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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. In history Sweden and Denmark was main enemy for polish privateers fleets
  2. Hey make your mind: when devs are not active people moaning same time when they release patch suddenly is too much changes? Let them work as they want
  3. Same as Rubli after our PFK and "guests" TS meeting - we will decide after wipe where and what nation to join. We plan a week or maybe more "trial" on both servers (without any reedemable using until final decision) Some of our guys are focused for small groups PvP and some for RvR so we need wise decision here. On TS meeting was about 30 captains so count us as PB fleet (maybe someday)
  4. We want play under own flag - no our nation in game so no playing:) fed up being a brit or rat in all games already
  5. Well i created this topic just for clarify. And could be nice if one of developers make some statement here. Im simply just curious. if Admin is too busy maybe Ink may write to us something...?
  6. Hi Devs Can you post here list of forum titles and requirements how to obtain them? If we have special titles please explain how people can get them. Cheers Master and Commander Bart Smith /tiphat
  7. Well leave at least one big trader ship craftable or add new
  8. Ship building is certainly more complex task and should be team (read: clan) effort
  9. Just cut one zero or even two. 150 gold for cannon sound better imo
  10. My advice for those who "moaning (in general)": if you like game (now or in the past) just take a BREAK now and BACK when developers finish their job. Its so simple and there is no reason get stress because game is not finished yet.
  11. Why we have to read this at first place. Its offtopic and its personal tirade. Please clean this topic off it. Shame.
  12. Maybe not. Maybe they were so quiet recently on forums but worked on this same time? Lets hope. Overall most of changes looks promising - some quite unexpected but hey lets test it:) Admin: can we get wee sample of UI? or you guys never started yet?
  13. That (a lack of changes in resources enplacement) sounds like another reason to join big "zerg" nations for average player - hurt so much smaller ones. Becasue "zerg" will get specific ports sooner or later anyway.
  14. Welcome to Live Oak World Wars Why not re-balance most demanded resources a bit?
  15. IMO after release of game forum need a bit refresh as well - now focus on finishing game but do it later.
  16. Well so basically its trash talk:) We have to wait for official statement about EU server - how this will look like since now all seems reading tea leaves.
  17. Are this time frame are official developers statement or you just speculate here?
  18. Well same here i know few people want play EU timezone PB - so let people decide.
  19. Why you think EU may be less populated? Most of game copies was sold in Europe i guess...to be specific i prefer playing on one server but my experience from any past game i played telling me that there is always issue with timezones.
  20. Why you guys doing such drama here - case is simple people will choose servers or nations on their own no need this soap opera here. Christendom why are you even suprise that EU people want be active part in RvR and PB? We got this problem in PotBS - that nightflips drove off many EU players from game - there was no point doing any effort when you loosing ports at our night time without single shoot. Plus Admin said that on steam will be thing allow to change nations after - so buy it and use it if not happy
  21. Im quite sure UI will be look way better when they change it as a proof look for this topic with promo art:
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