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[PvP Global] Political Situation and Port Battles


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In tradition I wish to bring this back for Global as for players who come on the forums and check out the situations on the servers, or new players wanting to see the lay of the land. I will keep this unbiased, and unless a player from that nation wants to update their clan or nation's diplomatic stance, it will remain unchanged from the beginning. I will make it clear, this is not a "Rumor says" political post.
Post your Port Battle Screenshots here as well! We all love looking at triumphs and conflict together, as well as telling the story of some epic clashes between nations or clans.

Format will be as follows:
War -- All nations start off as at war by default
OW Conflict -- OW conflict is strictly OW PvP, Ports aren't the primary purpose of the nations contention, rather sinking your opponents ships is all the clan/nation cares about.
Neutral -- Trade agreements, NAPs, NIPs, Port Agreements, or other limited agreements will define this slot.
Alliance -- If an official post is made between 2 or nations it will be officially updated - an Alliance is only made when the majority of clans within a nation are in agreement.

Clans Agreements - If a Clan wishes to have agreements be made public, they may do so, otherwise nothing is official.

If any information is incorrect, Please inform me, I wish to make this post as accurate as possible. I ask that we keep this thread clean :). I will attempt to update this Thread daily.


United States of America

Verenigde-Provincien : Neutral
Espana: Neutral
France: Neutral
Great Britain: Neutral
Denmark-Norge: Neutral
Sverige: Neutral
Pirates: Neutral


United States: Neutral
Espana: Neutral
France: Neutral
Great Britain: Neutral
Denmark-Norge: Neutral
Sverige: Neutral
Pirates: Neutral


Verenigde-Provincien: Neutral
United States: Neutral
France: Neutral
Great Britain: Neutral
Denmark-Norge: Neutral
Sverige: Neutral
Pirates: Neutral


Verenigde-Provincien: Neutral
Espana: Neutral
United States: Neutral
Great Britain: Neutral
Denmark-Norge: Neutral
Sverige: Neutral
Pirates: Neutral

Great Britain

Verenigde-Provincien: Neutral
Espana: Neutral
France: Neutral
United States: Neutral
Denmark-Norge: Neutral
Sverige: Neutral
Pirates: Neutral


Verenigde-Provincien: Neutral
Espana: Neutral
France: Neutral

Great Britain: Neutral
United States: Neutral
Sverige: Neutral

Pirates: Neutral


Verenigde-Provincien: Neutral
Espana: Neutral
France: Neutral
Great Britain: Neutral
Denmark-Norge: Neutral
United States: Neutral
Pirates: Neutral


Verenigde-Provincien : Neutral
Espana: Neutral
France: Neutral
Great Britain: Neutral
Denmark-Norge: Neutral
Sverige: Neutral
United States: Neutral

Edited by Teutonic
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*Post Reserved for Clans in Nations*
Nation A:
1. Clan 1
2. Clan 2

United States of America

1. [NPG] - Man contacts - Lionshaft

Great Britain




1. [KM] Koninklijke Marine. Main contacts are OneEyedSnake, Coates, Poon, and Pinto of [IPA] (sister clan).

2. [SMS] Reichsflotte. Main contacts are @Davos Seasworth, Kommizer and Bentclown.




1. [PURGE] - Main Contacts - Slamz, Arsilon, Sebastian Bach

2. [BORK] - Main Contacts - Teutonic, Axel, Chet Noud


1. [CCCP] - Main contacts - JOJO, Chailang





1. [BLACK] - Main contacts - Duncan Mcfail, Koltes, Sir Texas Sir



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53 minutes ago, JollyRoger1516 said:

As I understand it Brits and Dutch have a non agression agreement.

As I understand it, that is the finality of it. Territories are temporarily untouched, but OW PvP war between BR and VP is growing, especially against traders it seems. :/

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On behalf of the United Provinces, I do hereby make it more so public knowledge than it already was that the Great Britain Nation and us, the great United Provinces, have an official Trade agreement and Non-Aggression pact in response to the recent Pirate and French coalition. 

While some rogues from both sides may have attacked another nation's ships, this is forgiven in light of being a mere fraction of the players from both nations agreeing to stay neutral and to let each other carry on their way. This was discussed to be appropriate due to the threat of annihilation from other national and scoundrel enemies beyond our own waters. 

This is all that has been agreed. 



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the recent Pirate and French coalition. 

As far as I know it is only a port agreement...I have talked to the French clans yesterday and it was agreed that we only view it as a port agreement. I can go and check if this is true though.

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13 minutes ago, OneEyedSnake said:

On behalf of the United Provinces, I do hereby make it more so public knowledge than it already was that the Great Britain Nation and us, the great United Provinces, have an official Trade agreement and Non-Aggression pact in response to the recent Pirate and French coalition. 

While some rogues from both sides may have attacked another nation's ships, this is forgiven in light of being a mere fraction of the players from both nations agreeing to stay neutral and to let each other carry on their way. This was discussed to be appropriate due to the threat of annihilation from other national and scoundrel enemies beyond our own waters. 

This is all that has been agreed. 



I stand corrected.

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27 minutes ago, Teutonic said:


As far as I know it is only a port agreement...I have talked to the French clans yesterday and it was agreed that we only view it as a port agreement. I can go and check if this is true though.

I would, we have some screenshots of texas' convos... 

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3 hours ago, OneEyedSnake said:

On behalf of the United Provinces, I do hereby make it more so public knowledge than it already was that the Great Britain Nation and us, the great United Provinces, have an official Trade agreement and Non-Aggression pact in response to the recent Pirate and French coalition.


I have not heard of any such thing.  Do you just mean the fact that we didn't waste our ships contesting the port battle outside their front door?


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47 minutes ago, rownd said:


I have not heard of any such thing.  Do you just mean the fact that we didn't waste our ships contesting the port battle outside their front door?


What I think is funny the only thing I have said is, "We told them we are taking this port."  And we did.   If brits attack you we might help, we might not. If ya'll attack us we might take them all, we might not.  There is not agreement between us.  We only let ya'll know our intentions with those ports and right now all we wanted was Cap Fran.  It's even more sad they are so paranoid they have to screen shot every convo on global or what not. I'm a BLACK clan member I'm not the clan leader so I can say many things, that doesn't mean I speak for all of the Pirates or even the clan I'm in.

27 minutes ago, Hodo said:

Right now there is a lot of clan deals going on in the server but not a lot of national deals.. and this could make this a very murky subject.

And clan agreements don't speak for the whole nation. I been hearing a lot of chatter that PvP2 guys are telling PvP1 guys what to do cause they want there old carebear alliance back.  Sooner or later I'm sure they will get sick of it and do there own thing.  Maybe this will start the great US/BRIT war we all been waiting for since Aug last year....lol


But I'm leaving this thread alone it's going to turn into the drama crap that it did on PvP2.  Notice the same two guys have jump in so fast to start speaking for others.

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21 hours ago, OneEyedSnake said:

I would, we have some screenshots of texas' convos... 

I double checked with the clan that was part of the talks and in their words it is a Port Agreement. I then asked the other clans in France if that was satisfactory and they all agreed.

It allows the predominantly OW pvp focused french clans to still be able to attack players whenever they want. The main clans in France view it only as a port agreement and a loose non-aggression pact, in short we prefer to ignore them and if any aggressive acts are to happen against france from the pirate nation in haiti the port agreement ends.

In light of this note I have placed france's political view as neutral.

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15 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

 Maybe this will start the great US/BRIT war we all been waiting for since Aug last year....lol

In my experience two zergs never fight each other. Players that play on over populated teams do so because it is low risk. Attacking another zerg comes with risk. If said players sought out the risk they would be playing on smaller teams to begin with.  

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6 hours ago, Vllad said:

In my experience two zergs never fight each other. Players that play on over populated teams do so because it is low risk. Attacking another zerg comes with risk. If said players sought out the risk they would be playing on smaller teams to begin with.  

True that. That's why pirates and danes were big friends a year ago.

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Sad ya'll had to take the hit so early, but I think ya'll might of held it if you had equal numbers and maybe some better ships.  It's just so far away for ya'll and so early in the game.  You would think if Brits and Dutch are making an Allaince US would take you under there wing and help ya'll.  Not to mention now those ports won't prodce french goods.   Maybe next time.  Good fight over all. 

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Good Fight guys.

Sir Texas before you assume we are just attacking the French you should know we were told they were not going to defend it.       



I will be honest about the talks between the US and Brits.  Currently we are not going to attack home ports. For example  we are not going to attack Brit ports south of Cuba and they are not going to attack US ports north of Cuba. Cuba is currently fair game to attach each other.  Other then that we have agreed to nothing. We do not want to force anyone out of the game.  With this being said we have all seen the screenshot of Sir Texas saying that Black will screen for the French on Haiti.  The following things will be considered a French Pirate alliance.

Black or Blood Screening for the French at any port or the French screening for Pirate attacks/Defence.    

The Pirates and the French organizing attacks on any one nation together at the same time.  For example both nations hitting different ports at the same time of the same nation.  Any organization of attacks will be considered an Alliance.

The last item is if either nation is seen in organized farming of marks with another nation.

These items will trigger alliance talks between the US and the Brits.  Until this point the people that came from PVP1 will stand firm with no alliances.



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As a Frenchman, i see the two largest factions dividing half the map and swimming in conquest points.  Then another faction in another non aggression pact with the British.  That's three factions owning over half the map not attacking each other.  You guys worried that some pirates and french might help each other?  Funny.


You might not call it an alliance but saying Cuba is the dividing line IS an agreement in cooperation.

Edited by Dharus
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9 minutes ago, Dharus said:

As a Frenchman, i see the two largest factions dividing half the map and swimming in conquest points.  Then another faction in another non aggression pact with the British.  That's three factions owning over half the map not attacking each other.  You guys worried that some pirates and french might help each other?  Funny.


You might not call it an alliance but saying Cuba is the dividing line IS an agreement in cooperation.

@McMannis If I remember correctly the only dividing line is in the gulf because nobody wants to do that sail. Cuba is going to be the front line but there's nothing saying that us or them can't cross that line into their main territories. And pvp is still ffa

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1 minute ago, Dharus said:

As a Frenchman, i see the two largest factions dividing half the map and swimming in conquest points.  Then another faction in another non aggression pact with the British.  That's three factions owning over half the map not attacking each other.  You guys worried that some pirates and french might help each other?  Funny.

If you look above Teutonic talks about a port agreement.  All we do is have the same thing.  We have agreed to the same thing with the Brits for home ports. We would like to keep the fight around Cuba.  I do not understand why you would think that is an issue.  We have no agreement with the Dutch but not sure why that would matter since we have no way to get there.  Above I made an honest post of what is going on and what could change that.  It is important that we are honest and polite with each other. 

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2 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

 You would think if Brits and Dutch are making an Allaince US would take you under there wing and help ya'll.  Not to mention now those ports won't prodce french goods.    

From what I can tell from the pvp players on the French team I don't think any offer from any zerg would be adhered to anyway. I got the impression that France is full of players who hate zergs.

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3 minutes ago, Aventador said:

@McMannis If I remember correctly the only dividing line is in the gulf because nobody wants to do that sail. Cuba is going to be the front line but there's nothing saying that us or them can't cross that line into their main territories. And pvp is still ffa

Nobody wants to do the sail to Pedro Cay or George town either. As far as port battles we talked about fighting over Cuba and Haiti.  This part doesn't matter because we have no way of attacking south of Cuba anyways.  This was just for port battles.  PVP is still FFA. 

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42 minutes ago, McMannis said:

Good Fight guys.

Sir Texas before you assume we are just attacking the French you should know we were told they were not going to defend it.       



I will be honest about the talks between the US and Brits.  Currently we are not going to attack home ports. For example  we are not going to attack Brit ports south of Cuba and they are not going to attack US ports north of Cuba. Cuba is currently fair game to attach each other.  Other then that we have agreed to nothing. We do not want to force anyone out of the game.  With this being said we have all seen the screenshot of Sir Texas saying that Black will screen for the French on Haiti.  The following things will be considered a French Pirate alliance.

Black or Blood Screening for the French at any port or the French screening for Pirate attacks/Defence.    

The Pirates and the French organizing attacks on any one nation together at the same time.  For example both nations hitting different ports at the same time of the same nation.  Any organization of attacks will be considered an Alliance.

The last item is if either nation is seen in organized farming of marks with another nation.

These items will trigger alliance talks between the US and the Brits.  Until this point the people that came from PVP1 will stand firm with no alliances.

And who exactly told you they won't show up?  Prob the same folks that told ya'll we wouldn't show up for a certian other port battle?  Did you actually talk to any French clans?   That was the exact same excuse US used when they took Texas and LA from them on PvP2.   Oh there was going to be no French that will show and it was funny the active french did show up but they couldn't beat a steam roll of 25+ US/GB/Dutch players when they had not been aggressive to the US.  Just like I bet ya'll are going to take all the Spanish ports too and not leave them anything to maybe some day grow if some players actually show up in that nation.  

And I would love to see this screen shot of what I said. I say a lot of things that doesn't mean I speak for every one in France or Pirates or even BLACK.   What I did say and we will stick to it is that if they where attacked we would probably (notice the word I use here) come screen for the PvP since they are a small nation and we would prefer to have a passive small nation in our back yard than an aggressive large nation.   I do believe we basically told them we are taking Cap Fran a head of time to warn them and told them we won't mess with them as long as they stay out of our back yard.  That isn't exactly an alliance or truce.   As far as I know any French or Pirate for the most part is fair game for each other to kill on the OW.

Why are US and Brit even talking about Truce and or alliances.  Each of you prob out number all the other nations combined by yourself.  You should be very much at war and drawing those lines, but from past history we know that they tend to turn into a bunch of carebears and maybe trade one port back and forth as they pick on smaller nations and take all the ports until the small nations have nothing but there capital.  Prove to us that isn't going to be the case, but throwing out threats that you will unit if any other nation makes any truce or alliance between them selves is being nothing but a bunch of bullies and ya'll talk about fair play?   

Pirates will attack who ever we want at ports even if it's empty port battles cause we want PvP.   If you don't want that than bring a better screening fleet.  Some one has to protect the Spanish after all.  

Ya'll still haven't shown any proof of organized farming of marks.  Telling a nation your going to take a region while they are in another port battle isn't farming them.  It's called tactics.  Even though we didn't pick it to be that way one could see it was picked to attack France and take it when they where busy with other more important things.  This means less chance of any one showing up to defend it.  Though we where kind enough to let them know that was the only port we plan at this time to take and we are taking it.

24 minutes ago, Vllad said:

From what I can tell from the pvp players on the French team I don't think any offer from any zerg would be adhered to anyway. I got the impression that France is full of players who hate zergs.

Most small nations are when they are getting Zerg by larger nations that refuse to fight each other but instead pick on smaller nations that can't match numbers or defend there selves.  Honestly I want to grab our few zones around our capital and sit back and PvP in the OW and see what exactly US and GB are planing to do, but with GB/Dutch making an alliance (you can call it what ever you want but it still is one even if just clan vs clan).  Than US/GB saying they might make some truce if any other nations make one that doesn't look like a promising thing of ever seeing them do anything other than just flip one port back and forth....which isn't that pretty much mark farming they claim the Pirates and France have done?  

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34 minutes ago, McMannis said:

If you look above Teutonic talks about a port agreement.  All we do is have the same thing.  We have agreed to the same thing with the Brits for home ports. We would like to keep the fight around Cuba.  I do not understand why you would think that is an issue.  We have no agreement with the Dutch but not sure why that would matter since we have no way to get there.  Above I made an honest post of what is going on and what could change that.  It is important that we are honest and polite with each other. 

Its the same thing except on a much larger scale.  Something like the entire Gulf.  It also gives you one less front to deal with in the RvR world.  Unlike the La Tortue area which is in the middle of the Caribbean's PvP.

I'm just giving you what it looks like from the Windward Islands point of view.  Two large nations dividing up empty ports, accumulating lots of conquest marks for larger warships, then non-aggression agreements on trade with another.  You're saying that you'll enter talks with Brits if we start cooperating (which honestly, I think the pirates and French have done more OW PVP than you guys have) but we're seeing cooperation from the you guys already.  If we see more help between US, Brit, Dutch then we'll have to assume we'll need friends too. 

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I put out a statement.  Not really trolling anyone.  This just shows that Texas is just another toxic forum warrior.  This is why I don't try to talk here.  To say that you have not talked to the French is an outright lie and you know it. You insult everyone here by trying to make us believe that.  Some how you guys are allowed to talk but no one else is because we have carebears? I love the tactic of people making themselves seem better by trying to say they have a lot less people. You just made a statement that it was US Brit and Dutch up there,  why would you make statements without any research at all. This again brings your honesty in to question.  We were offered help at NO and we told them know.  We will not be the first nation to group with another nation.  As far as the steamroll you did see they had a 3rd rate and a Santi in there?  So you are here trying to make it look like the poor little French up against 3 nations and really you are just trying to lie for support.  We fought a fair fight with the French. While they had less numbers they had a Santi and a 3rd rate.  

So as far as whole told us they would not show up.  It was Solas, his French name.  I am sure you know him by his name in Black. 

I will believe that you are screening just for the pvp when you attack everyone.  If you only attack one side you are now allies and will be viewed as such.  It does not really matter you cant really have an honest talk without attacking people.  





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