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Patch 9.8 - Damage model 5.0, Server merges, Bird is a word (19th may)


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There was something that you shouldnt insult until new update is released. So i guess since Bird is A word isnt the original but bird is the word i guess it means that you can pvp in national news again. but just my idea.

Thanks a lot, might be this indeed, we will see soon enough once patch is released if it's something else :)


Brig -> Rattlesnake 5% chance

Le Gros Ventre -> Indiaman 5% chance



First thing i done was going to this site before coming to the forums, let's just cross fingers for the 5% to be more kind with me than the last BP's missing in my list that i'm trying to unlock last weeks with very little success and lot of frustration, i want that rattlesnake.


Ingermanland is still 1% i saw, and will remain the unicorn flooding the market with Frigates, as for the Indiaman at least now with no TP full of cargo the fat belly's will have a chance to sell in shop for a price covering at least the materials and not be sold while loosing money like Frigates, well i hope :/


PS: patch is live on steam now, 135.9MB

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8000 cargo capacity would like to disagree with you. :P

maybe but a 8k cap ship that can mount 68lb carros on its arse and carry 18lb cannons on its gundeck raises some good arguments haha

Thanks a lot, might be this indeed, we will see soon enough once patch is released if it's something else :)


First thing i done was going to this site before coming to the forums, let's just cross fingers for the 5% to be more kind with me than the last BP's missing in my list that i'm trying to unlock last weeks with very little success and lot of frustration, i want that rattlesnake.


Ingermanland is still 1% i saw, and will remain the unicorn flooding the market with Frigates, as for the Indiaman at least now with no TP full of cargo the fat belly's will have a chance to sell in shop for a price covering at least the materials and not be sold while loosing money like Frigates, well i hope :/


PS: patch is live on steam now, 135.9MB

id honestly buy a indiaman to use as a combat ship heh with its stats on the wiki it honestly looks like a pretty good ship even tho it has 28 guns(reminds me of the mignone on potbs that i still used for a combat boat)

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found the stats for the indiaman on the wiki all i can say is good god thats no hauler..... its a mini warship that packs an extremely nasty bite

If you were hauling extremely valuable tea, spices, ivory and such like from India to Europe, you need to be 'packing.' 


As the song goes: 

"You've got to carry weapons, 

'cause you always carry cash."


-- Glenn Frey, "Smugglers' Blues"

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The Indiaman features 11.xx knots speed, 22 x18lb and 6 x 9lb a turnradius of a modern luxury cruizer.

A ton of HP (comparable to the inger, a bit less tho) and 360 (IFRC) crew.


She turns on the OS just as bad as the ingermanland.

All in all not the perfect ship to go on a trader hunt.

Gros Ventre will still be better in regards to safety. She is fast enough to run from most frigates. But strng enough to hunt her trader pray


But the Indiaman will be able to fight small frigates off. Just as she is designed. To be good at small privateers and pirates.

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The Indiaman features 11.xx knots speed, 22 x18lb and 6 x 9lb a turnradius of a modern luxury cruizer.

A ton of HP (comparable to the inger, a bit less tho) and 360 (IFRC) crew.


She turns on the OS just as bad as the ingermanland.

All in all not the perfect sip to go on a trader hunt.

Gros Ventre will still be better in regards to safety. She is fast enough to run from most frigates. But strng enough to hunt her trader pray

my ingerm actualy turns pretty decent with a purple rudder tbh but i still want one just because of how it looks and for cough cough testing use(more so to mess with fleet orders as i come to grip with this damage model

Cool... smuggler toggle for traders.

Dammit, delaine!

bwhahaha delaine beats ya to it also nice to know the ingerm has 75cm armor on the broadsides now will the 35 armor stop me from tboning npcs? nope

Edited by delaine
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What's this : 




Also got redeemables and i don't recall having done anything in pvp3 , seems like it's the assets i had on pvp1 while playing  from France before switching to Brits some months ago, like the pickle BP i had as redeemable gift at start wiht some ships and used it in pvp 1 playing France or some other stuff unless my memory defaults me ...

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What's this : 




Also got redeemables and i don't recall having done anything in pvp3 , seems like it's the assets i had on pvp1 while playing  from France before switching to brits some months ago, like the pickle BP i had in pvp 1 France or some other stuffn unless my memory defaults me ...

to me that seems like a pvp flag in potbs but with the added benifets of being able to dock at any port that you wish

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What's this : 




Also got redeemables and i don't recall having done anything in pvp3 , seems like it's the assets i had on pvp1 while playing  from France before switching to Brits some months ago, like the pickle BP i had as redeemable gift at start wiht some ships and used it in pvp 1 playing France or some other stuff unless my memory defaults me ...


Oh boy that makes me smile so broadly. Totally back in-character once more :) making the smuggle runs in between trader hunts.

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Was very excited until "No TP to Capital with cargo hold full". That will effectively kill one of the only activities I have time for most days : Capping traders. The second is crafting ships with the ressources I capture, but that will die out too once my stockpiles have run out. Some players simply do NOT have time to sail several hours from port to port. I wish you'd listen to those guys once on a while...


And just when I finally build my perfect trader hunter as well...

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theres a nifty smuggler feature now even on pve seems like a pvp flag kinda thing on potbs


What's this : 







wowowowowow...that was not documented in notes.....any1 already tested if this smuggler switch works??????? :wub:

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about redeemables:


once upon the time there was a server opened which was called PvP3 EU mirror.

This server copied your PvP1 character 1:1 towards the PvP3.


And since every player was mirrored at the time of opening pvp 3 those will receive redeemables.

The ones you have are your assets from those times ;)


I hope that answered your question^^

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Simple. level 3 ship yards are expensive, (abut 1.3 Million)  for smaller nations like France (we are by no means the worst off here) having that type of shipyard outside your capital means it can be in enemy hands half the time. Ditto for resources. I wouldn't mind this so much if i could have more than 5 factories, then I could spread out so that I wasn't crippled by invasion fleets so readily.


Please don't exaggerate again, you've held 90% of your ports for months now without them ever being captured and any port you did lose, you took back within 24 hours.



All the French coal reserves are either located well away from the capital or in areas where the ports change hands regularly. So long travel times are a fact of life.


When was the last time Pointe a Pitre and Bridgetown were in enemy hands for more than 2 days. Quit making stuff up.


undocumented change:

Trader's brig sell price slashed in half. only 2600 instead of 5200 from a 1 dura capture.

Edited by Quineloe
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I like everything except the no teleport timer. I just teleport from Willemstad to La tortue, back to Willemstad then to Carriacou in less than 3 minutes....


Timeout is simply relative to the time you spend doing whatever activity I guess, then returning and teleporting to other place. Unless a player is always hugging the outposts and "free port sniping" I see no big issues with it.

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