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Patch 9.8 - Damage model 5.0, Server merges, Bird is a word (19th may)


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I also would have liked to have seen something done about the crafting hours.  But I'll take what I can get.  It seems to me like a lot of these changes are to the benefit of PVP players but Possibly to the detriment the PVE players.   I am looking forward To the spyglass In 0W.

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Very excitement.


The info on ship armour is great.


Any equivalent info on cannons, dps, pen, etc.


Oh and knowing you are 'leaking' like knowing your 'on fire' might be handy now to

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With the flip flop changes in the "strengths" of the various woods what if any speed changes do they have?

I'm curious about this as well. I would definitely not think of teak as being stronger than oak... which makes me wonder if these modifiers are meant to be in lieu of the old percentage modifiers, or perhaps in addition to them?

It would be good to know some more details on the subject, if admin can be troubled to expand with more info.

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Teak and Oak have changed places?  I make most frigate and below out of oak, are they now inferior to teak?


Armour and Structure HP are not the same thing. Oak still retains the Structural solidity. Teak was always more armoured aka. more bounces at medium range and over and resilience to leaks.


So no, they did not switch places.

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Removal of the teleport with cargo is a retrograde move while coal is 40 min sail from the capital. What a massive disincentive to crafting. 80 mins wasted now instead of 40 which was bad enough and the chance that some jerk will steal all the crafting materials. Not impressed at all by this change. 

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Fort Royal to Point a Pitre is less than 15 minutes, and Fort Royal to Bridgetown is less than 15 minutes.


8k coal crafts 4 Santisima. Doesn't seem that bad to me. Can you get the four people who will receive those santisimas to escort your trader for half an hour? If you can't, they don't deserve a Santisima, and should buy a basic constitution from the NPC shop.

Or you can even craft your gold coins to massively reduce weight in the coal + gold ports.


It's 3t coal + 2t gold ore to make a gold coin. That coin only weighs 0.67t.

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TP between outposts. No ship is teleported. This being said you will have to sail to one of your outposts.

This change balances nation populations while also keeping the flexibility of the more populated nations by giving some respite to the same groups that do port attacks over and over again and have some needed rotation.

No, since they didn't remove the send to OP when capturing traders you can cap a trader and send the battleship to where you are going to tp next

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So teak is now better than oak? I take it this is now retrospective so all the oak ships built under the previous rules will be affected negatively?

Teak always did have a better armor rating than oak, oak had more structure armor aka Health 

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All the French coal reserves are either located well away from the capital or in areas where the ports change hands regularly. So long travel times are a fact of life.


But here's the thing: now that teleport to capital has been removed, why do you actually "have" to do crafting at the capital?


Why not setup your shipyard somewhere more convenient... maybe a free port nearer your production ports?


You can still use the old "cap an NCP trade vessel so you can send to outpost" to get your crafted ships to the capital or whatever to sell, if that's important. And now you will have unlimited teleport between your outposts... and the option to deliver goods from free port to free port (edit: this last bit with deliveries isn't new, but it may very well take on more significance now that teleport to capital with cargo is gone).


I think the new system will be just fine once people get used to it.

Edited by Sansón Carrasco
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The new teleport between outposts without cooldown favors the nations that spread their territory so far that they weren´t able to defend all fronts. Now they can do a PB on the one side and teleport to the next front then go back to another front without any penalties.

This takes away the only advantage that small nations had -> having short travel distance to all their fronts.

Bad decision in my opinion.

Now those nations have no real penalty in overextending their territory...

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The new teleport between outposts without cooldown favors the nations that spread their territory so far that they weren´t able to defend all fronts. Now they can do a PB on the one side and teleport to the next front then go back to another front without any penalties.

This takes away the only advantage that small nations had -> having short travel distance to all their fronts.

Bad decision in my opinion.

Now those nations have no real penalty in overextending their territory...


Pity that the PB revamp isn't coming with this patch, that means there will be some serious nation wipe outs in the next coming weeks until they reset the map...

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those who didnt know:

Teak gives you an armour bonus, oak only HP.

I build all my frigs out of teak already.

In fact I rendered oak impractival for most cases after the teak buff patch.



One thing missing in this list of awesomness:


"Surrender with less than x ammount of HP credits a kill+assist to the enemy team."


Cause this still is a stupid mechanic. Yesterday again a maybe 10% surprise just surrenders out, denying kill XP and credits. (not that I needed it but its just not right to deny this after having done so much dmge to him)

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