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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. I belive this will be done (or something similar resolving problem) together with UI refresh
  2. Sound good on paper - we will see in "washing". One thing - please tweak a bit crew damage by cannonbals - its too high atm. Can you elaborate this: Any changes coming on this?
  3. PotBS names: ROBERTS: Bart Sharp - The Caribbean Shipwrights, The Devils, Polska Flota Kaperska, United Polish Navy (brit) Robb Smith - Polska Flota Kaperska, United Polish Navy (brit) Bart Holomew - Polska Flota Kaperska, United Polish Navy (brit) Bart Zagloba - Polska Flota Kaperska, The Devils, United Polish Navy (brit) Bart Talary - Polska Flota Kaperska, United Polish Navy (brit) Bart Dukaty - Polska Flota Kaperska, united Polish Navy (brit) Bart Floren - United Polish Navy (brit) Bart Suweren - United Polish Navy (brit) Aitor Flores - Polish Sea Wolves (spanish) Tito Flores - Polish Sea Wolves (spanish) Ge Henna - don`t remember society (pirate) Chelsea Smile - don`t remeber society (pirate) ANTIGUA: Lee Scratch Perry - don`t remember society (pirate) Rigor Mortiss - don`t remember society (pirate) Tytus de Ville - don`t remember society (pirate) uff...forgot name of one spanish character...and three french ones
  4. Got few report from players that layout is too "bright" and people missing some features from old forums like: view who reading same topic and stats how many posts users got daily and overall. As well tech question: can you put some nice graphic header or layout not allow for that?
  5. Well with current system you can go smuggler mode, load fast, trader ship with mats for war supplies go to certain port and craft them. Bum. Maybe solution is war supplies need to be crafted in building (own nation only - not ally) and transported to attacked port (as well causing less hostility points)
  6. Could be nice if we get some nice graphic on forum header instead blue strip (if technically possible) ..btw - part of my posts gone...
  7. I like new layout but just need some time to "learn it"... Q&A should be nice feature - hope this will work fine
  8. Stop building ships and just take those you own for PvP and learn, practice have fun! Simples
  9. You mean Nation News section? there is a bit more soft policy but with limits ofc
  10. Suggestion is old as far i remember posted few times on forums - but is good suggestion imo.
  11. Enough chaps - stay on topic. If not next batch of warnings will be given. Out.
  12. Im pretty sure developers will suprise us with nice, clear and fit to age of sails user interface in future.
  13. On demand from author this topic will be cleaned up off offtop posts. This topic has to be story - now changing into another offtop discussion. To avoid this in future please stay on topic in this one and others topics as well. Thank you
  14. We can`t request what people should add to their signatures. If they want add it they will but force them to do this - nah
  15. As well cant complain on Steam - don`t bother about all those badges, gems etc...apart few minor problems works fine for me
  16. I like idea but limited to 1-3 max ports per clan - maybe size matter. Clans up to 50 members can have 1 port, those 100+ have 2 ports and 200+ have 3 ports. I bet developers got other priorites now to do. But maybe after game release? I would like to see it at some point.
  17. Stay on topic guys. If not well topic will be clean of offtop. No need to show who got bigger.
  18. Can you elaborate? We know this map isn`t historically accurate and that why we ask for help here during making of it.
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