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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. You brought a different definition of an EU timer. I don't think that makes gooneys statement false. Edit: and you only read the parts you want to read. It has been stated over and over that we do also set timers to suit our tactical and strategic needs. If you are attacked on 2 sides at once trying to close down one side before moving to the other is just common sense. s stated many times before: if you wanted a fight you would have pulled 1-2 flags versus us. But you wanted to win and pulled all at once. And that aggravated and rallied us to find an answer.
  2. I really want to say that I'm surprised. But unfortunately I'm not surprised at all. It's been done before and papa bear and his friends went to pirates when it was still extremely easy.
  3. This kind of post should earn you a nice ban on the forums.... Pathetic
  4. It was on the development roadmap. But content was moved back while the release date wasn't touched. I'm afraid it might have fallen victim to the tight schedule. As far as I recall it is not on the development road map anymore. Might be mistaken
  5. For the slow learners as stated in a multitude of threads and confirmed by devs and mods: PVP1 EU IS NOT AND HAS NEVER BEEN INTENDED AS A SERVER FOR EUROPEAN PLAYERS! EU IS THE LOCATION OF THE SERVER AND NOTHING ELSE!
  6. I bet we have the highest percentage of carebaers. Which is perfectly fine. But as I said before it takes is tremendous effort to muster more then one fleet at a time. Our strike on Spain was only possible with the help of our allies. I think you overestimate the size of our RVR community by a huge margin. And again: don't tell me you didn't play to win pulling all those flags on our alliance at the same time. So please stop accusing us of foul play here. If you had the chance to defend and take ports during all timzones I don't think you would refrain from doing it. Had you started to pull single flags at a time and looked for fright rather than winning we wouldn't have gone on an attack of this scale. Even after the wipe was announced you didn't stop and I was shouted down in global for being "salty" when I said I had hope that the upcoming wipe would change your actions.
  7. On a side note: is the game not marketed and sold in southern America? Is there a southern American community within the Spanish NA nation?
  8. If you are fighting a 2 front war you need to close one front as soon as possible. Stating that you are looking for fights contradicts actions where more than 2 flags are pulled at the same time. Since it becomes increasingly hard to coordinate defense with multiple options for defense and limited capabilities. Spanish coalition is playing to win and not playing to get fun fights. And I don't blame you to. But pretty please don't make a fuss about it, when we play to win as well. And playing to win includes using all game mechanics at our disposal. I don't think it is realistic to expect a faction to loose "on purpose" by not using all the tools available.
  9. There was a mechanic like this in the beginner. If you were close to a friendly port and you were attacked you could "call in reinforcements" and an AI fleet would join your battle to even out the BR. Unfortunately it was exploited so hard by a certain captain I won't mention here, that the developers had to take the mechanic away. As a tip for newbies to make money. At least in British nation players sell the labor hours for around 100g per hour. This is an easy way to make 100.000 gold per day.
  10. I agree. Now all you have to do is take it to heart. You have accomplished the first step now since we all know: recognition of a problem is the first step for betterment
  11. Omg.... I will set sails to pampatar at once. Don't care about the loot. But it might be my only chance to see a French first rate afloat in the small timeframe it takes them to sail from their home port till they arrive at pampatar to scuttle their ships. I'll better use a shallow water ship. With all this wrecks it's a dangerous area for deep water ships
  12. Don't know how the proper saying is in English. In German it would be "der Weg ist das Ziel" - something like "the journey is the goal" if that makes any sense. If that doesn't motivate you I'm afraid we can't help you here. Nobody knows what's in the cards for this game. It's an alpha. Devs have a roadmap they try to stick to. If they get it all done there will be some form of release end of the year. If stuff gets delayed by storms it will be sometimes later. Even if they will wipe (which we don't know for sure) we don't know when and we don't know if it will be the last wipe
  13. May I remind you that France started the "lets pull 15 flags at once to avoid fighting" BS when attacking the Dutch. I am starting to get concerned with your short memory span. You might want to seek a doctor
  14. As one can easily see by cpt kennways stance on national organized gameplay he in no way represents the British nation on the forums. No need to jump on his comments every time he posts.
  15. You make this sound like work or real life where you would actually loose something. It's about playing this as a game. If you loose your ships and have to start over, so what. I had fun gathering alle the shit I have right now including at least 5 first rates. If it's gone: I'll have fun doing it over again. Crafting XP is the only thing that would really annoy me if it was resetted since it wasn't really fun getting to level 50. But as far as I understand they won't wipe any kind of xp. I would advise you to get back into the game. Enjoy and stop worrying about pixel assets :-)
  16. Spain has been manipulated by their allies to attack Britain in their back merely minutes after the last diplomat left Spanish TS still working on a renewal of the three admirals treaty. Now that the hammer is falling down on them they are left out in the dust by their friends. Spain could have known this would be coming. Our diplosl told your representative that we would react if they attacked us and Spain could have known from last war that their allies wouldn't help them. Spanish public players have been betrayed by their big clans. They new this was coming. They did it never the less and now it's these same players crying murder on the forums.
  17. I sometimes wonder if you really believe what you are writing. You might have surpassed Our friend LV when it comes to being delusional
  18. In Case you haven't noticed: pirates took at least three British ports while Danes and Spain attacked as well.
  19. stupidity does not seem to have a limit... some things i have read here, leave me speechless. I want to thank the mod team for an (in moste cases) marvelous job on the forum. It is a mostly unthankful job and they do it tirelessly. I envy your ability to keep calm and levelheaded with all that crap that is being thrown at you at times.
  20. You didn't look sad when spain, Denmark and the Pirates started their "gangbang" on British ports while pulling as many flags on the Dutch as possible. You need to cut the BS here. If you do it it's fine if we answer we are "bad people". Get to grips with it
  21. To be fair: this weekends offensive was the answer for attacking British ports on Haiti, south Cuba and the islands in the middle at the same time. French navy has been attacking Dutch ports with x-flags at once. I really don't see where Spain and their alliance can make any case complaining about this. I am looking forward to the flag mechanic to be gone though. I don't really enjoy empty ports. That's why I was hoping for all factions to stop the flag pulling mayhem. If you just pull 1-2 at a time chances for a fight are much higher. At times we had 25 captains ready for a defense but couldn't agree on where to fight so we didn't defend any port. Lots of wasted time
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