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Nicolau Coelho

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Everything posted by Nicolau Coelho

  1. Hm, both sides have right, on their own side, but it doesnt matter. The goal should be to take this game allive. We all love the game with all the bad and good things, thats why we all here. So the intention of us all is the same goal i think. For me, in the current form it is not on a good way. The number dont lie. It give much suggestions how it can be better, what way are the right way..i dont know. But like now it can not go on. But another huge problem from my side is, that only a minority are use this forum. Let me say 1000 ppl are playing this game, but how much are here in the forum to interakt, make suggestions etc etc? Always the same 30-40 players, thats scince years. Unfortunately, then the people are listened to this minority. For example, what had be happend, when 1 week after release with let me say 1700 ppl are online 20% of them had find the way here to the forum, that was 340 ppl, or 50% what 850 ppl., if than for example 800 ppl say here, the way of this game is not the good way, or its not fun to be ganked, than i think it doesnt matter what the 30 hardcore ppl say. So it must be an intention, all the ppl who play this game bring here to the forum, where they tell their side before they leave the game and tell everybody to avoid this game. Understand what i mean? My english i snot the best, srry.
  2. To make the economy stronger it must be find a way to integrate the PvE player who will trade and build in the PvP server, so that will be maybe 300-400 more player. Dont ask me how, that is not my job, but that is one solution for one problem.
  3. One huge problem is, that it give not good manual or so. And ganking or so, its always a "problem" in PvP games. No one can avoid that. So for so ppl it give teh PvE server. but the best solution where that it give a way that PvP and PvE player play together on one server. That was the best for the server economy. Dont ask me how to do it but it must be possible to do this.
  4. It give two "Viking" nations allready in game Denmark-Norge and Sverige!
  5. Ahoy friends. For me some ideas to make this game better for me.... 1. Only four Nation, Spain, England, France and Dutch. Thats arr the right and bigplayer at that time period in that area. And Pirates?! Pirates can attack Ports, can conquers Ports to plunder them but they dont can hold them for long. But you cant choose Pirate from the beginning, you choose a Nation and when you attack own ships or ships from other nations they are not at war with your nation you will be become a Pirate. 2. Bring a computer generic Government for each Nation. What i mean? Like the Game Pirates from Sid Meier, doesnt matter if the 1987 version or the newer one. A computer Government that will random time after time declare war against other Nations also make peace with other nation. So it total randomize the war nation against nation. It will be funny if you know what i mean. If you attack a ship from a nation that will at the attacktime in peace with you, you will become a pirate like in the realworld. 3. No ports for Clans. Ports only Nation ports. All from the nation will became the same ships. Not like this yet. The taxerate will generate from the King or Queen. And the wealth and size of an port depends an there trading rate. Like in Pirates. When much trader will trade with this port, the ports will become prosperous, wealthy etc etc. When no one will attack or plunder that port successful they became higher prices for there goods. So if they is in Port battle for that port is in sight, much people of the defending nation have an interest to defend this port successful cause they will keep the wealth and high prices up. Understand what i mean? Thats are some Ideas from my brain. That ideas are only for me good, thats means not, that they will be good for all 🙂
  6. I like xebec´s, their are very good corsairships, especialy against the wind :-)
  7. Hello,

    all fine? How is it in your clan? does it works? how much people in your clan?

    y viva espania

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lucas Corso

      Lucas Corso

      Good! It will be nice to have another player. You are welcome to join clan if you want.

    3. Nicolau Coelho

      Nicolau Coelho

      maybe, only spanish speak player?


    4. Lucas Corso

      Lucas Corso

      We are english speakers but it would be ok even if you only know a little bit of english.

  8. Thats what i say all the time, and thats is that i say ironic i forgot...the allys have attacked the german at d-day out of the prime time...germany will now complain at the Supreme Court, cause :-P Its war and all the "good" player they say, we need primetime, are full of fear to loose anything, thats why i say, primetime is for pussys... Your sight is right Louis Garneray, i live in the EU, but i play on global, cause i will not have timeristrictions. But i find a merge better cause more people on, all plays together on ONE server, so we have much fun.
  9. Oh, im not new. i´m very old. But before i havnt write in the forum science a few day. So yes im new in the forum but not in the game. My account on this forum is from 2014 as you see. And for me ONE server is the best, okay two server one PvP and one PvE. In the war one can not choose the time of the battle. Fixed clock times make the game only boring, what is for example with overshooting battle? Is not there, because how to make a surprise raid attack deep in enemy tertory.Like so much coups in the era of this timeperiod in the caribean, if there are only fixed clocks? Use only the large clans, because is so prevented, which for example small clans at night times the big annoyed.
  10. ONE server for all a Server never sleeps! The people, mimimi, they have attackd us, but we was on sleep, thats not fair, mimimi. By the way...war isnt fair...primetimer is for pussys but °ironic on° i forgot...the allys have attacked the german at d-day out of the prime time...germany will now complain at the Supreme Court, cause it was not ok...:-) °ironic off°
  11. Ich finde es immer erstaunlich wie sich die "Highendgamer" winden und alles mehr oder weniger doof finden was nicht mit SOL zu tun hat. Jeder der spielt, sollte unabhängig davon, welche Schiffsgröße er fährt, die möglichkeit haben für seine Nation an einem PB teilzunehmen. Mit dem "das ist Endgame" will man nur mehr oder weniger die nicht so, auch vom Zeitaufwand Hardcoresplieler ausschließen. da bin ich gegen! Weil ohne die "Normalos" wird das Spiel nich lebensfähig sein. Das müßt ihr mal einsehen! Und wenn zum Beispiel die "Großen" nicht auf ihre SOL´s verzichten wollen, okay, dann muß ne andere Reglementierung her, zum Beispiel, das jemand nach einem PB für ne gewisse Zeit für ein PB gesperrt ist, so das auch andere drankommen können. So können eben nicht nur "Highendspieler" Marken farmen usw sondern jeder hat ne Chance dran zu kommen. Das sind so meine Gedanken, die aber erst im endstehen und noch nicht ausformuliert sind.
  12. Ja rediii, so hat jeder seine Meinung und Ideen, die muß in gut geführten Diskussionen, vermischen und dafür sorgen das was gutes bei rauskommt, was die meisten Zufriedenstellt :-)
  13. Das ist mir voll Bratbanane, mir geht es nicht mit Taktik. Auch mit SOL 1st Rate brauchst Taktik, mir geht es eher darum, das es nicht immer die selben Flotten sind, wünsche mir da mehr Zufall. Kann auch mal sein das dann eine Flotte der anderen unterlegen ist usw. Das sieht aber jeder auch anders. Nur würde eine "Willkürliche" Zusammenstellung, oder Reglementierung der beteiligten Klassen auch dafür sorgen das auch Spieler ohne SOL an nem PB teilnehmen kann. Was ich befürworte. Kann ja nicht sein, das nur "Highendspieler" an sowas teilnehmen können. Denn, in einem sind wir uns ja wohl alle einig, wie wollen das dieses wunderbare Spiel bestehen bleibt, und zwar noch lange. Oder irre ich mich da? Ich denke nicht! Nun, ist es aber so, wenn an PB nur SOL also teilnehmen, also nur Spieler die zum Beispiel viel Zeit haben, dann schließt man große teile der Spielerschaft von einem wichtigen Teil des Spiels aus, das führt unter Umständen dazu das "casuals", wir nennen sie jetzt mal so, das Spiel verlassen. Nun einige von den "Hardcore" Spielern sagen jetzt evtl, " ja, gut so", "bloß weg mit dem Rotz" usw, nur vergessen diese Stimmen, das ein Spiel ohne die "Casuals" nicht lebensfähig ist, also auf dauer. Dann wird das Spiel schneller wieder weg sein als manche denken. Ich finde nicht immer die richtigen Worte, aber ich hoffe man versteht meinen Ansatz?!
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