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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. Please stay on topic and no more offtop - this topic used to look like nice story (i enjoy read it) but last few pages looks like offtop. Dont destroy this nice story please. Topic will be clean up from offtop posts.
  2. Great piece of work - well done Marques . When you got some spare time please update polish flag (few post above)
  3. Thats amazing Marques - i found one error in map legend - polish flag is modern and - main port is called Gdansk. Maybe use this flag (a Navy jack for Polish navy - privateer fleet) Otherwise a massive WELL DONE!
  4. I would like to see: week voting period three weeks alliance maximum two allies I like simple things
  5. Here is badge for APC free to use for all. Enjoy
  6. Will start doing map based on this png file as a base for future changes/updates: And here is "blue" version: Both are quite hi-res so there is lot of space for port names .
  7. To be honest i hope this will be helpfull for developers when they decide implement Europe - we doing here very good job, especially Marques and Steel Sandwich
  8. List is temporary - since we need more research on what ports were important and what not exist on this time or were not important small villages...i just make some proposals. Otherwise good job have to say - your map look better and better! Tiphat
  9. It looks nice. What about light colours for nations teritories? Keep great job mate!
  10. National News - news that one dutch clan went rogue and act against rest of the nation is for sure worth to post in this section imo. This forum section was created for: Diplomacy, role-play, events, battle reports, light forum PvP. This post is part of diplomacy news to warn allied nation players about rouge actions of specific group of players.
  11. For sure this shouldn`t be a developers priority but will be nice add-on after main task will be done.
  12. I know this but not sure this will be eventually easy to do by developers . Hope yes. And Marques try do it and we will see how it looks like after. GJ mate.
  13. Yup busy place for sure as well:P Btw - when you find some time to edit/fix dutch ports?
  14. Hi there I was thought it could be nice to implement into game some kind of greets during sometimes "long" travels on open sea map. Idea is simple when for example you pass same nation player (not only) you can write: /tiphat in chat in order to tiphat to him Similar solution was in PotBS (a lot of players know this) and i think can be nice addon here as well. There was a lot more than few in PotBS but i think we need only few basic one here to be honest. Here is PotBS emotes list: http://potbs.wikia.com/wiki/Emotes Discuss
  15. Yes - there will be at least few pvp hot spots: Gibraltar, La Manche chanel, Danish Sund and Bosfor
  16. Guys its a game dont go too far in virtual "politics" if you don`t want finish like him:
  17. Hi there - here is current list but keep in mind its a early stage and may change later.
  18. Nah i wouldnt bother about rivers to be honest. Whole area is quite big and river deltas are not needed imo.
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