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Everything posted by Mrdoomed

  1. So just have all newbs attack ports from now on because its a crime to attack them lol. If you are in the water you are either the predator or the prey. Its best to learn that right off . Besides with the closeness of missions to friendly no attack zones how can anyone attack a newb these days anyways ?
  2. A great many of us have said this very thing and it has fallen on deaf ears. It seems they dont care about the US players.
  3. We used to get ship notes relaying news of players locations and times spotted. I often used that to hunt people but that was taken away some time ago. Sadly most things that led to open world pvp are gone.
  4. So since if we still play we will be forced to merge , do we have to roll the same nation to get our stuff or will we be able to change and keep it ?
  5. I have not been attacked once since the 180 second timer was added so invis or battle screen camping jerks cant gank. In fact ive not even seen an enemy warship since then , just some trade ships. All the guys who used to use the tactic you describe now just sail free cutters to some outpost then teleport up there for port battles and then you will see a large group of ships heading to battle. On pvp2 the timer for battle join seemed to eliminate all ganking and well all ships on the sea lol but still better than 15 ships ganking you ever single battle.
  6. This. And PLEASE no scoreboard unless you want wot 2.0.
  7. Why should this be something the ship builder has to put in rather than adding another upgrade row and letting captains equip it with the permanent food upgrade of his choice that crafters make and sell like other resources or the captain can craft? Then if he wants to upgrade or downgrade he can change it. That would be a permanent hassle free food upgrade that also can be crafted and changed or upgraded and that makes it acually important to the economy instead of just another burden on ship builders.
  8. We really need to know if our server is safe too. All the talk and rumors of a forced merge keeps this server constantly wounded. If people wanted to play on pvp1 they dont have a gun to thier heads forcing them to play on pv2 so why should players who like the people on pvp2 and like the play of pvp2 be forced into a server they wont play on ? This really needs to be addressed by someone. This game will need two servers if population raises but a forced merge bringing only 200 players at best into pvp1 will do nothing to save a server or game but could and will hurt it more. All this merger crap needs to be adressed.
  9. Are all brits as stupid as you or am i just lucky? I wasnt implying anything about britain in particular i was referring to making me play any national player but made the mistake of thinkiny people were smart enough that i didn't have to acually name every single nation in the game....i cry for idiots like you. I pity england.
  10. Since we both know you frequent the forums you already knowthat pirates will be changed and has been adresses in 295672455 post already. Other mmos have quest, NA has quests (called missions) other mmos have group quest, NA has fleet missions, other mmos have raids and epic events , NA has eoic events and raids (called port battles) other mmos have instant teleports to zones and and cities , NA has them too. How exactly is it differnt tham any other mmo now ? My statement is spot on whether anyone agrees or not just as I said that if they kept making the game faster amd easier and more mission oriented people would leave and the people have left in droves the easier and more generic mmo it gets. Making ports important is great and i alone have made several suggestions on this in tje past but to exclude player choice is stupid and game killing. If you want to make playing a faction a punishment then make me a brit and thats punishment and will also make me quit. Edit...if you make becoming a pirate only through an action like attacking a friendly then all you are encouraging is every pirate want to be to attack and troll his faction untill he becomes a pirate. If you make being a pirate a bad thing aka punishment and enforce strick unfair and unfun game mechanics (this IS a game remember ) on them then why would anyone play a handicap faction that would be a real punishment? Thats assine. People dont ask for nerfs , peple dont ask for unfun play lol...they would either just quit as ive said or just constantly reroll and troll whatever faction they feel like lol. What a dumb idea.
  11. Telling someone they cant pick pirate at the start is like telling someone who plays warcraft amd loves tanking that they cant pick a warrior right off. You will turn away a massive amount of players, including myself who has no desire to be a European country and likes the freedome to do as i choose.
  12. I still love that 100% of the I hate pirates cuz they own the world threads amd complaints come from pvp1 and not pvp2 where its a completely different story. Tht proves without a doubt that other than the going pirate for free exoit there is no big advantage to being a pirate otherwise both servers would see the same on both servers. It could just as easily be a brit problem or dutch problem . Anyone who plays a pirate and is honest knows this.
  13. No. There will be no more frigate battles as long as its an arms race to all ha e 1st or 2nd rate ships. Nobody will bother with the frigates and since you can just teleport back and forth between the front lines now soon all tjat will be around is 1st rate unless they put at cap on the number of 1sr and 2nd rates allowed.
  14. No idea matters as long as nation players can freely teleport to and from anywhere and avoid the OW with just the slightest bit of planning ( hell ive figured out how to avoid w if i wanted so they can too) and when they do venture out its in fleets of 1st and 2nd rate that never existed or should be allowed in such numbers. How abut you guys come up with a FIX for all the factions intead of just neutering one because youre mad. Ir better yet just say it, you want pirates gone or so nerfed they cant play. Fix everything ir fix nothing.
  15. All the talk of changing pirates is great and i cant wait exept a few things. With the ease and abundance of quest or missions against the ai and the instant teleports now the game has basically become, make a toon join a group grind in fleet missions till top level get your 1st or 2nd rate and then teleport to port battles all day and night. So what will pirates be doing ? As a player who only has ever played as a true raiding pirate there is really not much left in OW to do and on the rare chance you find something then after battle every player on has teleported around you and just teleports ahead of you anywhere you run to. Why even have pirates after all is said and done ? If you wanted to be realistic take away teleports and limite the number of first and 2nd rates allowed in national factions as well as the limites everyone wants on pirates. At least this way ever port battle isnt all the biggesr sols amd the OW isnt full of 1 2 3rd rates teleporting to any word of pirates.
  16. Since labor hours are allways short and never come fast enough im wondering is or can there be a plan for people in same clan and port to work together ? Like they can click build connie and then invite so and so so clans can work together to make large ships or orders and share a join labor pool. More realistic too.
  17. Thats the point im trying to make sir. It becomes a arm races of ship size and once pirates are forced into only historical ships any grouo of noobs or alts can feel free to ship things without fear and in the meantime all their friends can freely teleport all around you and wait for you at your free port.The ease of pve and instant teleports has done more to kill true piracy than any nerf or change that can be done to pirates. There isnt much left for most to do other than port battles ( lame) so they do more of those. The entire game seems to be now just focused on grinding to get your sol in pve then doing pbs. Ok you guys can have the thread back i just wanted to voice the OP if 4 players who do and have allways only played like historical pirates and how we see the changes and how they really affect gameplay. #removepirates
  18. Im glad it works on your server but for me it does not. In fact i dont know how you are able to attack the large groups. On my server i sail the ships pirates should sail and soon will be forced to sail and i DO see these groups you speak of but when I attack it says BR to low attack fails and alot of the pve only guys on the pvp server sail grossly undercrewed sols with the fleet of lgv or indiaman to ensure i cant attack. Can you tell me how to bypass this ? If more people actually played like the 4 of us did then they could understand how to fix it but the problem is most trying to fix the problems dont truley undertand what needs to be done. It would just be better to remove pirates.
  19. This will fall on deaf ears but heres my two cents. I cant speak for pvp1 but on pvp2 my clan of 4 are the only pirates who actively and only commit acts of piracy and smuggling ( long before there was a button ) on a daily basis. We almost never get involved in the politics of port battles or who owns what. We simply dont care for the war since we are pirates and only care about getting rich. We could skipper sols or massive floating gunships but prefere sailing in a rag tag fleet of small privateers and the smallest of frigates. We build our ships accordingly to have extra crew and speed. This used to be fun and a great way to play BUT with each new patch that shortens timers, makes pve missions closer and easier and better for grinding and event missions and fleet missions that basically keep 90% of players lost in pve grinding the easy xp to get big ships for port battles and keeps them out of my world, the open sea. Now that people can just teleport my world, the open world, is bare. If we are lucky enough to find a person they are almost always near a protective zone, a event or mission to jump into then run and hide in. Then every person on can and does teleport there for no cool down and swarm us and if we can run tbey just teleport ahead of us. This has been the way the game is going and fine whatever BUT being true playing pirate you have left us not much to do so once you take away tbings like port battles ( PLEASE TSKE THEM AWAY I HATE PIRATES DOING THIS) or ship building away there is now a big empty sea for us to do nothing in. As it stands now with free teleports and missions and fleet missions galore you might as well just remove REAL piracy from the game because its basically impossible now.
  20. Well i wont be crude and resort to calling people stupid but i will say you have zero comprehensive skills. I literally said how to remove what you claim will be rampet. Smfh at you people lol.
  21. I like these ideas and have recommended most of them myself. I cant wait to see how they work. Also if you want to fix the time zone thing, two things come to mind. 1 PLEASE dont force pvp2 ( mostly north and south american times) to be forced merged into a euro time zone server. 2 change the port battle system from flaggs you buy and timers to one like potbs where you and whoever is on can sail toa enemy port amd start sitting in its zone of control and start buidling agro towards it. Sinking enemy ai and players in the zone of controla escalates the scale faster. Once X amount of agro is reached that port is open to attack for X amount of hours to your faction. This means players on at no matter what time zone figt for the map rather than this silly time zone gank thing thatany games. Have.
  22. I like this idea IF it means more cost for the players who sail massive ships ment for port battles or massive engagements , not just a bunch of 3rd 2nd and 1st rates out in ow sailing around doing quest. It will really make captians like myself who cruise the ow in frigates and smaller more able to attack ships.
  23. Not if you "gank " like me and take a cerb ir supirise and atrack frigates, trincs, bells and and other large ships. 1.5 allows me to attack anyone in complete safty. I think the 1.5 is illogical in a "sandbox " game but im ALL FOR brining it back lol.
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