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Genevieve Malfleurs

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Everything posted by Genevieve Malfleurs

  1. The fast pace or endless chase is indeed a problem. Closely related to the repair meta we have. repair one or two times maximum per battle would be much better for the gameplay. more tactically. that´s something I´d love to experience. do you really risk a full blast of chains coming towards you? or better keep some distance.... the arcade-like magic repairs are most unimmersive and unrealistic. a pity for this great game!
  2. great news! does that mean full repairs and necromancy won't be possible anymore? cause of historic outcome and such.... 😁
  3. Honestly I like to try some weird combinations you´d never do in crafting. Nothing for the meta-perfectionists of course
  4. Your response tells us a lot about yourself and adds literally nothing to the important topic! In other words: just being a dick.
  5. Good, you do this work! Keep on completing it :). The exams shouldn´t be described as crucial as you do it right now. The game can be joyfully played without them. My advice for new plaers is always to stick with the small ships for a loooong time :). Learn them properly! With the manual usage of the sails! The small-ship-chapter is missing still a lot. To me Requin and Niagara aren´t interesting at all for the new players. But using Lynx, Cutter, Privateer and Pickle, or Snow and Mercury, Navy-Brig among the square-riggers is priority. If players learn to use them efficently they will be ready for the bigger frigates. Far too often I see poorly handled frigates just eaten away by a skilled veteran. Personally I did all newbie-mistakes a lot. Got back to the small vessels again and started to learn! Most efficient learning of course took place in fights together with other mates. Learn to play a role with your ship. The Mercury for instance won´t kill the enemy Trinc alone, but she might be the one keeping her in battle, raking her, making her do mistakes, slow her down and, and and. But all that only works if the player knows what his ship is able to peform, has knowledge about positioning in battles, and the usage of wind and sails! Best wishes and thanks for your work, Gene
  6. And I pretend to play Naval Action, in spite of regular "irony" (and even insults) from capital gankers: "Aquillas, when will you come in fight in a real ship?". Aquillas, you do something these golden gankers would never risk in their vain. Keep on sailing the underdog-ships effectively! I love that attitude!
  7. It´s not a waste of time. The developer put a lot of work in all the ship models, so they all need a place in this game. the mono-meta-ship-shit is just boring. Using the "bad" ships shoud be somehow more rewarding than going the easy way.
  8. Because the other vessels are fun my friend :). But of course, for stacking pvp-kills and feeling super-strong (leaderboard haha) they do not match. For the golden boys: just one vessel called "ship" would be enough. ah no. they don´t have weaker targets to smash then. tricky situation. i´m against permit-walls by the way.
  9. True, true. But realism vanishes because of repair and recrew much more in my eyes.
  10. lower the costs would be a good choice anyway. actually it is just a shame to see just a handful of all the models. Why don't we get pvp missions for certain ship-types? All the nice models should be used!
  11. Finally I got a Yacht to enjoy! Thank you dev-team. For me a wish came true by having this tiny, sweet ship :). PS could imagine a permit drop-chance too!
  12. Again I´d suggest to implement an improved mission system like: get 10 pvp / pve kills with the "Cherubim" etc. Maybe we´d see all the great models more often then. For sure, as written above already, some ships could need a buff. Essex e.g. is just to weak on her sides.
  13. wait, fellow smile is that good in demasting?? I'll keep that in mind. meilleurs salutations smile! you're indeed one of the friendliest players in the game 😁
  14. a fun-item is a fun-item is a fun-item. no books, no bonus, "sucky-ship". this a new experience for you??
  15. you might learn that not everybody is a helpless carebear and you´re without the usual meta-ship. but feel free to share your experience here.
  16. I bet it´s much more joyful being overconfident while not playing the game... like you do. Forum warrior.
  17. you're such a hypocrite mate! as aquillas asked already: why should any british player care for the Dutch as long as you continue the seal-clubbing party around Jamaica?
  18. The more I read all the nice ideas, the more I think it shouldn´t be regulated at all. Let it balance itself and give the possibility to develope all ports to 55 points. Empires rise and fall. Regulations might cause undesired side-effects.
  19. And still Friedrich II. said rather than having the worst fleet (sic!) he prefers to have the best army. So compared to the russian navy, prussia had zero significance in naval warfare.
  20. lesser extent Prussia? what did they have for sea-warfare? It's the fantasy nation no. 1 in the context of naval action.
  21. first, thanks for active communication with the community! regarding port battles: shouldn't the br-limit for ship-types be deleted? let all ships take part please and see what happens. kind regards, Gene
  22. Blockading a port needs support! Blockading a port has no battle-rating rules! Died sailors don´t come alive in a blockade! We have an arcade-style system right now. After the heaviest battles the ships are like freshly crafted and jump the next one. Miraculously fully crewed of course. That´s just nonsense and has nothing to do with buffing the lazy. Right now we have a big, big buff for the gankers in meta-ships.
  23. while personally I don't agree on smashing other nations into stone age, others seem to enjoy dominating and humilating players. ego-driven they camp the places where the easiest kills are to have and conquer major enemy crafting ports. No good. the utterly unrealistic camping could be easily stopped or reduced by a sensible repair system. no complete repair outside port and no necromancy! It would change a lot.
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