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Full wipe?

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There´s been a lot of post´s and rumors saying there will come a full wipe in game when next patch come´s.

In full wipe i meen all materials, gold.

We know there is gonna be a ship and upgrade wipe, but can any one, pref. the dev, confirm or denie this rumor??


Edited by Cerebro
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you will get everything from the PVE into redeemables, but... remember that we are removing ships and maybe assets..to properly test the final economy before release. 

  On 15.03.2017 at 9:08 PM, Shrez said:

How can you test an eco on a testbed with max 10 players on it?

That's why it has to be deployed to main server and to be tested actually a good idea would be to destroy everything :)  . One player has 21bln you know. He reached the limit of money in game and found the bug that the wallet did not accept more. How can you test the economy with this?

21 billion dubloons!


Materials are under consideration. It would be better to wipe them too... 
We might provide some vessels as a head-start
HF section is going to be solved by other means. 
AI will NOT sail majority of lineships, they will have to be crafted or bought from Admiralty for marks. Also PvE server will be incorporated into main server line which relates to the HF section you started above and which we cannot disclose more info on yet. 

  • Wipe date is unknown but somewhere by end of April


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8 minutes ago, Powderhorn said:

I think that's still to be determined.

Guessing if that's the case the wipe will be postponed again and not happen in the next 12-28d as said by an admin/dev.

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Maybe work some weeks longer on it to fix the economy and then make a full wipe (ships + items + gold)?


On 15.3.2017 at 9:06 PM, admin said:

Economy changes are already done on testbed. Its hard to make money and easier to find targets. We prefer to have one wipe on release but ships must be deleted because of XP and other changes to the upgrade structure.

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It pumps the testing blood. Some take a break, other come back from breaks. We seen it all before, during trials, during first iteration of OW, etc etc etc

Biggest difference at the moment is the amount of drama queens, that's all :)

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21 minutes ago, PIerrick de Badas said:

I think 2 full wipe in 6 months (if the game is gonna be launch in 6 month) is more than the community can handle

We should of had half  dozen or more the last year.  Sorry every game I have Alpha Tested did several wipes at each step.  I think folks keep forgetting this is an EA of a game in development.   If your going to have a fit and leave cause they wipe something than your prob weren't here to help develop the game in the first place.


As for wipes in next patch Devs have only said things involving ships like the notes, current ships, redeemable ships and even hint of paints too.   Just remember don't believe anything you hear unless it comes from folks like ADMIN, INK or any of the other devs.

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Yes me too, talking about vets and newcomers and folks that bought the game today actually. There's a lot of ppl waiting for release of the game though and a lot that took a break months ago until after a wipe. We'll see population renew.

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1 minute ago, Hethwill said:

Yes me too, talking about vets and newcomers and folks that bought the game today actually. There's a lot of ppl waiting for release of the game though and a lot that took a break months ago until after a wipe. We'll see population renew.

They need to get this testbed released.  I want to go play with the new stuff.  Would be nice if they did a mini patch of the current stuff on there (could leave the br changes off) to give us something new for a bit.   I fear a lot of folks are going to stop until the patch comes and last time they did that it didn't come the next week it came almost a month late and the game was pretty dead that month.

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38 minutes ago, captain pips said:

a bit more information would stop a lot of useless discussions and drama in a sec.

It is a double edge. A lot of drama comes from announcements rather than the lack of them. This is a fact.

And why ?! It seems posts are not read entirely and many do just pass eyes over and go "panic mode" for some reason :)

This is 2017.

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21 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

t is a double edge. A lot of drama comes from announcements rather than the lack of them. This is a fact.

And why ?! It seems posts are not read entirely and many do just pass eyes over and go "panic mode" for some reason

can`t agree with that.e.g 1dura ships after the next patch:

1.players want to know if they get compensated for their ships. no clear answer

2.players speculating about the amount of materials ,labour hour for 1 dura ships. no clear information

3.the need of notes or compass wood is also another mystery.

just a couple of question about these massive changes in the next patch and i couldn`t find clear statements to answer that.so you shouldn´t be surprised that players go a bit mad and cause what you call "drama".

Edited by captain pips
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Well i stil dont know if there is a full wipe :)

I dont mind a "press full delete".

I just whould like to know so i know if i should keep my matt´s and gold or use them for lvl crafting or some thing els :)

And yes i do agree that there is enough drama going around atm. i think most of it come from the lag of info on what is going to happen.

this is like a early X.mas. u dont know what ur gonna get from santa. :)

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20 minutes ago, captain pips said:

can`t agree with that.e.g 1dura ships after the next patch:

1.players want to know if they get compensated for their ships. no clear answer

2.players speculating about the amount of materials ,labour hour for 1 dura ships. no clear information

3.the need of notes or compass wood is also another mystery.

just a couple of question about these massive changes in the next patch and i couldn`t find clear statements to answer that.so you shouldn´t be surprised that players go a bit mad and cause what you call "drama".

Compensation for all the testing done will be at release ( whenever that might be), rare ship. And yes, wipe before release.

This wipe is to implement new mechanics to test. Speculation is useless. Wait for the test patch and see how it all works.

I for one applaud the "Dark Souls" approach of not too little, not too much. Just enough to make a player WANT to explore the mechanics and what's new out there.

I also understand that many players love to have all the data and math and gimmicks to they can tinker as much as possible.

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People just need to learn patience.  A problem I've noticed that's picked up in more recent years in the gaming community is "WE WANT ANSWERS AND WE WANT THEM NOW".  While sometimes such a mantra can be justified, especially if it's a major screw up (No Man's Sky anyone?), most of the time it's people having a severe lack of patience and not understanding how things work.  You're not playing a finished game, you're playing a game in development.  You're not going to get the answers you want right away.  Deal with it.  The door's open, you're free to leave, but you made yourself leave.

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It may not be a problem of patience, but of ignorance, since you can be spending hours foolishly in the game and then do not serve you for anything. With a little more information you can decide whether to leave the game forever or not.

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On 18.3.2017 at 8:43 PM, Haratik said:

People just need to learn patience.

Thats not the point.

Point is, if you announce "release soon" and give timelines and so on and on, you raise expectations.

Too many promises....


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