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Raf Van Boom

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Everything posted by Raf Van Boom

  1. I do want a sandbox game, but it just needs to be more alive. For now it does do the boredom at sea thing very well, quite authentic.
  2. Just one thing for me really - I want to be able to log on and have engaging fights throughout my time online without the need to grind ranks, ship slots, mods etc.
  3. I don't know where you live but if he wants to enjoy the world of computer programming the normal path here is via B. Sc. in computer science or some college courses. If he wants to do 3d design/animation etc there are different, possibly better, paths. He probably thinks it's pretty glorious etc, the thing is it's not, he better like advanced math
  4. everything with +speed on it in every slot, can't go wrong with that.
  5. 10 year olds don't necessarily have a good idea of what they want to be. How about cutting him off the games and replacing that with physical activity.
  6. I voted 'yes', it's a circus anyway, what's another clown?
  7. I'd rather not have a mini-game but something that's completely integrated into the combat system, swivels, quarterdeck guns, muskets, melee weapons, blood etc etc. If it's not it will always suck no matter what, good ideas here though.
  8. 3 components required - traders brig, square fort, dead port.
  9. Time in battle not equal to time in OW, that's one issue. This could be used to exploit entry into port battles/ports etc. Getting rid of instanced combat would solve a lot of these but it's probably not feasible, unfortunately. Or is it?
  10. People voted with their feet - population drop from the average (EST) 30%.
  11. Dozens of suggestions, well thought out etc. but nope, a lazy change that takes a couple of minutes to implement and screws up a lot of other things. Well done, force people to play the silly boarding mini-game because it's REALLY great and everyone just loves it.
  12. Naval grape was bigger than what was used to clear infantry, its purpose was to cut up rigging, puncture sails etc by the way. So please portray it correctly not as some sort of projectile that decimates crew. Swivel guns were used for this purpose, and they, you know, swiveled.
  13. And while we're at it, let's limit the amount of grape a ship carries, kind of like chain. Nobody should be graped for 1hr30mins.
  14. This is a limitation of instanced combat that's separate from the rest of the world. You can't really fix it, you will create a different problem. I understand that chain tagging someone just to grief them is a problem, but it seems these guys were not trying to grief, they were just not very good at executing a proper tag and sinking the guy.
  15. So the ship pushing you could instead join the boarding combat, right? Or do you just want to get a cheesy kill in a hopeless situation because you managed to 'pull' someone?
  16. How about finishing the UI patch before ripping apart the system that works more or less? It makes no hello kittying sense whatsoever.
  17. Crowd control NA style, who the hell needs this? @admin you laid out a plan, why do you bite yourself in the foot by deviating from it? Finish what you decided you were going to finish instead of adding something that will take you months to balance/get right again.
  18. Accurate to within a few nautical miles, celestial navigation was a thing until the invention of the GPS, eh?
  19. People have been able to navigate for thousands of years, and no, none of it required fish meat
  20. That's where the sextant comes in, you are here. You are HERE, right? While this is no GPS it's very accurate with a good chart.
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