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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. No you shouldn't. Because there is not enough room on board that vessel to fit 1100 crewmen onboard. Therefore you will never be able to perform all possible dutys onboard even with a maxed out crew.
  2. Was just trying to help you out, since you seemed to have short memories. Btw. I haven't lost 600 ships to you nor do I believe that count for one split second :-) You must be the angriest player on the server and I pitty you for it :-( Will not post in your threat again. Wish you all the best.
  3. Speirs is talking about RUS and not about SLRN. But you guys are that toxic and full of yourselves that again you didn't understand what was posted. Again it is just another story about how great you are and how you defeated everybody you encountered.
  4. You haven't understood anything about my post. Don't care about your grand fleet, don't care about your strategy, don't care if you can win with your clan against the whole world. The way you guys are acting is not helping this game. Your "job" right now it's to help develop this game. If you don't understand that I will gladly try to explain again, because I care about the game. I you don't care and all you want to do its to "win" you chose the wrong game.
  5. No. They are just not letting a bunch of school yard bullies force their will on to them. They show you that what you are doing is not testing a game in alpha state but trying to beat the game. You are not showing your greatness. They are. your "stats" don't impress anybody. In a couple of weeks the game will take away port flipping. Enjoy it while it lasts. Unfortunately the way you act will have reduced server population and not all will come back. You are taking blows at a game a lot of us are enjoying and that we all hope will succeed. Not sure you realize that. Iif you do: not sure you care.
  6. This basicly reduces dura by one for lower tier ships. Don't know if I really like the idea of boarding becoming more important. With the currant mechanic boarding ships are one of the main annoyances in the game. if it is boarding the last surviving stragglers in a battle in fine with it. Me personally: I don't enjoy the gameplay that comes with fleets just kitted out to board other ships. Don't enjoy playing with or against them. I just hope these mechanics won't lead to a further increase of ganking by making it a vital part of the game and "forcing" people to do it, in order to compete within the game. Other than that: I don't really know if I am pro or con on the issue of complicating the game further. We sure need to test it.
  7. I think within reinforcement area the defending side should be able to join without BR limit. I don't think it is the way to go to let fleets that are specialized in boarding have a go at larger ships without having to fear defenders joining.
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