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[Commonwealth] The new face of Poland - The Privateers - PRIV


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Poland hits the market!

We're looking for offers:

Live Oak (10.000 logs)
Food Supplies (15.000 pieces)

If You're willing to trade with us - don't hesitate to contact me! :)

Edited by OjK
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On 8/15/2018 at 11:12 PM, OjK said:

As of it, that's what we promise:


Even if we will tag Your fleet with number advantage, we'll be more than happy to let You choose the people You will fight, to have an equal and fair combat - we look for those!
If You will communicate, willing to have such fair combat, the other vessels will just stay in the combat inactive, letting You, and few of us having fair and interesting battle.


Can you explain this?




It looks a lot like an old PFK :) 


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On 8/27/2018 at 5:32 PM, vazco said:

Can you explain this? 


Please don't confuse the fact of no ganking when we're on the hunt, with the fact that we won't agree for taking advantage of it. 

Why You didn't post the screenshot who started that with going 2v1 against our player on our waters? 

If You thought that we will let You kill him, and wave You goodbye, You were wrong. 

Just don't tell stories from the middle chapters please :)

Who knows, maybe if You'd offer 1v1 when You ganked our guy, You'd still have Your purple very fast Trinco on Naval Clock :)

Crying we repayed with same coin?

Lame ;)


We're happy to offer equal fights, but if You abuse it, expect the same :)

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I really believed something would change. So far I see and hear about the same ganking and same acid in chat (though one battle in 4 - I must admit that's a substantial improvement). Maybe that's just my luck. At least I hope you really have a new leader, someone who can be reasoned with.


4 minutes ago, OjK said:

Why You didn't post the screenshot who started that with going 2v1 against our player on our waters? 

Full story? Sure :) In danish waters I encountered polish 1st rate with BellePoule in a fleet. I chased him to your port. When I started the fight, a russian Bellona unexpectedly jumped in to my side. We fought next to your forts. A quite even battle, considering we had 50% of your BR. We can repeat it the other way around if you want :) 



11 minutes ago, OjK said:

You'd still have Your purple very fast Trinco

Easy come, easy go. Look at crafter :) It was worth it to help Maeve get away. 

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1 hour ago, Otto Kohl said:

Fact is you will never git gud if you keep fighting 10v1. You could send just 2 guys to face Vazco so they gain experience, rest could look and learn, but you rather choose to gank him. You will never learn how to PvP that way. Im telling this over and over to all PFK members for over 2 years and you still do same shit. Thats why your clan will never suceed.

We keep the learning and training for different occasions, believe me ;)
2v1 would still didn't teach them enough.

For that, we organise pre-arranged fights in equal ships. 

So when it's time to train, we train, but sometimes it's not about training, but returning a favor ;)
Vazco is still big persona non-grata for older players. 


58 minutes ago, King of Crowns said:

would the commonwealth be interested in san Lazaro as a port to hunt the Spanish from? you can put the timer in the WO/Blanc timezone. 0300-06 server time and we will keep it safe from these Spanish bullies you have encountered.  open world hostilities will still be fair game of course.


We'll get in touch


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3 minutes ago, Otto Kohl said:

You will not learn anything from each other but from more experienced players like Vazco.

What are you talking about? Of course they will! They are doing it for more than 2 years and look, they are great! 
However maybe not in fighting, but in storytelling : - )

Edited by Sith Lord Mikocen
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6 minutes ago, Otto Kohl said:

You will not learn anything from each other but from more experienced players like Vazco.

Who said we're doing it between each others?

There are plenty nations happy to fight some pre-arranged skirmish.

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Just wondering...

What is it in this game, that makes so many of skilled PvP players display some kind of a egomania and uncontrollable urge to preach others and/or show them, how much better they are from all others (maybe not directly, but through a selection of words / attitude), especially in public? Modesty seems to be unusually uncommon here. 

Have this game accidentally collected the features needed to make it a perfect platform to deal with one's lack of acceptance, appreciation and recognition? It's a feat so common throughout seasoned PvP players (obviously not all, but many) that I doubt it's a pure coincidence. 

I have a theory that there is something in this game that makes people with certain mental... attitude feel so good when wining PvP, perhaps by tickling their ego, and that triggers them to play more and more, allowing them to gain exceptional PvP experience over time, as opposed to those, who either focus on economy/PvE and only casually play do PvP, or simply stop playing the game after a while. 

Forum / GLOBAL activity of such players, and the fact that I see the same names over and over again in similar posts of a similar content, only seems to back up what I wrote above.

I think one could write a quite interesting psychological thesis on that. 

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8 minutes ago, Otto Kohl said:

Because its a PvP game, ale when you choose "hardcore" nation you cant be PvE/ economy focused player, because you will be steamrolled by anyone who is willing to spend his time smashing you.

Since I am failing to find any relation between Your post above and my post, the only thing that comes into my mind at the moment is an old Polish saying: "hit the table and the scissors will answer". Not sure if that is translatable to English, but i don't believe that to be an issue in this conversation...

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22 minutes ago, vazco said:

Ok, good to know :D I guess you still have old leaders.

Old leaders, old players, old rules. New name, new post.

Nah, not really.

I just won't tell them to stop attacking You.

Why would I?

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