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Everything posted by Nic507

  1. Yes old ships are never used at all, brilliant assumption. Also your wrong on your statement of 1680-1820. The corrected statement is historical plausibility from 1600-1830. This would also make your argument about American first rate invalid as well. So I say for you go hide yourself.
  2. Since you said it your self that ports are nothing but bragging rights, technically speaking every port besides your capital is a buffer zone
  3. I'm not too sure on this one, worked pretty well for the Russians and Chinese if you ask me. So when you give up buffer zones its completely fine in your eyes but when America gives up irrelevant ports it is all the sudden cowardice. You sir contradict yourself.
  4. And Celtibero goes full retard. I can tell you from personal experience why the america's are in the European server, I'm originally from PvP2. Have you ever played on a server that has less than 200 people in it consistently? Well if you haven't I'll tell you, you never find someone to fight. Hell they might as well rename it to PvE2 that is how bad it lacked players. So naturally like a pvp player does they go to where the people are, which at the time was only the EU server and still the only EU server. So next time you decide to spout off on some tangent you know shit about, save yourself the embarrassment because you look like a retard.
  5. you say that like its important. The use of the term former should give that way. Ya'll allied an active enemy of ours that was attacking us at the time and still is. And from all the messages of "fuck off" we have gotten from Spain it sure sounds like ya'll hate us.
  6. Well you got into bed with our enemy and as a result we hate you. I could see how this doesn't make sense to a person who has no common sense.
  7. Well then I think you just answered your own question on why there are no fights.
  8. Maybe the reason is because the server population right now on a good day is about 600, instead of whatever bullshit you spout off?
  9. you mean the port you had the pirates attack because ya'll where too scared to engage us and had to get sorry to help you flush out any competition? behavior like this just reinforces our opinion that Spain is just suckling on the tet of the pirates. Then you have the audacity to call america a puppet to the British when you are in fact much less than a puppet to the pirates. At this rate I wouldn't even call you pawns, that is how low the Spain nation has sunk into boat licking and ass kissing. p.s. I for one will not do diplo with a pawn, that is beneath me
  10. .... and we have a confirmation that all of Vicious' shit talking about his clan being the end all be all of the american nation was nothing but hot air
  11. See what i mean Spanish women are so ugly, she had to hide her shame behind that even uglier flag. That person to the right is Portuguese.
  12. Sir you are confusing me with someone else. I am a Merican not a Dutch player. Also the events you cite are not even close to the relative time period of this game. At any rate you yellow belly Catholics are showing your true face. As God as my witness, I hope he smites you blasphemers like he smat the lectures and deceivers at Sodom and Gomorrah. p.s. your own history is not looking so hot itself ye hypocrite https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Spain_under_Joseph_Bonaparte
  13. That is what a spawn of Satan would want us to think too. How odd.......
  14. No real point when we already know your response, something to the tune of "fuck off we want to flight". To get anywhere with negotiations you have to have willingness from both parties. As we have seen Spain has no willingness to come to a deal, so all negotiation with you would be nothing but empty words from your side.
  15. Wrong time period. Don't forget this game is set during the Napoleonic wars where your country was just a puppet to the French revolution and everyone was throwing off their chains of the corrupt catholic church.
  16. How would you know what my words sound like from protestant ears, unless........ you are a protestant in disguise. I should alert your Holiness to the treachery you have commented. I would start praying if I where you.
  17. The irony of course is that if we didn't sin, then Jesus's death would be for nothing. Is that really the way to honor his death, by spiting on his sacrifice? Do not lets these false Christians guide you, convert to the glorious Protestant reformation. If y'all where true Christians you would just turn the other cheek and practice forgiveness towards your enemies.
  18. I could also tack on hypocritical and slander if you like .
  19. Can confirm we hacked the game, brace yourself for unsinkable cutters. No Spain? I see much bias with this one.
  20. how is your ego? We haven't heard you mouth off in a few days. We where getting kinda lonely.
  21. Technically apart of the axis until Germany attacked them. nation- a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory. country- an area of land that is controlled by its own government so nation yes, country no learn yo terms foo. Did I yes the term armistice no. If you actually read what I wrote, you would see I used the term Collaborated. Before you also say that they where just a government puppeted by the axis, did not join the war and where just attacked by the allies, Bulgaria also never declared war on the Soviet Union or the Allies, yet they where indisputably apart of the axis. It seems your the one who has a problem accepting your nation's role in history. At any rate can we please go back to hating on the Spanish in this thread and not the French.
  22. This is just wrong, or did you forget about the first and second Vienna award, the land given to Italy in the Balkans and France, the land given to Finland and Romania from the Soviet Union, the many puppet governments Germany set up in Europe, and the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact which gave the Soviet Union much of Eastern Europe. Correct there was only the nation of France, but there was a country called Vichy France that was only recognized by the axis. Also correct, but the Vichy Government heavy collaborated with the Nazis to the point that they might as well have been allied. Or have you forgotten your own history? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_on_Mers-el-K%C3%A9bir. My advise would be to go learn your own history before you talk down to others.
  23. Sir, how can you say this? Science papers are normally much longer and far more dry than any forum post here.
  24. Sir we, WBK, was no where in gulf after Florida fell. We instead were on the east coast trying to defend what we could.
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