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Total War against Great Britain

Senhor Lenhador

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14 minutes ago, monk33y said:

I understand it's hard to think for ones self as a British player with questionable IQ levels! But unless I'm mistaken the total war was only from ultra!

Come now British captains your embarrassing yourself now... Try reading the actual post before you start your flaming!!

Close to trolling again @monk33y..

I for one dont want the spantards to leave game or switch nations.

As for VLTRA im sure there TOTAL war idea/ post was possibly dare i say abit rash & im sure brits would be willing to come to a arrangement however i cant help but think of all the times spain in general has told us one thing and done another.

I also like the fact its a SORRY player saying we have questionable iq when im sure SORRY are/ where allies of VLTRA and from what ive seen by allies you actually meant silent not help at all partners.

Maybe you should research term allies...

Love you @monk33y (still waiting for you at bluefields) xx

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On 11/7/2017 at 11:29 AM, Grundgemunkey said:

you are remarkably well informed ... please let us know who these allies are... as we need to let them know..

lol good one.. made me laugh..

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Really amusing to read this Thread:


spain came in swinging and with the early game advantage. A lot of boasting. Declaring "total war", the gloves are off, threatening to one port britain.

now they run, tails tugged tight between their buttocks. Falling apart with internal struggles and yet again: everybody is at fault, except themselves. 

Quiet enjoyable read, guys. Keep up the Drama ;-)

Edited by Chimera
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9 hours ago, Lord Vicious said:

or maybe they not where good enought, lets face it brit pvp capabilities are proxime to 0.  So maybe you where bad enought for make them shine compared to you.

maybe ..;; we are very bad ...so bad that i dont think we count ....


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9 hours ago, Lord Vicious said:

or maybe they not where good enought, lets face it brit pvp capabilities are proxime to 0.  So maybe you where bad enought for make them shine compared to you.

I will happily 1v1 you. But I know you will find excuses to why not to or only do it around MT.

Edited by Batman
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1 minute ago, Batman said:

I will happily 1v1 you. But I know you will find excuses to why not to or only do it around MT.

what would be the point .... if you won.... he would only claim, you had a multi national crew ...or  that he was the real winner  because although he sank ..he had more hit points than you

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I have explained this so hello kittying many times... The TOTAL WAR was a bad idea, posted from the rage of the last days with the cutter tactic, anyway, a war is a war, sometimes you lose and others you win, VLTRA have been talking about leaving the faction since the wipe was done. Before the conquest mark was implemented, in spain, there were a lot of internal problems and VLTRA was made to try to solve them, and not only did not work, but it made things worse. The people insults each other in nation chat everyday, the environment is unsustainable and the clan decided to leave (This has been happening for over a year)

more info: 


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7 minutes ago, troody said:

i dont understand any spanish, could u summarize it? :D

Sure, most of the post are people insulting us becouse we are leaving spain and people from VLTRA insulting back, the only decent post are the OP and the explanation of @Jorge and @Pablo Frias

And they banned all the VLTRA players with no spanish caracter from the ts lol (alts accounts are not allowed)

Edited by Pitxagorri
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1 hour ago, Pitxagorri said:

Its all in hands of the new spanish council (we will have to wait for a oficial post)

I predict that the new Spanish council declares non aggression with the British/danes/Dutch/French/sweeds/USA 


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Spain still has the most port possessions on the map of all nations. More ports than their numbers justify. Surely some nations are going to covet some of that. While most nations should know and understand to be careful not to diminish Spain too much in Cuba, there are many ports up for grabs in the Gulf if someone wants to populate them. While a consensus that Spain should not be wiped out and one-ported while they are rebuilding is good, it's not necessary to grant them to remain as he most expansive faction on the map. But for now everyone should want them to get ships in their fleet so they can give anyone coming for them a fight.

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I think the conversation should go something along the lines of "who would you rather have attacking you, brits or pirates?"

Do you turn your back on the pirates when they "mostly" refrained from attacking your ports or do you ally with a nation that has consistently attacked Spanish ports!!

Either way the new spanish council is in a tricky position. 

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3 hours ago, monk33y said:

Either way the new spanish council is in a tricky position. 

The new council, I´m sure, are listening greatest hits of new age , like Confortably Numb of Pink Floyd.A great song for great moments

They want the peace with everyone, but all day insulting UK, Pirates, allies, etc etc etc. Dont worry, that behaviour is inside the DNA of most spaniards: cainite behaviour.

Good luck to all good friends we leave there, and hope new council doesn´t turn the game ,in the spanish side, into the new crafting action game. As I said in another forum in spanish, time to have rest & nap: the rest of spanish clans are now in peace and happy: members of Vltra outside faction, most of us banned (instead of been payware suppoters of TS Servers) from TS Server. And now the have all that the want: new leaders and new political strategic. Again, good luck :)



Edited by deltonos
Bad ortographic problems...
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On 13/7/2017 at 4:32 PM, troody said:

i dont understand any spanish, could u summarize it? :D

Sure, most of the post are people insulting us becouse we are leaving spain and people from VLTRA insulting back, the only decent post are the OP and the explanation of @Jorge and @Pablo Frias

And they banned all the VLTRA players with no spanish caracter from the ts lol (alts accounts are not allowed)

Edited 18 hours ago by Pitxagorri


Dear Pitxagorri:

The post I published was not to insult you, if you think so, please quote those insults. I just quoted Lord Vicious who was making announcements about ULTRA (with some inaccuracies) and asked you to clarify.

As for the ban from the Spanish TS, it is not strange, since some of you have announced that, now that you are Danes, you will return to Habana to seek revenge against some players in your blacklist. Additionally, I heard that you used tour TS privileges to troll an ULTRA player who refused to follow you to Denmark. As you can understand, the few of us left in the Spanish faction cannot have a crowd of Spanish speaking Danish players listening to our discussions, and seeing who is connected, which battle groups are forming, and accessing other information. Additionally, an ULTRA representative interrupted a discussion between clans to tell us, quite unceremoniously how bad we were at the game, and how inexperienced in diplomacy we are. After the public threats of retribution made by some ULTRA players (a few exceptions, the majority of ULTRA are excellent persons), the new TS admins thought it was a good idea to ban you, and I agree with them.

Hell, you where even shooting against your own in port battles because you had not authorized them to enter the battle.


(EDIT: Now I see that the video (and all of the videos in his youtube channel) was removed by Lobogris, the player that was attacked, because Deltonos used some frames of another video in which Lobo's his desktop could be seen to mock him in the Spanish Forum, violating his privacy rights).

You should not try to present yourselves as victims. Your attitude in the forums and in the game has been aggressive, arrogant, and sometimes outright insulting and unpolite. I am one of the persons that decided to confront you in the forums, because a member of your Clan posted videos mocking us and insulting the head of our Clan. I'm not saying all the fault is ULTRA, but your attitude both in the forums and the game has brought all of us to the sorry situation in which we are right now. 

To illustrate my point, here is but an example, of Jorge, threatening Lobogris with physical assault, I will translate "Lobo, it is a shame this (the forum) is anonymous because you would receive broadsides of beatings".

And here is Deltonos threatening another player: "You shut up, because you are second in line for a visit to the hospital..."

You guys have great players that we all appreciate and like, Frog, Trajanus, Clearco, and many others with whom we have played, enjoyed and laughed a lot. But the fact that you were the largest clan in Spain, fought and won the main PBs, and had the biggest fleets and biggest ships does not mean that you could ridicule smaller clans and treat its members with contempt and disrespect. Anyone who doubts this, can visit the Spanish forum and enjoy the posts that you and others have published against Lobogris, the Santa Hermandad and other clans and players. Recently an entire thread full of insults and personal references was deleted from the Spanish forum, and several of us had to ask the admins to moderate.

You guys made it personal, and you threatened to come back to Habana with a revenge, so it's natural that we are taking basic preventive measures.

Take care and enjoy life in Denmark.


Edited by Don Sancho Navarro
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14 hours ago, deltonos said:

The new council, I´m sure, are listening greatest hits of new age , like Confortably Numb of Pink Floyd.A great song for great moments

They want the peace with everyone, but all day insulting UK, Pirates, allies, etc etc etc. Dont worry, that behaviour is inside the DNA of most spaniards: cainite behaviour.

Good luck to all good friends we leave there, and hope new council doesn´t turn the game ,in the spanish side, into the new crafting action game. As I said in another forum in spanish, time to have rest & nap: the rest of spanish clans are now in peace and happy: members of Vltra outside faction, most of us banned (instead of been payware suppoters of TS Servers) from TS Server. And now the have all that the want: new leaders and new political strategic. Again, good luck :)



Dear Deltonos.

Cainite indeed. The actions and threats of you and some other members of Ultra show how cainite Spaniards can get. The good thing is that, since ULTRA had all the conquest marks, we have become accustomed to operating with small ships, and guerrilla warfare, so we will survive and have fun. The only thing standing right now in the way of a complete wipe of the Spanish faction is the goodwill of other factions, especially the British Council who, I would like to say it publicly, has shown that they care for the game, and not covering themselves with glory and conquest marks.

You can be as dismissive as you want about those of us who remain faithful to the Spanish faction, probably we will be reduced to one port, and probably we will be left as a faction of scavengers and marauders. I don't know what the future will bring to us.

What I know is that Rome does not pay traitors. I mean that you will never be trusted again either in Spain nor in any other faction, you may have killed the Spanish faction, but that will be a stain in your reputation that will stay forever. I'm not sure how many Ultras will follow you to Denmark, I have doubts that many of them, who are great, honourable, skilful players will do it. You have freely taken the decision that has turned Ultra into a pariah, don't blame others for your own decisions.

I recognize there were tensions inside the faction (read my previous post where I explain some of them) and I recognize that some players took action against Ultra, I even understand the justifications you have published. Ultimately, this is just a game, and we Spanish like to have our good dose of drama. I hope to see you again in Habana, with the Spanish Flag, Danish flag or any other flag.


Edited by Don Sancho Navarro
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9 hours ago, EL LOCO said:


You say traitors to people that freely change faction? Precisely YOU that change faction again and again as you like it?

You blamed against people that leave the nation because its impossible build a decent defense in PB just because people LIKE YOU never go to PB in a decent ship  or help inside a clan and play always alone?


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