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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. You speak of magic as tho some perks for rats aren't magic also and as tho it is really difficult for crew to know to cut the f*cking ropes when grappled. Requiring the boarder to have more crew means that I personally have enough crew to defend against being boarded by releasing grapples and cutting the ropes. Once I lost enough crew to not be on grapple defense then I can see enemy being able to board on a whim. But to remove DD is just making it a retard f*cking gank fest all over again for no f*cking reason other than to please f*cking gank squads. So congrats devs, you played to a minimal group base....yet again.
  2. Why would Determined Defender be removed? How stupid is our crew now to not know how to prevent boardings? It was already lowered to only 25%. This is sad to know that now my crew will actually catch and attach enemy grappling hooks.
  3. To the OP....wow, just wow....but.....
  4. I still believe that once we attackers build hostility to 100%, that we get to choose when to attack during the next 48 hours (like setting port timer during the Conquest Flag era) and that defenders do not get to choose when the battle starts. The PB should never close because defenders join the PB. It should stay open based on the attacker joining. Of course alts will purposely screw us, but nothing we can do about that, alts are alts...
  5. This is why it would be great in PB World to have cap circles in shallow areas and in deep areas. Then we could have a fleet of shallow ships run off to a shallow cap while deep ships destroy defenders, forts, and try capping the deep cap circle. But, they said shallows in PBs are impossible.
  6. Dear OP, on the OP can you make each ship be linked to the post of the pic so we can just click directly to the image from the OP? Please and ty
  7. 150 ppl plus the 300 US timezone players on the PvP 1 would not equal 75. And we have 4 active nations. To have more active nations, all the 300 ppl switching over need to do is join a small nation.
  8. The devs called for a wipe anyway, so the only thing we keep will be rank and craft level; no ships, buildings, nor ports. We will all start at the beginning, so not assets will need to be xfered. The more important suggestion is to just have all US primtime players come back to the US server when this wipe happens.
  9. Please use the stars in upper left corner to rate the idea.
  10. Apparently 160 dmg on one ship is 200 and a capture on another ship is 200
  11. I like the OP suggestions. If others do, please rate this by selecting the stars in upper left corner 1-5. It helps the admins see what to pass on to devs.
  12. One thing that happened to me was that I towed a ship to a port that could take only one more ship. Then forgetting I sent one, I sailed a ship to that same port. I could see that scrolling all the way to the right in the ship list, it showed the ship in tow, but the next day it never showed up after the server reboot. So I move one of the ships to fleet. Then after the 2nd day server reboot, the ship showed up.
  13. In OW when clicking on an order, please show the order info like rank, etc. TY
  14. True indeed....yall left because you killed all your enemy and were tired of waiting on me to get that last kill. hehe
  15. Agree that a warning is needed or the devs need to just automatically make the fleet ships leave when player does. I lost a fleet ship awhile ago for the same reason. Funny thing is that all the enemy were sunk, so don't know why my fleet ship sunk.
  16. Then you might want to delete your account on this forum, as there is certainly no reason for those who delete the game to comment on something they care not to test any more
  17. Glad you have recruitment thread now! Got you updated on the PvP2 list. To all newb Dutchmen, Stroop and his crew are a great bunch of mates, and very helpful. Consider joining their fleet as we all work together building a strong Dutch nation!
  18. But the devs just added assist points. I think we're fine now; we just need to remain in groups and fight well like we do in PBs.
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