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Fake PB to create RvR-cooldown

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There are no statements from me or my clanmates. We were busy at PdP PB(19:34 server time). I thought we would be in time at Remidos(19:53 server time) but expectedly easy PdP battle was becoming hard and it took full 1.5h.

You and your clan should have been wiped after Truxillo clownery. But you possess another protecting level. So enjoy it and keep quiet.

https://forum.game-labs.net/profile/18576-thomas-boyle/  (c). He's banned for nothing.

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Seems russians were too late raising hosti themselves :D. @Anolytic lol i think there is no compassion whatsoever towards this claim of yours rn 

Edited by Je maintiendrai
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Let's just be completely realistic here and stop the BS on who touched who where etc. 

We all know that Plymouth was russian not so long ago.

We all know that Denmark-Norway is at war with Sweden but currently working with the Russian against the evil empire.

We all know that Denmark-Norway has the capacity to flip a port like Plymouth in less than 20 mins. (leak sinking AIs isn't that hard).

We all know that IF Plymouth was flipped by DK/NG just to ensure that Sweden couldn't recapture the port, there would be a lot of different posts in this tribunal from among others - the swedes. So stfu and start talking about wether or not this is actually a hello kittying mechanic we want allowed in RvR? We all know this will simply end in a shitton of alt flipping important ports and the game as a whole won't be better for it one bit.

@admin @Ink could we get this topic closed and a ruling that is public please because otherwise I've got some ports to grind host on regardless of wether @Anolytic thinks its fine or not.. he can't prevent me from putting his ports on lockdown.

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11 hours ago, Alonso Alvarado said:

First this is not irrelevant, its the root of the problem we are talking about. Secondly your clan mates have been camping at La Habana and Gasparilla coast from months ago, hunting spanish players without respect for new players. Your clan mates have been bullying spanish players in game. We have seen it at combat news. I´m sure devs have the database which can assure it. You have a lot of information about it at spanish section of this game forum. You will see a lot of closed posts by moderator.

Yes, if spanish do what you like you will let them play the game. If they want to play by their own you will smash them. Its so easy like that.

You can walk this way till a map reset will be needed or till people will be turn tired of this unbalanced game and quit. 

Bye, close the door.... 

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27 minutes ago, rediii said:

Waiting for 1 month. Why you react like that? You know you did something wrong?

Genevieve did nothing wrong, it is all and entirely my "fault" (not fault since it is not forbidden, not yet, and there was a post by admin saying there's nothing wrong/strange in doing so) since it was me who organized the Truxillo thing. So PM me and talk to me if you have something to say about that instead of filling the forum with your complaints. 

Now: let's all leave this thread to the admin to let him fix these exploits. 

Best, Frost

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7 minutes ago, rediii said:

Hope you get a ban then :) 

Port trading is allowed. You'd be banned as well then.

Regardless: Keep on topic people!

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2 minutes ago, rediii said:

it wasnt a porttrade. It was a alt pulling hostility missions so another nation can do the hostility.

It was a exploit that was fixed by devs, thereby acknowledging it as an exploit.

What was "fixed" was allies being able to assist in hostility. Port trading is still allowed, as in the Truxillo case, Spain currently hold it and it was given uncontested by the swedes. If you want another topic for Truxillo, again, then you should make one. This is NOT for Truxillo and this is NOT caribbean news. Keep on topic and only post if u are either: Party to the issue, or have relevant information to the current issue. This is not relevant. What COULD be relevant however is wether or not it's fair for danes fx. to do host on Canalete, Guanica, Conil etc, to prevent real PBs. I HOPE we can all agree that this would be considered an exploit and hence why @admin should close this thread and make a public ruling asap.

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6 minutes ago, rediii said:

Hope you get a ban then :) 

Perhaps instead of looking at the mirror saying to yourself how good you are you should start learning how to read...


Now: I won't get a ban because rules didn't forbid this and because admin explicitly says it's legit.... till someone decides it's not. And next time, when rules say it is not legit, someone who does that will get banned. That's how it works: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ex_post_facto_law#Germany

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1 minute ago, rediii said:

The screenshot you posted is bullshit because nations cant attack their own nation. In RL a new nation/rebel group would emerge and would be fightable by the nation just like in syria. Accoridng to that logic Civil wars should in fact be possible and integrated into the game.

You try to somehow win against us by exploiting mechanics to the fullest because you are too bad in the game.

fine. we are too bad and we even know it. when will you stop whining about truxillo being swedish for a short time, but just not the "right" swedish you san-juan-cheater? it is embarassing man! grow some pompano!

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1 minute ago, rediii said:

The screenshot you posted is bullshit because nations cant attack their own nation. In RL a new nation/rebel group would emerge and would be fightable by the nation just like in syria. Accoridng to that logic Civil wars should in fact be possible and integrated into the game.

You try to somehow win against us by exploiting mechanics to the fullest because you are too bad in the game.

Tell that to admin. 
Also, I may be bad but the Truxillo thing was done in order to let every GB player have more days to evacuate. NOT to "win against you" (how the hell do you win a war by holding Truxillo for a couple of days?). Pretty simple concept, even you can understand this.

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9 minutes ago, rediii said:

You wanted to do it so we can not attack and take truxillo. In order to reach that we would ahve to get british accounts opening hostility missions and asking someone else to actually kill the AI in the mission. You wanted a port that is not conquerable by sweden therefore exploiting mechanics.

mimimi. we wanted it become swedish so it´s not conquerable by sweden you mean? didn´t you remove danish clans from your "friends"-list *laugh* so they couldn´t defend the danish port san-juan you flipped with your swedish accounts? that´s what i heard at least. your civil-war idea from above will open pandora´s box. better think before writing i´d suggest.

Edited by Genevieve Malfleurs
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Just now, rediii said:

You did exploit and I don't know why you went there and thought so long about just a game to get around a mechanic can you explain that to me?

Removing someone from friendslist because you dont want him to defend your port is actually a valid mechanic. That's why the friendslist exists

i explain: to poke you. it apparently works quite fine :)

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Just now, AeRoTR said:

Why do you guys still responding to this ugly piece of crap ? Let him play his little pixel dictatorship, let him shit in the forum, let him play with his own shit. Do not get close to the shit, shit will be on you.

@rediii as much as I like to call you some of my favourites words, still I will not get close and personal with shit, so good luck and enjoy the smell. 

Let's not attend to this Crying Circus of Insecure Little Girls of Tribunal Masters of Shite ...

Ah and do not forget to tell your servants to create a new tribunal post full of cries for this post. I was distant to the game for a while, damn now I need to punish and murder 10 more ikeas around their capital, thank you for fueling me to play the game.

don't threaten us with a good time

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From my point of view (and I admit I am not by far the wisest here):

Fact 1: A clan raised hostility attacking a port. Nothing wrong.

Fact 2: The clan didn't show up in the PB. Nothing illegal (up to what I know).

So, what we have here is that a player is asking that when Fact 1 and Fact 2 occur, the players implicated must be punished according to the hidden motives after Fact 1 and Fact 2.

Well, I suggest then (to apply to all legal activities in Naval Action) to make a list of the following:

a) "Hidden Motives" that should make a legal activity punishible.

b) A way to demonstrate those "Hidden Motives"

Interesting. Surely, all of us can contribute to make both lists.

I am not able to make a contribution to any of the lists, but I compromise myself to think about it next days.

Best regards!

P.D.: To @Anolytic You said:"Spain ramped up their griefing, and instead of retaliation we offered Spain almost all the ports that we conquered from Dutch in the Florida Keys. "

I was in the conversation we had about this. I saw the proposal you send. And I think it is not honest from you to summarize it in that phase.

Edited by RoqueCent
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14 minutes ago, RoqueCent said:


From my point of view (and I admit I am not by far the wisest here):

Fact 1: A clan raised hostility attacking a port. Nothing wrong.

Fact 2: The clan didn't show up in the PB. Nothing illegal (up to what I know).

So, what we have here is that a player is asking that when Fact 1 and Fact 2 occur, the players implicated must be punished according to the hidden motives after Fact 1 and Fact 2.

Well, I suggest then (to apply to all legal activities in Naval Action) to make a list of the following:

a) "Hidden Motives" that should make a legal activity punishible.

b) A way to demonstrate those "Hidden Motives"

Interesting. Surely, all of us can contribute to make both lists.

I am not able to make a contribution to any of the lists, but I compromise myself to think about it next days.

Best regards!

P.D.: To @Anolytic You said:"Spain ramped up their griefing, and instead of retaliation we offered Spain almost all the ports that we conquered from Dutch in the Florida Keys. "

I was in the conversation we had about this. I saw the proposal you send. And I think it is not honest from you to summarize it in that phase.

REDS and "being honest" don't fit in the same phrase. Their thing is being more like crying bullies. Nothing new, everybody knows them by now. Someone had to fill the gap left by LV and keep going with the exploits and the toxicity. 

Nobody talking about the fake battles between reds and their Yankee friends, or only other people make abuse of game mechanics? 

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41 minutes ago, rediii said:

tbh trolling BASTD ppl and the current danes is pretty enjoyable right now :D

Yes, but doing that in Tribunal might not be the best idea. Others got forum banned for less. 

Can we have a mod clean this thread up? Otherwise, we won't get a proper case and no judgement on the issue. 

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On topic: 

I think it's problematic to judge actions by players intentions instead of observable actions. Simply because there is no evidence for the intentions in the server log files. In this case, the observable actions were:

  1. Port hostility was raised (no violation)
  2. Attacker did not show (no violation)

Both actions individually and also in combination are no violation of any rule. This does not mean, I support this behaviour as I think it is an exploit to prevent others from playing. However, any no-show could then be tribunaled. And we all know that sometimes it is just not possible to fill a port battle for whatever reason. So, imho, the case needs to be closed for now. 

The only thing that could solve this is a proper alliance system. In this case, alliance (which is allegedly in place between the nations involved) should have prevented raising hostility in the first place. 

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1 hour ago, zaba said:

REDS and "being honest" don't fit in the same phrase. Their thing is being more like crying bullies. Nothing new, everybody knows them by now. Someone had to fill the gap left by LV and keep going with the exploits and the toxicity. 

Nobody talking about the fake battles between reds and their Yankee friends, or only other people make abuse of game mechanics? 

SH can't talk about fair play, remember Gasparilla.... 

@admin, devs, bring back alliance system... 


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