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Everything posted by Macjimm

  1. I must have missed the answers from the Devs. Can someone repaste them.
  2. That's good to hear. I was not aware I can turn off voices without turning off other sound effects. Other games have to option to turn off radio transmissions or AI chatter. It is helpful because the playlist soon becomes redundant and hearing the same phrases repeated forever is irritating to many people. My daughter played a game once where the AI language was unintelligible and random. Only the emotion was conveyed. It was a lot less bothersome and retained the effect of providing a voice to the characters without making the conversations predictable and endlessly repetitive. Combining all of the sound effects with voices (or music) would not allow a real choice. The sound effects of Naval Action are wonderful and very enjoyable. Crew muttering and indistinguishable talking and shouting adds to the ambience and can be considered part of the sound effects. Clearly spoken orders and replies should be optional.
  3. Huge suggestion. Provide choice. If you add more voices or music please put them on a toggle so they can be turned off. Your video sounds great the first time or even the first hundred times ... but hearing AI shout the same phrase over and over and over and over thousands and thousands of times will be come annoying at some point. Music always is an option in all games now. I never listen to the music that comes with a game. I love music and have my own.
  4. I like the variety in weather. I hope the game is never mostly sunshine. Wishing for damage from storms and running aground. Bad weather and rocky shores should be at least as threatening as the enemy. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7056-should-the-weather-cause-open-world-damage/ http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/12382-storms/ http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/11584-this-weather/ http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/11301-prevailing-wind-and-storms/ http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/11175-rain-for-30-minutes-is-no-fun/ http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/10142-rough-seas-in-combat/ http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/10993-remove-the-fog/ http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/10862-storms/ http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/10331-stormy-seas-battle-instance/ http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8277-cool-weather-effects-but/
  5. Thanks for your comment Capt Von Gunn I suppose I wasn't clear enough in my proposal. I suggested that the speed of the camera view could be so very very very slow that it would be useless for cheating. Or better yet the camera could be limited to on board the ship. (On the deck or within few feet of the mast.) I hope the devs reconsider and all the camera view (with limitations to restrict cheating) Please, limit the distance that camera can be used from the ship. Please, allow only very very slow speed movement with the w,s,d,a keys. But please do not remove the camera view.
  6. True that using the mouse wheel will allow a view all around.But it is a third person view. As if the player is magically floating in the air looking down from above. Maturin makes a good point, that alternative views would be helpful. Currently we have no way to view from the deck of the ship, as if we are actually sailing. Perhaps having the option to view from the deck is considered unimportant because so many people dislike sailing and consider travel in open world just a waste of time. I found that using a slow speed and positioning myself on the deck was very pleasant. If the devs had added a national identifier (paint/static flag) to each ship then sailing in OW could have been very satisfying. By taking the time to keep a course log (with notes) the journey is filled with things to do. Sailing can be fun. But changes like this make the game less fun. I hope the devs reconsider and all the camera view (with limitations to restrict cheating). Also alternative views from the deck would welcome. It would be nice to get off of that spot 10 feet up the mast.
  7. Oh my gosh. What a disappointment. Such a short sighted decision. (no pun intended). This is a huge degradation of the game. Previously there was a very limited first person view. A player was forced to be nailed the mast about 10 feet up in the air. The forward view was obstructed by a mast in the face. The alternative was to look down on the ship from above it which ruined the immersive effect of sailing. The saving feature was that we could at least obtain a realistic view by double tapping "Home" and re positioning the camera view. It would have been considerate to allow control of the ship after pressing the home key. But at least we could console ourselves knowing that we could still use the home key to access a camera view. yes ..previously by double tapping the home key a player could move about the ship. It was possible to move the bow or the stern. It was even possible to climb the mast and look out from the upper portions of the rigging. This game is way too competitive and those of us who would like to enjoy the beauty of the game are pushed aside and ignored. It would have been okay to limit the camera view to a radius about the ship or allow the camera to move very very slowly so that it would have been ineffective to use as a cheat. But instead the players who would like to enjoy the open world and the incredible immersive world that is Naval Action are rudely discarded as worthless. Please tell us that this is a temporary measure and the camera view will be improved and restored. Please, limit the distance that camera can be used from the ship. Please, allow only very very slow speed movement with the w,s,d,a keys. But please do not remove the camera view. These changes keep limiting us more and more. Previously we could amuse ourselves in open world by positioning ourselves on the deck and being the captain of our in a virtual world. Now we are limited to the view from 10 feet up the mast or hoovering magically above the ship. You have limited the enjoyment of open world sailing. You have made the open world more boring. Removal of the first person view from deck in an instance. This is not possible anymore. The possibilities for videos has been severely snubbed.
  8. Sounds like the big motivation is not to close PvP2 and force the remaining players to use PvP1 only. But what is wanted is for the devs to allow some of the PvP2 players to transfer their assets to PvP1. Seems simple. Would keep everyone happy. Expect a few who would love to see PVP2 killed and it's remaining players alienated.
  9. The Lynx is an excellent ship in game also.
  10. True. That sucks, both for competition and immersion. AND there is no end to it. You may be faced with a dozen enemy at 100 yards after the next battle ... And the next ... Infinitely. You describe a game mechanic where winning is not possible and it is completely unrealistic. Perhaps there is a way to have: crews that must be hired and paid and have moral. limited crews to hire in the cities, crew need supplies: water, food, care, weapons,... special crew members: officers, doctor, ship carpenter, fitter,...the cook! different skills, sailor, gunner,...and skills can be improved, trained. crew can be killed, healed (faster if you have a doctor), changed, taken from boarded ships,.. And tweak the end of battle system. Edit: further discussion on the endless spawn amongst enemy http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14764-cant-outrun-the-enemy/
  11. This has to be the worse logic ever. Rephrasing: The population is low on two servers. We should force people into a server that they choose to avoid because making people do something against their will increase the population. ... And if the numbers get excessive we can exclude people. This thread sounds like a troll. It suggests that the players on PvP2 are just to stupid to know what is good for themselves and if we do not allow them to play the server they like will be much happier. Perhaps we can merge these threads about dictating server choice ... but allow us to pick the type of gameplay we enjoy.
  12. Jimmy Buffett is great. Brings back memories. Did you ever listen to Country Joe MacDonald? Great Falls. Now that was a summer night a dozen or so years ago. My daughter caught a great big old trout on my birthday. We camped out amongst the big rocks and pines to the south east. Cooked that trout over the coals without a pan. When I woke up in the morning noticed mountain lion sign all over. Nice country. Dry. Warm. Lots of deer. Jimmy Buffett suits me just fine.
  13. We should have a separate XP category for Trading (Traveling/Exploring). It offers more variety of gameplay. Imagine if Trading XP allows benefits for trade. (preferred material, discount pricing, access to foreign ports, extra cargo space). But more importantly it is not helpful to gain XP for combat from traveling and trading. We risk having players rank up as advanced military officers who may have little or no experience in combat.
  14. Devs, Thanks for sharing your plans. PVP 2 merge: What will be done if the game increases population? Will another server be created ... again? I suggest we keep PVP2 but allow a chance for players to merge assets into one server. Choice is better than forcing people. Fishing: Will this just be an addition to crafting? Or a simple click of the button? Or an auto feature like combat XP for traveling? I'm excited about fishing but hope it requires some mechanics (slow sailing etc ) and is related to dynamic specific locations. Some places are better for fishing, some worse. Trading XP: Great Idea. Currently a player gains one type of XP that allows progression in the ranks of military only. It will be very helpful to have a form of experience that unlocks advantages for trading/exploring This will encourage more trading, add new goals and increase playability. It is not benificial to increase combat rank from activities other than fighting. Please link the the experience gained from traveling to Trading XP. If not we may end up with high ranking naval officers who have little or no experience in battles, especially with more travel to the Pacific.
  15. It would be great to have various types of missions except for small exclusive seek and destroy battles. We could add more combat missions. Destroying specific types of ships or a specific number of ships or a combination of ships and ports. Finding a certain Captain and capturing or destroying his/her ship. But they would all be combat missions and should provide combat XP and perhaps gold. To be properly diverse we need new type of XP that allows advantage (or opportunities) in other areas of the game. Like travel XP or trader XP that allows access to foreign ports or even enemy ports and better prices on trade goods. Perhaps lots of travel XP would result in better skills (less damage) in a storm. But the game is primarily about fighting with some features that contribute to the fighting. That is what the word “Action” means in the title. “Action” could mean: 1) Trading a specific quantity and type of goods or resource. 2) Carrying a dispatch to a designated location (port, fleet. Etc). 3) Finding a resource rich location (fish, timber, ore, etc). 4) Discovering a treasure or ship wreck, plant or animal. 5) Rescuing a stranded traveler or ship. 6) Transporting a passenger or two (officer, rich merchant, royal, etc). 7) Sail through a storm zone. 8) Catch a quantity of fish. By species. 9) Contributing (money or goods) to a worthy cause. 10) Combinations of the above. Completion of an above mission could result in a payout in gold and/or XP. The amount could vary depending on the risk involved in the mission. Some mission would be unavailable to players with insufficient trading XP or travel XP. NA is about fighting. There is a some trading and crafting but it seems to be focused towards allowing more fighting. Currently Action = fighting. Respectfully submitted as constructive thought. No offence is intended. I like the game.
  16. This is a good thread. It describes two aspects of the competitive spirt of this community. One side would force everyone to fight because they believe that combat is the very essence of the game. And others who would self destruct themselves if they were a mouse if only to gouge out an eye of a sadistic cat who had pinned them. The participants have expressed themselves well. Not completely. But very well.
  17. I can't speak for the Devs but it seems pretty obvious that NA is about fighting and battles, There is some other content that is directly related to fighting. My interpretation is that the time spent (to code an option to send NPCs in OW) is considered better spent fixing other parts of the game. But if anyone can come up with a compelling rational argument how using AI to sail in OW could significantly improve and increase PvP opportunities ... that might make it worth thinking about. Personally I really like the idea. Controlling NPCs. Giving them orders. Taking manual control. Swapping control with other players. But my priority is not on competitive combat.
  18. I had no idea that it would take that long to code a diminishing food feature into the game. Also had no idea that a lynx or a cutter carried 6 months worth of food. I'd mistakenly imagined that small ships that sailed around the Caribbean carried a few weeks of food. I'a also imagined that the larger ships were floating self contained fortresses that could last many months without resupply but incurred huge costs when they did so. Your arithmetic breakdown is enlightening and if the average player will not require food ever, then there is no point adding the feature. Personally I wouldn't want to create a fake feature where provision are consumed in a silly accelerated fashion just to artificially create a need. In regard to the other points and instead of feeling disappointed to actually provide SOUND arguments to counter our logic and provide ideas on making provisions fun also explain why food should not be eaten when i log off and maybe explain why keep double standards and not implement medicine, powder, cannoballs, chainshot, forcing you to probably sail less constantly returning to ports after a series of good fights why don't we also split repairs into planks, plugs and sails.. and actually make you repair constantly while you have those supplies It's a little difficult to provide objective feedback in the context of these points. The items are all based on various subjective opinions of fun. It's renders down to personal taste. Some players may enjoy many (or all) of the features you point out, especially if players could toggle their application from manual to automatic. But any arguments are moot ... as you said the average player will never use the feature. I know it's illogical, I'm still disappointed.. But it would be ineffective to waste months of development to code something that is not used. I'll get over it.
  19. When I read the title I thought "Great!! A new feature will be an added aspect to the game that requires us to supply the ship with food and water". No sarcasm. I was excited. I was disappointed to read the first post and find that this is just a addition to crafting that really has nothing to do with a new feature. Ships will run forever with out refilling. I had hoped that the devs were about to include a system where ships need to put into to port and refill water barrels and restock on food (for a fee) ... after several months of in game sailing. Wouldn't affect the PvP'rs who are out for a few days or even a few weeks. I envisioned that after several months (of in-game time) without taking on water or food the crew morale would begin to slowly diminish. The game development is still young and I'm hopeful.
  20. Thanks Devs for this massive proposed improvement to the game. Good evidence that you are listening to the testers and acting on evidence of the way the game is played. Crew management, capture and fleets are a very important part of the game. I like the suggestion that Musiko24 made and noticed that many other players have liked it also. I seem to remember that the Devs were not supportive of AI sailing players ships but rather the captured ship must become part of the players fleet. Please reconsider this as I would dearly love to have my capture sail back under AI power. Players could provide escort - even teams of players. The best scenario would be to allow players the option to have the capture part of ones fleet or to send it off to sail independent as an NPC. Even if the bot is stupid and doesn't sail intelligently or quickly I would dearly love to have the option to let the AI try. It's really just another choice that could be effective when there are only just a few enemies about. It could be really fun to shadow the NPC on its way back to an outpost and protect it. Or take the risk and let it make its own way, by itself. And thanks for removing teleporting. The idea of pressing crews from captured ships into service is good. Allowing players to swap crew members, officers, cargo and even ships is fantastic. Moving cargo between ships (of ones own fleet and friendlies) would be really cool too
  21. I like the idea of less ports and more free towns in an area. For me it would be more interesting if the distance between them was greater. Perhaps one day the developers will add more area to the world. Then there could be an area like the Caribbean and other areas with less ports. That way those that like the current set up can have it. Others that want a more sparsely populated area can enjoy that also. The only really bad idea would be to force all of us into a smaller area and take away the content that we currently have and many prefer. It's about choice and options. Restrictions and forcing gameplay styles won't help improve the game.
  22. Great idea. As long as the ship makes the journey and can be attacked by other AI and players.
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