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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. Once again have important question related to new servers after wipe: can we get official info about them? What difference will be between PvP Global and PvP EU? Port battles times? anything else? We plan guild meeting next friday to start discussion: what next after wipe...so this is essential for us. Hope for quick response with explanation from developers.
  2. We [PFK] and some other poles (we hope) got TS meeting next friday so maybe we will know something more after... We will discuss both server and nation choosing. We still have over 180 members in clan list and we want see as many as possible back online after wipe.
  3. Well Well Well - first time ever forum speaks one language. Sure they have to rework resources and now when alliances will be switched off its even more essential to do so.
  4. If this will be implemented in any form into NA i will be for sure making flags since got over 300 designs approved in old PotBS user content. C`mon devs lets make it real after game release!
  5. Great and i no doubt you got fun (not the guy in Victory) but you miss here wider perspective im afraid. We got so many ships in game but meta for PB are 3-4 types only. Making Lineships expensive and building them more demanded (marks) may help to make more ship variety for those engagements.
  6. They must find a harmless way to balance (read: reduce) amount of ships of the line to avoid "zerg" and lack of ship variety in PB like we used to have in game recently. I think general they heading in good direction with that according their last ideas posted o forums. The most prestige and powerfull ships need some effort to build and have to be expensive as well. So i think mark system for blueprints and admirality items can be good solution here.
  7. 7/4/2017 w godzinach 19-20 - Spotkanie na naszym TS: deadecho.pl:9988 Cel - dyskusja co, gdzie i jak po nadchodzacym wipie. Zapraszamy wszystkich polskich graczy w Naval Action bez wzgledu na animozje czy nacje w ktorych graja. Zapraszamy do wziecia udzialu w dyskusji odnosnie przyszlosci naszych gildii jak i calej polskiej spolecznosci w grze.
  8. I bet he means craft rank here...since as reedemable we will get both xp. Loyalty points could be similar to PotBS reputation with trading companies etc.
  9. Can we get more details about new servers coming after wipe? We got few people confused a bit in terms what server to choose.
  10. Just got for option 2 - simple like jiggy jiggy and simple solution are the best sometimes. This: "We can wipe everything now including XPAND just provide rear admiral rank to everyone who played during EA solving all potential redeemables and late comer problems.Active players are max rank anyway. And we doubt retired players will come back and doubt they will be unhappy with rear admiral rank. " Maybe give a choice to start from scratch or get max rank straight.
  11. Told ya in 2013 after join this forums take what was good from PotBS - seems like you start listen:P
  12. This sounds promising - big, populated nations should be fully self-sufficent in matter of resources, population and sea power. Smaller nation - that different story they may need alliances like oxygen.
  13. How? to tell people: Please don`t join GB - they got too many captains? Good luck with this - seems like not easy task. I like second idea of wipe: "We can wipe everything now including XPAND just provide rear admiral rank to everyone who played during EA solving all potential redeemables and late comer problems.Active players are max rank anyway. And we doubt retired players will come back and doubt they will be unhappy with rear admiral rank"
  14. Offtopic about alliances and wipe - what if all decide join same nation? LOL Admin can you inform players about this important info via their steam accounts?
  15. Well despite this will cause RAGE on forums its reasonable - and quite fair to newcomers. But...nah
  16. Maybe (if possible) notice all players via steam accounts? That may help avoid a massive disappoint in case of loose XP or craft Xp when somebody not follow this advices.
  17. Why just no follow PotBS system in this with tweak a bit. Map is PvE - PvP zones are created by players attacking ports (this zones could be bigger in terms of NA map size) and there is option for hardcore PvP players - rise voluntary PvP flag (so you can be attack anywhere) We got normal ports and region capitals in NA so size of PvP zone could depend of port - instead of fight only for regional capitals we can get more smaller battles for normal ports as well - bonus for all - more fun and more ship variety for example. Here is how map look like in PotBS: And here how this could look like in NA: I think that better idea than "packing" half of or even more population into Mexican Bay - this working fine in PotBS why can`t here? Lets make this game for all...if you decided to close PvE let them play on whole map instead lock in "cage". And hardcore PvP players will be happy as well and more motivated to attack ports to make PvP zones. Benefits for all again.
  18. Quite right instance moves as battle progressing but always we have "virtual center" - a middle of fight at time of next player joining it. So this could be point related to later spawn in battles. Don`t want draw next picture but i hope all know what i meant here.
  19. Are you missed my last sentence?
  20. Remove ALL limits - let all battles open but all reinforcements spawn far away related to joining time. Wee example - joined 1 min after battle start you spawn at normal spawn distance plus 100 yards away from enemy, joined 5 min after battle starts you spawn normal distance plus 500 yards etc. Numbers and picture are just for example.
  21. I guess it will be full ship wipe including them...
  22. In nature (and economy) money not vanish like we got now. Instead cost of production (or part of them - a tax) can fill port treasury and help to upgrade it.
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