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Upcoming v1.05 changelog

Nick Thomadis

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On 2/12/2022 at 7:23 PM, Nick Thomadis said:

Refit Mode: Now you can refit your ships, from changing a few components to radically replacing weapons, funnels, towers with modern variations. This new and essential feature will allow you to utilize all the latest technology advancements for your current ships without the need to scrap them and build new ones.


My favourite part of the patch notes!

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On 2/12/2022 at 7:23 PM, Nick Thomadis said:


  • Exponential speed limit for hulls: As ships reach a maximum speed barrier depending on the hull technology, then the engine weight needed to achieve a higher speed increases exponentially. Thus it will be much harder to design unrealistically fast ships with old hulls, something that a lot of players abused to make much faster ships than the AI to overwhelm it.


I must admit that I used this to the full extent but I love the take on it with this. No more 24 knt  1890 pre-Dreadnoughts or at least not with a very big engine which will take most of the space. 

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4 hours ago, Candle_86 said:

Lot's of stuff going on in Ukraine atm, I'm pretty sure game development isn't a priority while artillery is raining down

They are located in Kiev, aren't they? Not exactly close to any location artillery has been raining down in the last ~80 years

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4 hours ago, Terka1917 said:

They are located in Kiev, aren't they? Not exactly close to any location artillery has been raining down in the last ~80 years

Imagine your country has this problem, and you don't give a damn . . . /S

I wish all luck and hope for the Ukrainian people out there and hope nothing seriously bad happens - Life is incomparable to a game !

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5 hours ago, Terka1917 said:

They are located in Kiev, aren't they? Not exactly close to any location artillery has been raining down in the last ~80 years

I just know the Russian backed terrorists have been sending artillery shells into the non terrorist parts of Ukraine, I do wish we would declare Russia as part of the Axis of Evil of Terrorism, where Iran, Iraq, and North Korea sit Russia deserves a spot now on the list as a global sponsor of terrorism. 

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I don't think we need to discuss politics here. In any case, it's very unlikely the delays have something to do with the "current" situation in Ukraine (which has been going on for 8 years after all), which means there must be another reason; and since we already know there are instabilities in the campaign and possibly other problems, it's fair to assume it's those that are still causing delays.
What does that mean?
It means that, if the devs continue to have trouble fixing them, they might decide to release the next patch without the campaign features that cause those problems.

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1 hour ago, Terka1917 said:

I don't think we need to discuss politics here. In any case, it's very unlikely the delays have something to do with the "current" situation in Ukraine (which has been going on for 8 years after all), which means there must be another reason; and since we already know there are instabilities in the campaign and possibly other problems, it's fair to assume it's those that are still causing delays.
What does that mean?
It means that, if the devs continue to have trouble fixing them, they might decide to release the next patch without the campaign features that cause those problems.

I would not call the imminent invasion of Ukraine by Russia "politics".  this is more like a pending war crime about to happen. 

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34 minutes ago, The PC Collector said:

Yeah, but if that's really the problem, coming by and saying "Hey, the update is going to be delayed due to unexpected bugs" would take them literally one minute. And we would really appreciate being informed.

The devs did post on the Steam forum that the new patch has some game breaking bugs and would be delayed by a few days. 

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I did too he most likly mean the previous information that was on that forum. Somebody claimed on steam that game is pauesed (he found message on disscord) but i was unable to find any proof to that either. My guess is that bugs that are part of this update are bigger then anticipated or something like that. 

Right now there is just 1 day deley. My guess is that we will get either an update tommorow or day after that or an official statement from dev about the state of the project. 


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On 2/21/2022 at 1:13 PM, Andvarus said:

I must admit that I used this to the full extent but I love the take on it with this. No more 24 knt  1890 pre-Dreadnoughts or at least not with a very big engine which will take most of the space. 

I was having fun with my 44knt BCs. I would literally not build BBs and go light on CAs. Just a mass of dreadnought BCs zipping around that no one could hit, blasting away with 11in or 12in guns. I mean, I knew it wasn't realistic, but ah the good old days...

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