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Everything posted by Zooloo

  1. Sure let's go back to battlescreen camping... Come on it was the most stupid way to "play" a game i had ever seen. you talk about dumping cargo beeing not realistic - and i agree to this - same applies to players calling counter gank squad with a futuristic radio chat and time warp in open world. If you dont want a TP back to friendly port then we need a 1/2 min invisibility + not allowed to initiate / join battles.
  2. Hunting : Santa Cecilia Ganking : N/A 4th rate Port battles : N/A 1st rate Port battles : N/A Because she's good, and most importantly because she's beautifull and i love her.
  3. A préciser que comme l'xp est actuellement synchro entre les serveurs il n'y a au final pas de restriction au premier choix de serveur après le wipe (en première lecture j'ai cru que vous obligiez tout les joueurs du PVP1EU à jouer sur le PVPEU s'ils ne voulaient pas reprendre à zéro.) edit - en fait j'avais lu trop vite, tu étais tout à fait clair !
  4. Pas forcement non, je suis très attaché au concept de pvp dans un environnement pve.
  5. Yup, let's try to be friendly to one another. We all have one thing in common : Love for naval Action ! Pixel war and it's frustrations can lead to toxicity and escalation from both sides but let's remember every person in this community is much more interesting, smart, sexy and lovely than the foolish crowd of "other people" who are too shitty to realize they should play with us You realise ? Billions of idiots who litterally waste their lives... how sad. (edit : just noticed flame wars above my message... come on guys it's a reconciliation thread)
  6. It could also be personal photo that would have to be approved by moderators
  7. Yeah well i'm not here to judge The Division, you're right it's extremely grindy and the amount of grind and it s rewards made a difference in PvP. Some people found exploits that allowed them to loot gear faster, in a non-challenging way, outside of the designed gameplay, and also without any fun ofc. The exploits spread out on forums, and devs didn't react firmly, nor fixed the exploits fast enough and many people thought "Wow, those guys will own me in the pvp zone, i have to do the same". And then the game turned into a complete nonsense, with a huge proportion of players exploiting instead of playing the game, i could litterally not find a group with automatch, 80% of groups i joined were practicing the exploits (and doing these exploits brought lots of loots but it was some boring stuff no gameplay at all, and they could do it for hours!). That is where a game goes when there is no strict punishment for exploiters. You can't blame devs only for making mistakes and letting some bugs happen that allows exploits. It's also player's fault for playing outside of game design instead of reporting it. And the only way to prevent it is temporary ban and assets wipe.
  8. I played the division at release and it was full of cheats and exploits, and most people were like "well i will exploit, i can't be competitive if i don't do it and there's no consequence". Players need to have a real idea of consequences of beeing caught exploiting in order to refrain the natural temptation and the fear of beeing owned by those who exploited. Not saying you should name and shame anyone but giving some info like "X number of 2 weeks bans have been issued after duping exploit" would do some good imo.
  9. Pourquoi pas... Il y a une raison à ce changement temporaire? Encourager de grosses bastons avant le wipe?
  10. Well with merge either pvp trading / hunting is dead, or full pve players cant craft. I vote for 2nd option of course, and i certainly don't want to punish pve players, but probably a good chunk of them will love the thrill of moving a valuable cargo with a real risk involved from times to times. More immersion !
  11. Qu'en est-il de la Santa Cecilia? Je suis tout à fait pour le(s) wipe(s) j'aurais juste aimé savoir si j'aurais une chance de naviguer à nouveau sur ce navire avec lequel j'ai développé une relation un peu particulière... C'est un peu comme ma femme, je me sens sale quand je chevauche quelqu'un d'autre...
  12. Please no. What i like in NA is the hunting and patrolling. A hunt is not a hunt when it takes place in a small zone, and pvp events are quite bad to me.
  13. Just set PB time at defender's primetime (set accordingly to defender nation : Brits = 21pm London time, USA 21pm NY time, Dutch 21pm Amsterdam time etc) Don't split the community ! Ocean is empty enough already.
  14. Bah perso j'irais là ou il y aura le plus grand nombre de joueurs ! Mais j'ai peur que ce "grand nombre" soit vachement réduit :x
  15. Diviser la communauté en deux est vraiment la pire des solutions à mon avis !
  16. Changer (encore) les règles d'engagement. Actuellement ça reste assez bof. Suggestion : - Les batailles restent ouvertes indéfiniment. (ou 5min) - Si quelqu'un rejoint la bataille, sa position de spawn dépend du temps écoulé sur le timer de la bataille, selon ce principe : le temps en OW est accéléré, donc plus il rejoint tard, plus il spawn loin du combat (ou plutot de son allié le plus proche). A vue de nez je dirais, en se basant sur une vitesse de 12 noeuds : - 30sec écoulées = 2 min de nav - 1min écoulée = 4 min de nav - 5min écoulées = 20 min de nav - Les temps peuvent paraitre longs mais il faut prendre en compte le fait qu'un joueur qui voit des renforts arriver dans sa bataille peut choisir d'aller à leur rencontre. A mon avis ce système est le plus immersif et fun qu'on puisse poser pour les regles d'engagement OW.
  17. I don't think we can afford to split the playerbase at the moment.
  18. I agree, a little bit of mistery brings more fun and joy/despair to the rank up / rank down. And i also agree it has to be really hard to progress in the ranks, and defeat has to be painfull.
  19. Sorry but i would be Empereur Zooloo ! or Serf Zooloo...
  20. Yes i didnt mean this should replace the grinding for crew capacity, it's something else that would just display titles. No other consequence, but i know by experience that this kind of fame system can become very important and rewarding for players. It's a bit like paint, it doesnt change anything but shows you managed to earn it. And if the actions required to earn it encourage a pvp that is healthy for the fun and the playerbase, it's good ! And btw, once you're in race for the most badass title, your interest for the game increases in terms of strengh and durability. That feeling when you read "You have sunk the famous captain SruPL - You are now a Plague of the Seas"...
  21. I think a fame system that would track and display players pvp skill/activity/behaviour would be great, and with right settings it would add some flavour to pvp, and might also encourage players into engaging into balanced / challenging fights. - If you get a kill in a balanced fight you get 100 points (same amount of players + similar BR) ; assist gives 50 points. - If you get a kill in a slighty favourable fight you get 50 points (+10% to 30% players and/or BR for your side) ; assist gives 25 points. - If you get a kill in a slightly unfavourable fight you get 150 points (+10% to +30% players and/or BR for opposing force) ; assist gives 75 points. - if you get a kill in a gank situation (+30% to +x% players and/or BR for your side) you do not get any points ; same for assist. - if you are sunk/surrendered/captured in a balanced fight you loose 100 points (same amount of players + similar BR) - If you are sunk/surrendered/captured in a slighty favourable fight you loose 150 points (+10% to 30% players and/or BR for your side) - If you are sunk/surrendered/captured in a slightly unfavourable fight you loose 50 points (+10% to +30% players and/or BR for opposing force) - If you are sunk/surrendered/captured in a gank situation (+30% to +x% players and/or BR for opposing force) you do not loose anything - If you are sunk/surrendered/captured in a trader ship you loose 100 points - Im not sure if PB should count and how to design points for it. - Fame would only apply for master and commander and above. New players can not earn points, and you do not earn points from them, but if they are involved in a battle with higher level players involved they count on the numbers/BR ratio. (This might discourage experienced PVPers from wasting time killing new players and driving them away from the game) Every 1000 points you get a new title, more and more shiny and fearsome the more you progress, but you can also loose it and drop to previous title if you loose points. PvP title would be displayed instead of the pve xp title. I'm pretty sure players interested in pvp would take great care for having a high pvp title and with those rules, it should encourage people into taking balanced / challenging fights more often, while not forcing anyone, so it wouldnt hurt the freedom and sandbox aspects of the game. It would also increase the sense of accomplishment and long term progress of OW pvp actions. It would also increase the harm of defeat, which is too soft at the moment in my opinion, escpecially when you sail in a basic NPC made ship. I'm not sure about numbers, but the idea is that it should be super hard to reach top title, and titles should fluctuate quite a bit with victories / defeats. The idea is not a grind but an attempt for everyone to progress in fame with a permanent risk of going down involved. - In order to encourage highly skilled players to fight each other instead of farming lower ranked players : If you kill an enemy 2 fame ranks below yours : -50% points / 3 fame ranks below yours : -75% points / 4 fame ranks below yours : -100% points.
  22. Tu peux les avoir en solo en event pve, et tu peux aussi faire top10 en event pvp en solo, je l'ai fait 8/10 fois. Le jeu est tout à fait viable en solo, moi même je joue seul 90% du temps. Après par contre si tu aimes le craft il faut se faire des contacts pour les ressources. Mais c'est un mmo. Si les devs font en sorte qu'on puisse tout faire en se débrouillant seul, tu te retrouve avec un mmo ou personne ne se parle, ou chacun fait son truc dans son coin, comme rift ou elder scrolls online. Autant jouer à un jeu hors-ligne non ? Personellement je suis totalement opposé à ce genre d'évolutions, un mmo est fait pour encourager les gens à coopérer. Et si jamais ils nous mettent un outil de recherche de groupe automatique ou autre gadget qui pousse les gens a cliquer sur un bouton au lieu de faire la démarche de communiquer pour s'organiser je désinstalle direct. Les mmo "modernes" ou les gens ne se disent même plus bonjour quand ils se font grouper par un robot non merci.
  23. OW 1vs3 in French waters : I was patrolling near Sainte Lucie because while the flags went wrong somehow, those are french waters... And i encountered a Brittish fleet, 6 frigate types and a Constitution. I decided to run cause i've been told french ships are quite good at this and the hunt begun. Picking a hauled wind i managed to force them to scatter a bit, with the surprise closing in on me. After a while, only a Surprise, a Renommée and a Belle poule were in battle range. Finally, i decided to close in on the Surprise, loaded all my guns and proudly raised the French flag.
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