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I think some of they guys here were way past my time or others,back when it was just less then 100 people playing,most of the guys are still playing the game.It is safe to say that as long as there will be some of the "mature" people,there will be the game

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To be honest I am much sadder for the fact that the playerbase seems to be slowly abandoning the game, whichever could be the reason.


I would prefer playing in a full server of "any kind" of players (I do not mind arguing about others' maturity) rather then in an empty server of "mature" people.


It is not leaving the game. It is taking a breaking from all the testing.


As an example I did take a break after Sea Trials until OW became more .. OW. Also had another big project to test at that time.


Same will happen soon, with alpha for War of Rights, so timeshare is a certainty.

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The potiential is great when you see there are over 17000 members to this forum. It leads me to believe that there are some who really play once in a great while and some a little more often than that (a couple to three times a week). Coming down from an adrenalin high the hardcore bunch have been on for months are needing something new to maintain that rush they have been experiencing. It seems they are now burning themselves out daily and need to break away and wait for something new to ramp up into.

When all said and done and the game is complete or near completion, having an e-mail sent to all members of this forum will enlighted thousands to come back and try it again.

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I think some of they guys here were way past my time or others,back when it was just less then 100 people playing,most of the guys are still playing the game.It is safe to say that as long as there will be some of the "mature" people,there will be the game


You enjoy to play 8 factions MMO with 100 players, where 25 vs 25 are top fun for many players? Wow, respect!

The only solution to stop ppl from leaving is giving more content. All those things sticked in "Developer news..." + pirate mechanics and diplomacy ASAP. Instead devs are tweaking masts or sails endurance for weeks. Details instead of big changes. Most important things from pvp players perpective dont have any ETA. I mean like changing port battle machanics, delete those stupid flags, waiting if enemy will show up 3 hours doing nothing, diplomacy, pirates, making ports important to have more as nation, making SOLs playable and important again, get rid of exploits etc., and many many many more minor changes. Me and many others just wanna see this game to evolve faster in big things, not details. Most ppl dont give a f*** about birds over sea, new crew shouts or another ship in game, those things are nice but tbh not important comparing to big changes in mechanics which are required and expected ASAP, not "noone knows when". And if you think that expecticg from devs to speed up works and keep promises (like date of big patch with ports wipe) is unmature, then for me you are just unmature dreamer of perfect world where everyone will make joint effort to achieve happiness for all. Kinda unmature comunistic utopia.

Offcourse u can look at NA from PvE perspective, then u can play it like single player too, and those minor changes and slow pace of development will not distract you.

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cmon guys it's just a game. a nice piece of work. enjoy it. i for one , do . i am by far no hardcore pvp'er but i've been here a while. sure i'd like to see more content but i alos think it should b really though through content , not just smack down , to get it in the game. basically i am always for keeping the game simple. basically the pb r still not finished. let them finish one thing before they get to another.

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Its sad really in this age of new gamers that a game like this WAS at EA release cant survive. When i first started the server was at 1400 and everyone in game ( not forum) seemed to enjoy the vast open world and the hunts and chases and big battles in OW but then people in forums and some in game started to demand more pve missions , closer pve missions, more xp for pve missions , group missions , bo cool down teleports and on and on.

In the game i seen more amd more people just get frustrated and quit because they could no longer find anyone in the ow and that people started just grinding quests missions to get biggest levels and do port battles. Every patch that makes the OW smaller and makes this game closer to just warcraft at sea i see more people leave and only a few come back for the easy mode stuff.

I think they had the idea right at first and should have targeted a niche crowd that would be smaller but loyal and willing to put up with the pace of content release etc but instead its now going in the oposite way and becoming just another grind to the top then get best gear best ship and do your daily and your port battle raids and log off just like warcraft but this game will never be able to churn out content like warcraft so it will just wither.

Just my two cents and yes im aware im now in the minority now.

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All I wanted was to hunt and be hunted in OW with the occasional PB in for variety.

Sadly the game has devolved into port sitters and PVE mission players.

u have to live with it. they don't want to see that most alpha tester want more MMO instead of simulator (no real team gaming possible, to long OW traveling,...) and they ignore every comment which tells them game breaking (pirates as nation, battle screen, smuggler in combination with PB, crafting, not existing diplo,...). But, because they like simulation so much, its not possible to "craft" marines or other stuff and u have to grind it.
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u have to live with it. they don't want to see that most alpha tester want more MMO instead of simulator (no real team gaming possible, to long OW traveling,...) and they ignore every comment which tells them game breaking (pirates as nation, battle screen, smuggler in combination with PB, crafting, not existing diplo,...). But, because they like simulation so much, its not possible to "craft" marines or other stuff and u have to grind it.

Sadly if what you say is true and the people interested in a 19th century sailing wanted clicky missions, fast or instant travel and easy to do quests just to get max level in a week to teleport to port battles then this game would be booming and need 20 servers because thats what we have now.

When the game was " to hard" for some of the vocal few in the forums the population was high and very very steady for quite a while ( yes some people always quit) but as soon as battle timers where shortend, missions moved closer , missions worth more xp and gold , choose your own quest put in so you can grind easy quest for xp or group quests and then free teleports the population dropped each and every time significantly.

The number dont lie. The easier and more gamey NA gets the more the population falls. The crowd that you think wants the fast pace clickfest will never be drawn to or stay with a game like this, there simply isnt enough ADD medication in it and the hard core gamers that like games like eve or any of 100 survival games out there and that did play this will not stay in a game that is just another mmo.

Of my 8 friends and i that started playing this all have moved on because its to easy mode now and the sandboxy open world feel is gone . 1 friend still plays and dont want to give up yet so i still log in to the empty OW when he is on to watch the population grow then port battles start amd end and the population falls off again.

We now have a port battle teleport simulator.

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The number dont lie. The easier and more gamey NA gets the more the population falls. The crowd that you think wants the fast pace clickfest will never be drawn to or stay with a game like this, there simply isnt enough ADD medication in it and the hard core gamers that like games like eve or any of 100 survival games out there and that did play this will not stay in a game that is just another mmo.

no, the most people leave because the time which has to be used to get from a to b is to long. people have a real live and don't want to spent 2h for doing nothing except go W @ 100% sails and then go afk. You dream that most people leave because of an easy mode, but that's not the truth. The most player aren't simulator fans, they where fans of the MMO aspect which isn't existing due the radicalized simulator fans (devs + some community players). most people left everytime there was a patch which made the game "harder" and there is a market for such a game, but the current implementation is bull shit. you need to much time to do anything, so u won't get many user to play that game. But, u all can still lie to your self and say "it's naturally that there are such drops (from ~1,6k @pvp1 to ~600 during prime time) during an alpha " and believe that the community it self is at fault.

My clan (60 people, 30 active 3 weeks ago) are left the game because it's boring to drive 2h and do nothing. And NA is not PB teleport simulator. The players are missing for PBs so. The Devs should create a Hardcore server (no teleport, sail speed like it is currently) and an easy mode server (teleport like it is currently and sail speed x1.5 or x2 and OW view distance x1.5 or x2) and if they refrain from doing dip shit developments which kill the game completely again (dmg model v5, I know u ALL love it, but it kills team gaming during battles) it could work

But nevertheless, you'll get your simulator game for sure with less than 1k player online during prime time since the devs don't need a game which has success. They already paid for month because of the EA sales and they can skip the MMO part (team gaming, more "casual" (spent less time on OW and doing nothing)) and they can ignore the major flaws&missing features/content (diplo,pirate as nation, hidding in battle screen, smuggler exploids) to implement dmg model v999 or leak model v100000 or add seagulls (most impressive feature)

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mrdoomed there is no one playing not because the game is hard or easy it is because most gamers do not want to spend 70% of their time doing nothing but staring at the back of their ship period

weither this game is hard or easy is not the reason people quit out of about 60 people that started in my clan no one is playing anymore because why should we waste 70% of our time doing nothing this game has jumped the shark and for the russian dev look up happy days to see what that means


this game has failed because the dev dont listen to the players they had and wanted to do it their way well guess what they can test this shit themselves cause all the players have left except for the few hundred fan bois who are left playing

200-700 people cannot make a mmo the dev didnt listen and worked on things like a damage model that the players didnt think was broken but didnt fix other things


the players will never come back the dev wanted a nitch  game well they got it have now with no players

hell this game got so bad we went back to world of tanks that my clan started in alpha 6 yrs ago instead of playing this game that says something not sure what it is but this game is complete failure sure i got my moneies worth just because i have to sail for 3/4 of my game time doing nothing

Edited by Atomic Moose
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The most player aren't simulator fans, they where fans of the MMO aspect which isn't existing due the radicalized simulator fans



Let's read again www.navalaction.com



Naval Action is an


realistic and

beautifully detailed


naval combat game


immersing players into


the experience of the most beautiful period of naval history



I see nothing related to MMO specifics. They might be developed but are not the driving force of the game.

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Let's read again www.navalaction.com


Naval Action is an


realistic and

beautifully detailed

naval combat game

immersing players into

the experience of the most beautiful period of naval history


I see nothing related to MMO specifics. They might be developed but are not the driving force of the game.

Thanks. Thats how i read it too. Especially the realistic and immersing part. Unfortunately for me quests 5 minutes from port and teleporting isnt immersion or realistic for me.

Just glad i wasnt the only one who read it the way you did. Moot point now though.

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You realize mmo stands for massive multiplayer online right ? You do know that covers any massive multiplayer game right ? You realize tbats not the description of the game right ? The MMO is what brand of game it is not what details it will have.

I do like that you highlight action ( which i used to have till teleports) but gloss over the SIMULATION part you seem to have such trouble with lol. There was NAs entire problem , they thought the clicky moba crowd could read.

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You realize mmo stands for massive multiplayer online right ? You do know that covers any massive multiplayer game right ?


yeah and 600-700 players during prime time aren't massive, so what's your point (yeah skip the dip shit that its an alpha, if its simulator only you won't have more players playing that game)? They should remove the information that they want to develop a MMO and everything is fine. And I still miss a clear statement that they want to do a simulator only and if its a simulator they should drastically decrease the speed on OW. it took days to drive from one port to another one and that can be done in 10 minutes or so. decrease the size of the vessels on OW. they are to big if u compare it to a city. you find so many things what they had to tweak because of there thoughts it could be a MMO. remove that stuff and make a pure simulator then and everyone would be happy

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yeah and 600-700 players during prime time aren't massive, so what's your point (yeah skip the dip shit that its an alpha, if its simulator only you won't have more players playing that game)? They should remove the information that they want to develop a MMO and everything is fine. And I still miss a clear statement that they want to do a simulator only and if its a simulator they should drastically decrease the speed on OW. it took days to drive from one port to another one and that can be done in 10 minutes or so. decrease the size of the vessels on OW. they are to big if u compare it to a city. you find so many things what they had to tweak because of there thoughts it could be a MMO. remove that stuff and make a pure simulator then and everyone would be happy

Stick with wot mate.

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I was just justifying my own expectations regarding the game while presenting what bought me into the game.







naval combat game



The game also offers a open world - free to navigate - and a sandbox experience - exert my own gameplay style.


On top of that MMO system to rule factions relations and how they see each other on the open world and how they can interact through the sandbox, is being developed.


Also war mechanics for spectacular conquest drives if players want to step up on the grand admiral shoes and go forth into line of battle and win territory and glory to its own faction.


What is you justification for buying the game ?

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Ok, then play it alone or with 100 ppl online. Have fun in MMO which is no MMO but no simulation too or it is no noone knows what. For me at current situation you Hethwill and few more are just last stand defenders in lost war, sorry.

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hethwill do you just post to post or do ever not agree with the dev, there are people like you on every forum that kill ass the dev of the game and it does no good cause i know you play at nite cst cause i see chat in pirate so last nite at 9pm cst there was 200 people on that is not no mmo hell i have seem more single player games with coop have more people 

this game is no sim and will never will be cause i would love for a small ship to try to sail  behind a large ship cause ever heard of dead wind look it up so, this game is so far from a simulator that it isnt funny so either continue with the arcade version and make it fun and just do away with the open world


sadly i dont think anything the dev do from this point on will ever get the players back that left 95% of them are gone for good all i do anymore is long in and waste some crafting hrs cause i cant find anything else to play right now as i have said hell even world of tanks looks fun now and well shit that is 6yrs old


well you fan bois got what you wanted all the players have left so it is only the few 200-500 that are playing have fun with game now

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How about a compromise.

I won't try to convince you the game is great as I stay and play.

And you don't try to convince me the game sucks as you leave...


just shut up and leave already, the whining post is a wasted post.

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Math question of the day


GTA 5 online has fell from 360k to 15k or 24 times

NA early access fell from 5 to 1.5 or 3,33 times


Does this mean that Naval Action is 7,5 times better than GTA??

Or to the contrary GTA 5 is 7.5 times worse perhaps?


Yes naval action is better then GTA.


GTA is one of the worst franchises ever in history.  people play that game for a week and throw it away.


if your goal is to be that good... well, you've achieved it.


I always thought this game would be better then that lame ass title.  and it is.  population problems are occurring now.  need to retain players or this game will struggle.  gotta remember 90% of those people that quit will not return.


I hope something happens that will bring the crowd back.  would be nice to see a couple thousand as the day time high on pvp1 again.

Edited by randommexi
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