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Close Free Towns for battleships

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Hey NA Community

I suggest to close free towns for any kind of battleship no matter of class or size. Only trader ships allowed to dock.


At the moment you can send a captured ship or your own crafted ship like a Santisima (go in a small battle with a Brig, capture, switch ships and leave)in seconds to a free town without any fear or time delay

This tactic is used by some nations (or all?) To transport huge fleets in seconds and form a new hot spot against the enemy.

The result is: you can travel deep in your own national waters to transport goods or make some missions and from nowhere enemies appear

Don't misunderstand me I like PvP but you can act as pirate deep in enemy waters without fear, time delay and Advanced warning not based on your skill as captain or knowing hidden routes only because the game allow it. As nation or clan you can drive patrol as much as you want you have no chance to control your border or make your waters safer, you can do nothing!

This is unrealistic and brake some game mechanics in my opinion.

What do you think ?

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I was suggesting that all ships shouldn't be hidden in those ports. There are maybe 50+ enemy ships in it. Imagine in real if someone sailed into a port I guess everyone would notice such a huge enemy fleet. But here they are invisible. Since it should be more a simulation this should not be part of the game.


But this idea is even better. A free town should not allow battleships in their ports. They are free and don't want any war so there is no sense to let every nation operate from this port. I agree it's absolutely braking some game mechanics. It's so easy. Teleport. Gank. Sail back to port. Get basic cutter. Sail home. A paradise for trolling others. We can do PvP. But 15+ ships jumping on 1-2 enemies is not PvP. We call it seal clubbing. PvP would be 15-15 ships. That's PvP.

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Yeah, free towns are supposed to the sorts of lawless frontier places like pirate ports were in reality. (Pirates never tried to stop anyone from docking at Nassau.)


Alternately, it could be impossible to leave large warships docked at an outpost there without the player's presence. Someone will just steal it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Better idea:


No outpost in Free Towns.

You can still trade goods and resources between nations.


But you cant trade ships.


And the most importand thing:

You cant "hide" hole Fleets of 50 or more ships behinde enemy lines.

I LIKE this a lot.........no more teleporting fleets into otherwise secure areas.


Free port would equal free trade, and here are a couple thoughts/possibilities

- any one can leave a contract at a free port for, wait for it, FREE....no fees no conditions(i would think anything you could produce or craft, with the exception of armed ships,would be acceptable)

- even more interesting would be to require game crafted currency for transactions(coins) as well as any acceptable swap of goods to the parties involved.

- with the exception of goods in contracts waiting transactions, no storage. EVERYTHING comes and goes from a freeport on board a vessel

- in my mind I would think any vessel armed or trader would be able to utilize a free port for repairs etc. people just might want to escort their traders


This model might create a trader environment with ships worth protecting and prizes worth fighting for, ships with cargo and coin.

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really? You expect me to waste 2 hours of my playtime sailing from home waters to enemy waters have one battle get sunk then sent back to the nearest friendly port and sail another 2 hours to fight again. You really think that will work?


Lisa  Swims With Sharks

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really? You expect me to waste 2 hours of my playtime sailing from home waters to enemy waters have one battle get sunk then sent back to the nearest friendly port and sail another 2 hours to fight again. You really think that will work?


Lisa  Swims With Sharks

I'm simply offering up a suggestion on what I see as a flaw in the Game, in my opinion(OPINION), I don't see the point in free ports at all. to me, it's a mechanism that allows aggressors to stage assaults with impunity. If you were to remove Free Ports, people would have to sail exposed to stage attacks deep in indian country. If a free port existed similar to my proposal, players can repair/refit ships far from home and have fefuge but not be able to magically appear with an entire fleet.


And this might actually help factions establish borders and encourage PVP combat to expand your holdings, and with a reason to have more traders about, you have the temptation to take said trader, the necessity to protect or convoy the trader, etc .........

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really? You expect me to waste 2 hours of my playtime sailing from home waters to enemy waters have one battle get sunk then sent back to the nearest friendly port and sail another 2 hours to fight again. You really think that will work?


Lisa  Swims With Sharks


then dont get sunk ;)


I never said that you dont spawn after you get sunk in freetowns, if your ship has a nother duability.


So serously, do you think its better to get ganked by 20 whatever at the other end of the map?


They dont even have to risk there ships by transfairing them to this outpost. just teleport the ships.

thas easy for the attacker. but the defender cant do anything against it at all.


so this is a pure pro ganking mecanic

Edited by SaintGordon
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Because there are huge fleets in every free town at the moment.


firts of all, thats just unrealistic.


And the other thing is, you cant make a peaceful area in your nation.

You can be attacked by a large gank squad anytime everywhere.


In this time there were no paratroops. you have to risk your ship if you want to cross the hole enemy teretory.

Actualy there is no risk at all if you want to backstab someone

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Have an accessible list for free towns when in that free town that shows all the current ships docked there and who owns them.

Kinda analogous to looking out into the harbor or asking the harbor master who has registered at the dock.


So for example:


Snow - Owner ((Babble (U.S.))

Mercury - Owner ((Babble (U.S.))

Rennomme - Owner ((Mr. Lundy (U.S.))

Pirate Frigate- Owner ((Long Beard (Pirate))




This puts the owness on the captain to see whats currently stationed in port.  This is a reasonable sandbox way to prevent surprise port pop attacks that people are worried about.

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Because there are huge fleets in every free town at the moment.


firts of all, thats just unrealistic.


And the other thing is, you cant make a peaceful area in your nation.

You can be attacked by a large gank squad anytime everywhere.


In this time there were no paratroops. you have to risk your ship if you want to cross the hole enemy teretory.

Actualy there is no risk at all if you want to backstab someone


I understand your concerns and do approve the suggestion with the mentioned changes.


What I do not get is why a nation can't have a peaceful area.

It is supposed that you fight for it at all times and closing of Free Ports will change that.


A group will simply teleport to outpost and buy NPC ships or buy them crafted by a smuggler. Won't change anything regarding your concerns. Safety level will remain the same.

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As a national, set up patrols in your area.

If you see large groups of enemies, call on people to attack.

As a pirate, I sail in enemy waters and free towns are the only place I can port and sell any goods captured.

Please keep free towns and outposts there.

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In my opinion,  if you want to make this game more PVE and less PVP than this will be a good suggestion. No warship in Free Town means people will take hours to sail to enemy water and try to find a PvP battle. There will be less and less people that want to waste hours to find a pvp battle.

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Have an accessible list for free towns when in that free town that shows all the current ships docked there and who owns them.

Kinda analogous to looking out into the harbor or asking the harbor master who has registered at the dock.


So for example:


Snow - Owner ((Babble (U.S.))

Mercury - Owner ((Babble (U.S.))

Rennomme - Owner ((Mr. Lundy (U.S.))

Pirate Frigate- Owner ((Long Beard (Pirate))




This puts the owness on the captain to see whats currently stationed in port.  This is a reasonable sandbox way to prevent surprise port pop attacks that people are worried about.



I've been trying to advocate for this a bunch on the forums...  Its ridiculous to think that captains wouldnt be able to see who was already in port when they arrived.

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I've been trying to advocate for this a bunch on the forums...  Its ridiculous to think that captains wouldnt be able to see who was already in port when they arrived.



It also seems like the least intrusive way to help regulate the issue without restricting the sandbox.

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In my opinion,  if you want to make this game more PVE and less PVP than this will be a good suggestion. No warship in Free Town means people will take hours to sail to enemy water and try to find a PvP battle. There will be less and less people that want to waste hours to find a pvp battle.


not exactly.


you can have a lot of PvP at our boarders. no problem with that. but there you cant gank our smaller groups who just want to shot some npc to relax at the end of a working day.

with free towns you can gank those wo dont want to PvP. The PvP players who patrol the boardes wont be the target at all.


so what is the point to attack single players/small PvE groups in our backyard?

thats not PvP, ganking is the only reason. easy targets, ppl who cant fight as well as you.


so thats not sandbox, thats just lame

Edited by SaintGordon
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PvE existing for a reason as valid as the PvP hence the option we have to play in a PvE environment or a PvP environment.


Mind you I, personally, do not even care if my docks are removed from the free towns. It won't change the fact that any corsair, privateer and pirate can and will buy even NPC ships and go about their business and do exactly the same. Actually a bunch of buddies can supply me a ship on the fly at any free port and need no dock. Log in, ship is there, do the deed, back to free port, log off.


It will have no effect to those that make a living with attacking enemy shipping. We simply will have one ship in the port.

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not exactly.


you can have a lot of PvP at our boarders. no problem with that. but there you cant gank our smaller groups who just want to shot some npc to relax at the end of a working day.

with free towns you can gank those wo dont want to PvP. The PvP players who patrol the boardes wont be the target at all.


so what is the point to attack single players/small PvE groups in our backyard?

thats not PvP, ganking is the only reason. easy targets, ppl who cant fight as well as you.


so thats not sandbox, thats just lame

Do you know that La Tortue & Antwood are the spots where National players stack their warships to hunt pirate in our water ? We have never complained about it, insteed we welcome them because that gives us alot of opportunities to do PvP and make us fight better. And talking about ganking, pirates have always been ganked by Royal Navy everyday in front of Mortimer before the wipe and just afther, but insteed of crying and complaining on the forums and ask for game mechanics changed,  we just adapt and find a way to fight out.


It has a double edged, removing freetown for warships also remove your nations from hunting pirate down  and unlike you, we dont want to lose any opportunity of PvP

Edited by thp
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really? You expect me to waste 2 hours of my playtime sailing from home waters to enemy waters have one battle get sunk then sent back to the nearest friendly port and sail another 2 hours to fight again. You really think that will work?


Ultimately we need to find ways to create practical battlefields along front-lines between nations.


Currently the front-lines are often dead zones, so we end up creating PvP hot-spots via Free Towns deep in enemy territory (where we can actually find people to fight).


It's a pretty fundamental flaw in the game right now. So I'm tentatively in favor of a change like this, if it's part of a plan to get people fighting on frontlines.

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The ocean doesn't have any lines on it. Water isn't territory.

I never understood why people always talk about front lines in this game.

Front line isn't the right word, but areas of control and supply routes are factors in naval warfare. Hence the fights over remote Atlantic islands in real life...

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