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Everything posted by Mrdoomed

  1. Lmao i feel your pain. Ive made a few points about this but have been told to shut up. Seems this will be just a teleport to lopsided port battle simulator soon and that is what peoplw want.
  2. 10 brits kill a first level pirate = wtg ! Teach that little pirate scum there is no place for him here ! F him ! 2 pirates attack a 3rd lvl brit= game is broken , someone should stop the bullshit ganks. Nobody is gonna play this game if they get ganked. Oh woe is me.
  3. Have you seen how completely terrified people are to actually engage in combat?
  4. I begrudgingly like 2 minutes (maybe 2.5) because with no cooldown teleports it would mean every time you attack someone you are gonna fight the server. Its bad enough you have 15 ships camping you as you exit who used thier teleport machines to get to you but at least you get 1 fight in a night before you are chased off.
  5. Since missions are moved close to the capital now and you can choose your level of difficulty letting people collect imo free xp for time served and now no teleport cooldowns has taken more ships outa the open world since they dont need to sail to the destination more than once ( in a free cutter most times) so i want to know if the devs can add new missions to spark open world pvp. If players have ideas for these missions please list them. I can thinkof a couple easy ones right off hand . How about missions that say sink xx amount of enemy player BR and the reward could be a upgrade drop and the quality would be based on amount of BR sunk. Anothet could be amount of cannons sank or amount of cargo looted and so on. Each reward would be a upgrade drop or blueprint drop maybe depending on the amount of points collected. You could set up lots of missions like these that just might give people a reason to go out amd sail around looking for other and bring the open sea back to life. Something would have to be done to keep try hards from setting up fake fights for the loot drops but im sure that is easy enough.
  6. The 50 north Americans here on pvp2 wont keep the euro/russians from setting the pace of the game, there are not enough of us. The logical and smart thing would have been a way to ask all north and south american players to play on pvp2 so each server is dominated by the same time zone.
  7. They listen to tje testers, just the wrong testers imo.
  8. I agree with about 90% of what you say and once again you hit the nail on the head. Where is the "social play" in online games now ? Its like todays gamers cant handle the freedome to do anything they want and to shape a game world to thier mold. Now every game is just another carbon copy quest game. So and so tells you to kill x amount of rats or ships or orcs and come back. Rinse and repeat till max level with max gear then log in once a day to do your group raids/dailies. The realy bad part is that whem someone tries to deviate from that course they are shunned, mocked and told to shut up. I honestly had such high hopes for this being a great sandbox 19th century version of EVE. I dont have that hope now. Looking forward to playing with or against you Hethwill when the servers merge.
  9. Something to keep in mind now is with the no cooldown teleports and a 5 minute timer it has very real potential of ever 1v1 attack becomming a 1vs25 pretty quick considering most players now never venture outa sight of a port. I think 2 minites is to short but 5 minutes with teleports is to long or at least will.further remove piracy /privateer players from the game. I can thinknof a few good solutions but untill the figure out a way to acually get players back into the open world and away from thier capitals it really seems moot to me.
  10. We already have this function in game. Its called nation chat i believe.
  11. I always save my repair until im sinking. Has never let me down ( to the ocean floor) yet but any time i see someone prematurely use hull repair i can sit back and just range him till he sinks. Moral of my story. Save hull repair.
  12. We need to mount our own campaign to get players from pvp1 to come back. Something like " are you sick of tje pirates owning the map ? Then come to pvp2 where YOU can make a difference! "
  13. Im in line with your thinking as well for the same reasons. Plus with the north and south american player base being smaller ( as in most games) than the euro/russian player base most game and map decisions will be dictated by the EU players. Maybe thats the intent i dont know . On the other hand there is a big BIG problem with pvp2 and that is for months rumors and subtle "hints" have been made ( even by admin ) that pvp2 is going to get merged and every time this happens pvp2 loses mass numbers who jump the gun. Between this and the people from pvp1 asking players to join thier server and get free stuff to do it the pvp2 server just cant get its population up. I think admin should offer people the chance to go back to pvp2 and bring thier stuff over or let us play both servers with same stuff. I know our opionions on this are not popular but i just wanted to voice my op.
  14. Yes i over simplified it on purpose because its a game. But in its simplicity it is correct. If people pay it it then people will sell it. And there can NEVER be a monopoly in this game as long as everyone is allowed to make ships and craft. High pricing is not a monopoly. You can take a 99%er or communist take on it and set minimum and maximum allowed pricing and destroy even a video game economy if you want but ive never seen it work in real life or a game. For instance last week i sold a 3rd rate that ive seen go for 3-4 million gold before for only 800k. I sold it in abkut 10 minutes. That means I used the market to undersell everyone and keep my product moving. If i chose to keep doing that it would drive the market down just as much as people not buying the over priced ships but it starts to get complicated so i just broke it down. Just like in real life if something cost to much dont buy it. The market sees that and things go on sale. A video game economy is the last thing the devs need to worry about.
  15. The problem is with the players but not the crafters charging the price. Its the people paying it. You must not understand how a free market works so ill give you a quick run down. The market sells at what the public will pay. The end.
  16. Others answered for me so yeah what they said. What is this new content people expect in a player driven world ? Hunt the kracken missions ? Catch 4 moby dicks and make me a whale bone cup ? You have to realize games like this are not theme park rides where a developer team tells you what to do .If you only have fun power gaming then a sandbox cant help you BUT if being one of the cogs in a world that helps shape it is your thing than this is your thing. Also keep in mind this is a 19th century carrebean naval/management /conquest game. So there are dozens of things to do as several have mentioned. Just find your part in this online world and do it. Fight ,trade, spy, hunt or wage war. Just like in real life things wont always be constant action BUT if more people started getting out into the world instead of worrying abut losing a ship there would be tons of action. Heck if youre a national player put together a pirate hunting team and you can spend your days going to pirate hotspots and ambush or trap them. Make a name for yourself. On my server my clan is well known and hated by many brits and they know us by name and even have a cool nickname for us lol and our clan is 3 people.
  17. Yes its a shame people in mubers dont goout and look for enemy to engage. Goout in hunter packs etc and kill tje bad guys like it should be. This game can only be what the plaers make it and unfortunately it seems most players need to be told what to do next or at least pointed in a direction by a quest or something and demand new content weekly when in reality we could be making our own content. There is more than just port battles and the grind to achieve max level to this game. Yes with a low population its harder to find a fight but there never seemed to be that many anyways. With the no cooldown teleport causing a diversion attack to draw ships away from the attack is pointless now since they can teleport as much as they want amd that has hurt open seas too but still there is so much tjat can be done if players did it.
  18. Im an old gamer so maybe its just me but when i selected a pvp server in a used to be open world game i assumed i would be fighting pvp from the start. I didnt even think there would be missions to do for basically free xp and gold. I did 2 missions then went hunting for pvp lol. After a while i realized i couldnt attack people cuz of br difference. So i sailed an hour west of my capital and made my home in a freeport in the mix of things. Been pvping since then. I dont know why anyone would worry about it.
  19. AND no matter HOW MANY TIMES you escape the gank squad they can just keep griefing you forever with thier one small fast ship that tags you over and over. That is why they should never do away with the hide in battle screen till they fix griefing. Just stupid how you can grief.
  20. I agree. It seems so much emphasis has been put on port battles and how fast to make it getting to them and what can fight there and teleports to get them there withut sailing in tje ow to get near it. Hunting was , and still is in rare occasions, so much fun. Our small clan played as pirates of history and would hunt in small ships along coasts looking for prey and when we would get a news page from a victory battle we used it to know where the pirate hunters was and where nt to go. We also used them t hunt players we had vengeance with. It was also quite a shock when ine time i captured a ship and the rumors was about MY LOCATION lol. Not sure what good the news would be now since the player can just teleport to other side of the world without waiting now but those days where great fun. I think the game lost A LOT of players who find no interest in port battles but loved playing their own version of Master and Commander. I wish the devs would do more to get people in the open world instead of out of it.
  21. So everyone makes low level alts and transports all their goods in complete safty. Yup that sounds about the way games are headed nowdays. Besides there is less than a dozen levels so how long are you even " low level " ? Sounds just another carebear tactic that people who have no idea what a rvr sandbox game was supposed to be .
  22. With all things considered, isnt attacking targets of least resistance for best reward exactly what pirates SHOULD be doing ? With all the bitching that goes on about pirates acting like nationals ( and they do a lot ) tbis is nice to see a few more pirates acting like this ! Nice job guys.
  23. Our clan on pvp2 does the same against britian. We use small ships and patrol for lgv or indiaman or lone warships to attack but hardly ever see a newb to kill ( not that we wouldnt). We dont generally attack a newb in a cutter because there is nothing in it for us but we never see them anyways. They sit in protection zone and then zip to thier missions lol. I will miss being a pirate after the merge.
  24. I know you guys mean well ( honestly i do ) but this is EXACTLY why pvp2 struggles. Between the people from North and South America that started on pvp1 but wouldhave been on 2 given the choice and the people who jumped the merge gun months ago when rumors started and are never dismissed by a dev and the people who gofor offers like yours we have lost more players that play on pvp1 during what is OUR prime time. If wr had all these players back our server population would be great. I think admin should let pvp1 players swap back to 2 instead. As it is it seems pvp2 will be gobbled up and from global and nation chat most players will just quit rather than play on 1 it seems these kinds of post have done there job in killing off the North and South American server.
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