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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. Nah Polish 100% - you want bet?
  2. Too keep proportions between realism and gaming experience zooming out a bit would be great for many i belive. Defintely for myself Why we cant test it on test bed (if changes are not hard - game engine adjustment? idk)
  3. Well i want to see someday zoom out at least 20% more that current. On some ships mast are cut by camera.
  4. Second option more likely. Don`t know detalis anyway.
  5. Well maybe they re-think this if black scenario will take place after wipe and population stay low like now.
  6. Hi any idea how developers and we - community can advertise game before coming wipe? I think its quite important at this stage to bring back as many players as we can - both old players and potential new ones. This is the moment. Share your ideas here please. And please be constructive doing so. My idea: lower price - this always bring attention. Put it on Steam sale.
  7. Keep promise to game never turn into kind of P2Win game is what keep people hanging around and pop out from time to time on forums to check whats new even they not playing now. I bet. Correct me if i`m wrong on this.
  8. Similar system was in PotBS - sure we can have it here. That help a lot in daily clan "eco duties" - there is only one concern - trust and honest.
  9. Thanks a lot for answers. List updated. We waiting for more clans, guilds etc. Maybe we can leave this topic only for clans, guilds and all other NA related websites like Anolytic mention gather in separate topic? We still missing a few active clans i think. Please provide details guys.
  10. Hi guys at work atm. But yes my orginal intention was enlist clan websites but since old topic about clan list is no longer updated this may works. I will update list after work. Cheers
  11. Imo test bed may stay until full game release date - there are few volunteers will to test new things i bet.
  12. Updated. Added VLTRA clan. Buba please provide details in format from first post. Thank you.
  13. Testing community was during Sea Trials i would say.
  14. Hi All Since Naval Action community is very committed to game and forum i thought its nice idea to make list of fan websites we have active currently. All Clans, Guilds, Societies, Companies or Bands of Pirates please share your website links in this topic. List could be great help to new players but not only. Enlisted your website here may help as well to recruit new members in future since they can find specific clans websites easy instead dig forums for it. If there are so called "nation websites" post them as well. Format could be simple: Clan name Server Nation Website link Teamspeak, Mumble or Discord I start with our website for example: Name: Polska Flota Kaperska [PFK] Server: PvP EU Nation: Sweden Website: http://www.polskaflotakaperska.pl/ TS: deadecho.pl:9988 Name: Royal Danish-Norwegian Navy [RDNN] Server: PvP EU/Global Nation: Danmark-Norge Website: http://danmarknorge.org/ TS: na.danmarknorge.org Name: Kings German Navy [KINGS] Server: PvP EU Nation: Great Britain Website: ? TS: voice378.ismett.de Name: Plus Vltra [VLTRA] Server: PvP EU Nation: Spain Website: http://navalaction.es/ TS: navalactionspa.teamspeak.de Name: Flying Powder Monkeys [FPM] PvE Name: The Union Jack [TUJ] PvP Server: PvE/PvP Nation: Great Britain Website: TBA Discord: <Flying Powder Monkeys - General chat> Name: Holy Roman Empire [HRE] Server: PvP EU Nation: Sweden Website: http://imperialfleet.forumprofi.de/ TS: sverige.ninja Name: Reichsflotte Server: PvP Global Nation: Verenigde Provincien Website: ? Discord: <Reichsflotte> Name: AHOY [AHOY] Server: PvP Global Nation: Great Britain Website: https://ahoy.enjin.com/ TS: Name: Salty Dogs [DOGZ] Server: PvP Global Nation: Great Britain Website: ? TS: and(or) Name: Les Enfants du Roy [EDR] Server: PvP EU Nation: France Website: http://navalaction-france.com/ TS: ts3.navalaction-france.com Name: Voodoo Shipping Company [VCO] Server: PvP Global Nation: USA Website: http://www.voodooshipping.net/ TS: tatteredflags.teamspeak3.com Name: The Decatur Armada [TDA] Server: PvP Global Nation: USA Website: http://decaturarmada.enjin.com/ TS: DecaturArmada.enjinvoice.com Name: Stars and Skulls [SORRY] Server: PvP EU NAtion: Pirates Website N/A TS: Hope we get here as many as we have websites related to Naval Action. P.S. To moderators: If possible pin it please and update from time to time. Thank you. Bart Smith
  15. Again old idea from PotBS (a bit modify) Ships can make very slowly hostility points only by sailing/anchor in certain area/zone - may be solution for not enough numbers of fleets to attack.
  16. Are this is limited by server somehow ? or just random number?
  17. I meant defend port from PB taking place.
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