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night and day

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dont know about some of you but myself and many friends have had it with the night and day every hour thing,,makes the game so cloudy and dark all the time,the game always seems like a somber mass..i suggest 6 hours of day and 6 hours of night be about right and i think the change in the wind could be slowed down a bit also,,what say you all!

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I'm not sure what the NA  ratio is, but i know that Archeage uses 10 min Real Time for 1 hour in-game, resulting in a 4-hour day in ArcheAge. 

The system seems to work nicely, and there is even a sort of clock at the top right of the UI that tells you the exact in-game time when you mouse over it. 

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Right now it is 19.2 minutes.


Absolutely ridiculous - between the bad wind every 20 minutes and the dark every other 20 minutes - good sailing is about 40% of the time.


I can't see well at night - so I pretty much have to log out, which limits how often I can take my bigger ships out. FYI if you log out in the middle of the ocean in your basic lynx - it's usually there when you come back ;) or you are at some new and exciting port of call!!!!!!


There are plenty of actual log books of ships sailing on the same course for weeks in real life

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I think the day and night should be the same. In an earlier post i once stated the days could be twice as long and the nights twice as short. But we cant forget about the trading part (or smugling part if thats gonne be in )of the game. I can understand some traders want to sail at night so they r less visible to other players.

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Here is my contribution to the debate :

French humour from the movie Les Visiteurs.

A french medieval serf discovering XXth-century electricity after a time travel and saying on and on : "Day, Night, Day, Night..."

At the end of the sequence, the woman says : "Sir, please, in the long run, it's getting boring". :)


Just for fun 'cause I love the idea of day/night cycle in NA. No guess about possible corrections.

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Night is already ridiculously short compared to day. More like Northern Europe latitude (in summer) than Caribbean latitude, I think. I agree that the entire cycle itself is very fast, but I think it is pegged to the travel time compression, i.e. we are sailing realistic distances per day of game time.

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I would like to see the visuals of night improved. Day time is beautiful, but the night is dull and uninteresting. I would like blacker blacks and really pretty moon and stars. I would like lanterns on the ships. Lighthouses on shore, and lantern lights in the ports and on shore. I don't thing night needs to be shorter, it just needs to be better. For me personally, I would like it to be dark enough at night that it would be possible to lose a chase in the dark. This was common in this era as I understand it, and it would add gameplay around lanterns and trade convoys etc.

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Guest raat

I would like the 1-4 hr day/night cycle much better.  I do agree with Chustler here.  Nighttime is currently very dull.  His suggestions would be a welcomed addition.

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I would like to see the visuals of night improved. Day time is beautiful, but the night is dull and uninteresting. I would like blacker blacks and really pretty moon and stars. I would like lanterns on the ships. Lighthouses on shore, and lantern lights in the ports and on shore.


Yes, indeed. It just feels dull and dark a lot for me, I know the day is technically longer, but in my mind when I picture OW, when I'm away from the game, or think back to what I did the last time I played, I picture it in a dark haze, it just seems that's what my eyes see so much more than anything else.


Of course these wishes would gel wonderfully with dynamic weather; cloudy days, not a cloud in the sky days, intemittent rain showers, crisp nights, rainy nights et al.

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I don't have a problem with it being harder to see at night, if it has meaningful gameplay implications. Current cycle is too short for that, however.

If night is just like daytime with different aesthetics, I don't see the point. The shorter view distance that annoys you might benefit someone else pursuing different goals.

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I'm not sure what the NA  ratio is, but i know that Archeage uses 10 min Real Time for 1 hour in-game, resulting in a 4-hour day in ArcheAge. 


The system seems to work nicely, and there is even a sort of clock at the top right of the UI that tells you the exact in-game time when you mouse over it. 


Like this and if I may recommend, kindly go watch Black Desert Online's day/night cycle. I won't even ask Game-Labs because Unity 4 will restrict them too much.

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I have been to the Caribbean and found that the moon at times is bright enough to light most of the surrounding ocean for miles. And the moon at the equator is amazingly huge in size, love watching the lunar rise over the equator.

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