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[PvP1] Spain Defence against USA agression


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So that everybody is clear,

EricKilla is a Representative leader of the American Congress. Words spoken by him or to him will reach the Congress. He is one of our more active players at the moment and is therefore probably the easiest to get a hold of. The former diplomats of the AC are still active and willing to discuss relationships between the Gov't of the United States and the Kingdom of Spain.


But in all honesty, I don't know what we would discuss. We will fight for our ports back that you took from us and reclaim the land that was wrongfully acquired. If we were to discuss a return to our original border agreement you would have to violate your agreement with the pirates in the area. Though violating agreements come easy to you, you would still be forced to choose one over the other.


Unless the Spanish make an orderly withdraw from Florida and we invent a way for them to save face in the process, what do we have to talk about?

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Nothing, because pvp will be hard enough to come by if things continue on this track. And i wouldnt worry about FORGE or ANVIL, the transition from WoT seemingly didn't do them any favors from what I've seen. Spain will stand alone (again) before the end.

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Nothing, because pvp will be hard enough to come by if things continue on this track. And i wouldnt worry about FORGE or ANVIL, the transition from WoT seemingly didn't do them any favors from what I've seen. Spain will stand alone (again) before the end.

Spain doesn't have to though. That's what gets me.

Edited by EricKilla
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Ah, OK, thank you. I will tell my colleagues.

That said, we must clear up our territorial disputes before such a thing can be possible. I am willing to extend an olive branch of peace, but I am not afraid to wield the arrows of war.

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Oh yes. Give me your house, your car, your dog, let me sleep with your wife and daughter and I will offer you an olive branch. That is so funny!!!!

I merely ask for what is mine friend. If Britain were to take all of the south of Cuba, and then gave it to us, would you be angry? Would you say, "Hey, America, that's ours, give it back!" But hey, we didn't take it from you, we took it from Britain, so you have no right to attack us,  y'know?

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You all know that the starting point of a negotiation would be the current situation. If you want whar you reclaim, offer something else.


No real point when we already know your response, something to the tune of "fuck off we want to flight". To get anywhere with negotiations you have to have willingness from both parties. As we have seen Spain has no willingness to come to a deal, so all negotiation with you would be nothing but empty words from your side.

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You all know that the starting point of a negotiation would be the current situation. If you want whar you reclaim, offer something else.

We have offered to give you the entirety of the Western Gulf of Mexico including Texas and the Western half of Louisiana. We will take it back, but we have to get through you first. We don't want the damn land, and I'd rather have someone I can trust owning it than the pirates.

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I dont accepting nor rejecting any proposal, I just saying that the starting point would be the current situation. You have to offer somerthing you can fulfill...like attacking the british :D

Pd: I know you wont, just playing the role. Everything what I say is just playing the role, the formal, serious, trully negotation will be and only be done by the proper channels, the diplomats.

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I dont accepting nor rejecting any proposal, I just saying that the starting point would be the current situation. You have to offer somerthing you can fulfill...like attacking the british :D

Pd: I know you wont, just playing the role. Everything what I say is just playing the role, the formal, serious, trully negotation will be and only be done by the proper channels, the diplomats.

Well you could have an ally who would be willing to help you take back the North side of Hispanola and the rest of Cuba, should you opt into friendship.

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This is getting to be like the nerdy kid begging the hot chick to go to the prom with him. I think you've made your point.

Dear Vernon.


It´s none of my business, and this is not a diplomatic post, anyway, but some persons claiming to speak for the entire US shine a bad light on your faction.

I sincerely hope for peace between our nations, but negotiations should be carried out by mature persons, outside public forums. At least that is how these things are carried out in real life.

I´m sure the Spanish diplomats of the King's Council are up to the task.


See you around Havana.


Don Sancho Navarro, Capitán de Bandera.

Edited by Don Sancho Navarro
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All I'm saying is that nothing official will happen on these forums... And again, does it really matter since port ownership means nothing at this point other than mod drops or to try and get some pubbies involved? Not dogging you man, just trying to let you know all this has been done before.

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 Funny, you say all the time you and your clan are friends of Spain, but they never admit that in public. Maybe embarrassing?

Hey, he just needs an Excuse to still do the same thing as before but get a better image.

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