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Genevieve Malfleurs

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Everything posted by Genevieve Malfleurs

  1. energy is a result of velocity and mass. almost all pistol rounds travel supersonic and some high precision rifle rounds are subsonic. precision is gained by barrel length and more important the length your eyes get to aim. Hence the rifle on longer range. the effect on a target: ask a hunter, he'll tell you about the negatives of a too fast projectile.
  2. Very nice approach! What I´d suggest to every new player is: Stick with the little ships longer, free all their bookslots. Don´t underestimate Lynxes, Cutters and the like, and learn to sail them manually. They are fine vessels to harass bigger ships and you can escape the square rigged seal clubbers who hang around your port being so proud of their miserable deeds :). After that you might sail for a longer time with the Snow. She is capable, cheap and can be very dangerous. Check her sailing profiles and her possibilities to escape! Same with the Prince de Neufchatel. Forget about sailing a frigate as fast as possible please, because it most likely won´t do you good! Invest in book knowledge. The ones available in admirality are fairly good and cheap. Mix with your Snow/Prince in fleet battles (get Teamspeak!) and you will feel very satisfied once you´ve blown away a Trincomalees stern and crew of a loathed seal clubber. Always have the pvp missions activated. Assists count too! Best wishes, Gene
  3. What are you talking about? Shallow water ships with 32pder carros also are: Cerberus, Surprise, Renommee, Niagara, Le Requin. Hercules is overpowered due to her too high base-speed combined with high agility and number of chasers.
  4. well, good news for all these dlc- ship-savers who come to club weaker enemies at kpr and turn to run whenever resistance appears. we got enough funny fast hercs and reqs in the game already.
  5. Not at all. The join circle might have been on land. The rest of his fleet might have been drawn in a different fight. Our battle rating was a narrow fourth of his until an Ingermanland joined our side. Instead of crying for bans on people one might better criticize himself for the sheer arrogance to strike sails right on the enemy docks. But no, it must be the defenders fault! Sure. These "big boys" from almost all factions come to Truxillo for easy farming all day. With best ships, mods and whatsoever. One - and I call him offically a fool here - from Havoc lost his Wasa at Trux yesterday and texted his ship was dispensable, while we found a naval clock on her! Well, if even that kind of stuff is dispensable now, I for sure will not feed them my best ships. Maybe these people try to imagine that some mere frigate they kill so easily just passing by might be a precious to somebody who also likes to play the game. Regards, Genevieve
  6. It's been different in Truxillo. Reverse sat right on our docks when I pulled his Wasa in battle and started bitching about griefing - whatever that means - right from the start. As if his time is worth more than mine. Killed about 230 of his crew with my little Snow just to demonstrate the intention to fight. I do not have the skill nor a super Wasa to counter him. Hence the coast guard ship. Not my fault if his buddies don't manage to join the fight. Gene
  7. I am more concerned that some clans don´t know when the right moment to stop winning has arrived. Smashing the most important ports will surely lead to a heavy loss of players. Well, the high perfomers can cannibalize themselves after that then. This great game mustn´t die! I hope this to be the baseline expectation of all of us. Best wishes, Gene
  8. True. True. I am much for no recrewing on open sea and in battle instance. As well as a serious nerf to the repair system in general.
  9. Fun fact: at his end he quite typical for nazis kept his shitty mouth shut. It´s simpy disgusting! Zero tolerance for Nazis please!
  10. I got a nice one too. Pirate heroes in Kingston bay of course . Some behave like fulltime fools I fear.
  11. We did our best Jorge. Most of us were fighting both massive screening fleets you had. Congrats to the skill, equipment, ranks and numbers of the Russian players! Best wishes Gene
  12. how about five minutes open for all and definitely closed after?
  13. Das ist doch kein Foren-PvP. Aus meiner - zugegeben leicht erhöhten - Warte ist das doch eher seal-clubbing :).
  14. An Georg Fromms Beitrag läßt sich schön ablesen wie manche Leute hier ticken. Aggressiv bis in die Haarspitzen und beleidigend. Ganz, ganz toll! Im verknüpften Kommentar geht es ausdrücklich um Ressourcen zum Bau von Schiffen und Ausrüstung. Und wenn jemand daran Freude empfindet, was ist dann falsch daran? Mit Verlaub: Sie sind ein ausgemachter Kotzbrocken. Genevieve
  15. Das ist doch ein sehr schöner Bericht zu unserem Spiel! Persönlich würde ich gerne mehr Kommentare dieser Art durchlesen als die ewigen, teils aggressiven Sprüche. "For me, it’s the economy. Each island has a set of resources that can be collected by players as the first step in the crafting cycle." An dieser Aussage ist nunmal gar nichts falsch. Beste Grüße, Gene
  16. Let my logic be contradictory in your eyes. Doesn´t matter at all. I appreciate the boundaries we´ve got. People need to make strategic decisions. Where did I defend the stupid things I listed? They are worthy to discuss. Recrewing on sea is far more a disturbing issue than a limit on outposts. Or the repair system, where you by the way propose the weirdest things in another thread. Just accept that not everybody agrees to your proposals.
  17. Well, I don´t see a big issue here. In real life you cannot recrew on high waters, cannot fully repair while sailing, cannot make dead people alive by drinking rum, cannot beam ships around the world and teleport..... Stick with it or bark at the moon as Vernon proposed. All people ever ask for is more, more, more. You put it in elegant words though.
  18. Of course it is strategic inside the context of our game. It is a bit like in a chess game. Stick with the rules and do something with it.
  19. order some of your mates to get an outpost there. Or don't conquer another port. I like this strategic part of planning the limited number of settlements you can have. A good feature for a non arcade war game imho.
  20. That and the repair system in general. It shouldn´t be possible to polish a roughed up ship up in a shiny one during battle. 3 or 4 shresholds would be nice.
  21. We did a funny and unsuccessful gank too this evening. Fellow Jon Silver managed to get tagged all alone right on the docks of Mantua while his gank squad - and believe me they came with firepower - was just a little too far behind with their join circle on the land. He played skilled as usual, giving a lot of offensive words as usual, we played it bad, have been called countlesss times noooobs and idiots, at least not his common "hello kitty you" all the time, who knows, maybe he does some sort of therapy for better behaviour and linguistic skills. Imagine somebody playing skilled like him AND eloquent as hello kitty! Wouldn´t that be cool? PS Oh, I´m daydreaming...
  22. Absolutely agreed! Fun is different for everybody. The most fun in NA I had and still have when mixing in fights with whatever is at hand. It might be a Cerberus from shop or even godforbid a Navy Brig :). For sure, I prefer my own crafted vessels! What concerns me is the fact that RVR is too homogeneous. The port battle ship of the day is the Ocean, the hunter of the day is a fast Wasa.... With no tow availability my hope would be to see more ship types in battles. The game offers much more than we see nowadays! Maybe some people chose to craft and establish ship markets in remote places. High risk, high reward etc. It could all be even much more dynamic and rewarding and not, like the pessimists among us say, the end of days.
  23. 1st, no need to mention a personal players motive. It's about the game. 2nd, the tow allows you to react in the described way once per day. In your logic we'd need unlimited tows and will finish in an arena game. 3rd, if a nation owns a port, I guess players have ships there to respond. Not always the best vessels, for sure. But that's life.
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