleets around and shooting sails. It can be a successful strategy. We had 2 first rates sink at Santiago after a broadside of leaks. They did an excellent job at this. If I remember correct during Santiago battle one of our guys immediately congratulated one of the Spanish captains in char for "the best leak shot broadside" he has ever seen.
  19. BTW Alex: no one has said you guys didn't put up a good fight. When the SLRN faught for Jeremy over weeks. Two Port battle every day (one against pirates and one against Denmark) and where finally beaten by the pirate coalition in an epic and close battle they went out congratulating their foes for their achievements. Grateful in victories, humble in defeat
  20. Beat you cleanly in battle at Santiago. You were sitting in port with your first rate fleet and lost. What are you talking about? The game clearly needs a mechanism (and I think it's coming) that ends wars when they are lost by a nation. Makes no sense that the winner has to make a decision where they simy quit fighting the looser because they are like disgruntled kids stamping their foot at the ground before they would accept defeat.
  21. Oh LV. Why don't you stay out of this with your little USA-phobia. You really don't play a role in this conflict. Troll your own threads. More than enough to do there
  22. Sorry mate: These two positions just go against each other. We faught the war to ensure our buffer and we succeeded. Accept it or come fight for it. Btw: you have the whole of western Cuba as a buffer around havana. From Portillo it's a 10 minute sail to Jamaica. You must be out of you mind if you think we would allow a Spanish presence there.
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