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Thb, I dont get all this immersion stuff I hear people talk about recently in all games??? In Elite Dangrous it was an sad excuse for the Frontier fanbois for the lack of content the game has to offer. If a name or voice comms totally destroy your "immersion" of being Lord Nelson then I guess the next will be you asking for an offline or solo mode... ohwait...

Edited by MesserJocke
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I think it comes down to how you prefer to play games; do you like to really put yourself in that role (whatever that may be - applicable to almost all game genres) or do you just like the challenge and are happy to accept you're 'just playing a game.'


For me 'immersion' isn't a recent thing; it's how I've always played games.


I'm not asking for an offline mode (obviously! :P), I was simply clarifying why, despite otherwise loving this genre, I was put off due to the game's multi-player nature.

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I think it comes down to how you prefer to play games; do you like to really put yourself in that role (whatever that may be - applicable to almost all game genres) or do you just like the challenge and are happy to accept you're 'just playing a game.'


For me 'immersion' isn't a recent thing; it's how I've always played games.


I'm not asking for an offline mode (obviously! :P), I was simply clarifying why, despite otherwise loving this genre, I was put off due to the game's multi-player nature.


Yeah, I mean, MMO's are MMO's.  If it's online, there's always someone that'll be an idiot and break your immersion.  There's no getting around that.  As for the names of people, maybe we could get GL to develop an option that allows people to "turn off" player names.  Either completely, or have them substitute something generic like in the current PvE so you don't have to see "FatToad72" if you don't want to.

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not sure if you are still checking this post but I have an off the wall question or 2

1 will you be able to form societies like POTBS?

2 is so would it be possible to start your own small society port or town ?


Yes there will be guilds and clans, and it will be possible to settle in ports.

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Is it the plan to have just one open world or many identical? 
One open world just seems to me to be a nice idea but could not work with a historically based map - which I'd love to see
1. Massive developer time to create enough space for each player to have fun in. Or perhaps all ports will look the same (which throws away a lot of the charm of a historically accurate map). It's simply not a scalable solution.
2. If distances are scaled down (by perhaps a factor of 10) to avoid long travel - then obviously area is divided by 100. The player density could be so high that if you wanted to sail into a popular location like perhaps Plymouth harbour - you would have to take a ticket and join the queue to do so.
I'm probably missing something obvious here but sadly, I can only see historical maps being practical if there are multiple identical open worlds. And even with non-historical maps the dev time would still be way too high.
Or perhaps the necessity for multiple identical open worlds is so obvious that it hasn't come up in discussion.


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Helloo dear devs. ,


I have a question about cargo space in all ships.

To elaborate will a war ship like let say a Bellona  be able to to trade, will she be able to use its cargo space for transporting some goods from point a to point b or will the trade be only duable in trade ships as such and the war ships cargo space is used only for (ball,powder,guns...) ?

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ok but what I meant was say start a new port or town of your own society on a uninhabited island ?

and on that not will their be pve only areas or will the entire game fall under pvp?


Starting a new port on an uninhabited island may become possible in the future. There will be protected areas for neutral players.



 Is it the plan to have just one open world or many identical? 


There will be only one open world for testing.



Are you still allowing acess to Open World as per the requirements set out earlier [santisima req]?


As I have finaly acquired said ship.


Initially yes.



 To elaborate will a war ship like let say a Bellona  be able to to trade, will she be able to use its cargo space for transporting some goods from point a to point b or will the trade be only duable in trade ships as such and the war ships cargo space is used only for (ball,powder,guns...) ?


Yes, but warships have much less space than trade ships due to hull, gun batteries, and other armament.



Question: Will the Open World Time and Instance Times be the same? Will the Instances be locked after some time so noone else can join them any more? Will people who come later to the Instance spawn further away from the Action?


Time is faster in the OW. Don't know yet about locking/spawning.

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Mast loss in battle?


Hi Guys,  You are doing a super job on this.  I'm happy............


Observation:  In my readings, it seems that masts going overboard/ shot away, in battle was frequent and common.  Sometimes all three.   It seems not so much in the game?

Is this by design or will you adjust for more reality later?


thanks and keep it up!!



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the rumor I was told was next month but just wanted to hear some more estimates before I get too excited :)


It was once 'the end of 2014.' The thing to remember when watching a game develop is that deadlines are rarely ever firm. Delays happen.

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