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Everything posted by Landsman

  1. Please fix the damage for reward while you are at it. 20k is too much compared to deep water being 20k aswell... make shallow patrol 10k / 10 PvP marks, please.
  2. Still hoping the game will get to these numbers again some day... what can I say, I'm a dreamer.
  3. Yeah, to be fair in this fight prussians were losing hard vs spanish / completely ganked and some other nations joined the winning / ganker side. If you had gotten an more even fight, prussians would have won easily sooooo... meh. My point still stands - people are cowards and join the winning team. It's how prussians are usually killed from the battle result screens I have seen.... just like the germans in ww2 - can't beat them 1:1 ? Just throw more bodies at the problem.
  4. Thank you very much. I don't see why smaller nations can't merge into one by themselves anyways... if people want they can switch nations and merge - no problem. More factions is always better in my opinion.
  5. Already in game tho.... who do you think works on your hemp plantation level 3? What do you think "labour contracts" represent?
  6. It's a bug, because I can not join with it. It says I can not join PvP with the basic ship. BC now has less than 1k base armor, so it is fairly weak.
  7. I just tested this. You can not join battles in the PvP zone in basic cutter. If you attack them, then that is on you.
  8. No need for that in my opinion... what you get for your money is the ship for free indefinitely. Let's stay away from the slippery slope that is exclusive gear and pay2win. I'll buy the premium ships to support the devs and the game in the very first place... I have enough ships and 2/3 of the premiums are already available in game anyways...
  9. Yeah, fair enough.... forgot there was a shallow water one too...
  10. Why would it be cheating? Most people bring SOLs and you can't deal with a basic cutter that can't even pen your sides?
  11. Easy fix would be to give significant multipliers to the lower BR side...
  12. Dayuuuum... that's like the first real prussian defeat I have seen since the carebears left it... good shit.
  13. No need to bother, mate... dude is an idiot.
  14. Nobody cares what you need, buddy. Here are the facts: Edinorogs were completely broken and everyone accepted that. They are limited and good players not only have more on average but also lose less of them in combat due to winning more than the average player. They got nerfed so it is a bit better now. Your PvP marks prove nothing and aren't related to this issue at all. I can sink some noob sailing Bellona on my Belle poule without any mods and get PvP marks for it. Does it mean Belle poule is the stronger ship without factoring in captain skill? I doubt it. I mean what sort of BS is that? I don't know what's up with your age issues man but cheer up a bit - you may be old but life ain't over yet . Consider yourself ignored now... there is no point in trying to reason with you and you're only wasting my time with your completely illogical and arbitrary comments - you are not even able to have a proper argumentation.
  15. The logic is that copper plating is balanced and basically unlimited. But Poods? .... you probably don't need them because you suck at the game... nobody needed them but having them gave / gives an clear advantage... of course that doesn't matter if you are a PvE player Also I don't know what this age talk is about mate, are you gay and looking for young men? I don't think I can help you with that...
  16. Apparently there was, otherwise they wouldn't have been nerfed. You need to take a chill pill and after that stop writing stupid shit that makes no sense... copper plating is easily available to everyone for like 2mil and only gives some speed which isn't game breaking or broken. Yeah, they could make Buc cost victory marks but then again who cares and what does it have to do with something being overpowered? You're just blabbering away and seem to have no idea about the importance of gear balance and meta in games...
  17. I would like this but maybe make it rather all free ports give a higher chance for gold ships with trim... would encourage people to build their shipyards outside of the safezone...
  18. I was chuckling quite a bit when I read the "practice sailing in formations" bit...
  19. Pirate rig on bellona is complete nonsense indeed, at least we can agree here.
  20. All the other OW-PvP? Sounds like a parallel universe where NA has 2k players online around the clock that aren't almost all little sissies that try their hardest to avoid equal fights.
  21. Like the ganking of groups of 10 fir/fir ships that go for 1 and then run away from equal fight or 5/5 fully pimped gold ships farming carebears with shop ships that we currently see in game? "Biggest ships and most repair mods" sounds more like this would ideally lead to some epic fleet battles? You can not eliminate ganking from a OW MMO game unless you make it so there can only be 1 vs 1 battles in ships of the same BR and this system sounds more fun than the endless chases and fir/fir boat shitter gank squads we have in game at the moment. It is a opportunity to have big fights in ships built for combat with ( hopefully ) good rewards on top in the future. Hardly any more gank encouraging than what we currently have in game...
  22. It promotes bringing cheap and actual combat ships ( not fir/fir garbage ) and thereby lowers the fear of losing the ship while also evening out the playing field since more people will be sailing cheap ships with disposable mods. I think it is pretty good... what is wrong with it? If you plan on running don't go there in the first place...
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