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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. We need a better poll that asks about specific parts of the patch. It would help devs know what parts are great and which need tweaked.
  2. I've change my name and am calling for my old clanmates to finally rejoin me BTW, you need a banner and signature image...let me know and I will create one for you and your clan.
  3. I've advocated for this for the longest time. It is a permanent upgrade, which means they are fixed to the ship, to which they should be utilized easily enough for protection during grape and rakes. If they were not permanent upgrades, then I would see these possibly being "handheld shields" that would only be used in boarding; but they are indeed perms.
  4. If I can get the Dutch to agree, we should do this as often as possible. I believe with the alternation of event that we would have to do this earlier for the Deep Event, or just do the last one of the night as Shallow?
  5. Indeed, but the devs/admins said the game models are modeled after these nation ships. The Mercury was HMS, according to my research.
  6. Calling all Dutchmates to the Weekly PvP Duelling Tournament. Before I post anything about it, I'd like to know how many Dutch are interested. Please click like on this to let me know.
  7. I've had the same issues, also in US EST when playing on PvP1. Oddly, it happens every time in human battles on PvP1, yet only about half the time does it happen in missions on PvP1. So, the more players in battles, the worse it is. PvP2 I rarely have issues, and when I do, it is always due to household or weather interruptions. I just cannot foresee me surviving on the Euro server unless they move it to a neutral location that has no packet filtering, i.e. Greenland or Bermuda, etc.
  8. USB Keyboard....I didn't think to test that. Will do. TY
  9. Appreciate it, yes I have searched, even chatted with tech support. They say I have food under my keys. lol.
  10. I do them for the rewards, but sick and tired of the same ships, especially those damn cheating snow. I will wait until the timed event changes ships that move like a real ship that has actual weight and momentum and actually affected by crew shock.
  11. Same here, it happens probably 2-3 times a week, and only in the last month or so. Sometimes I have to hit Esc a few times before it will finally close.
  12. I have an issue with my Keys. When I press Q, D, C, the C button does not work. It is as though these three keys are for some reason tied together. I have to double tap C or Q to be able to do the moves together. Is this a problem with game setting, or (more likely) my keyboard, and how would I fix this? It's a year old Toshiba laptop, the keyboard is definitely clean with nothing stuck in the keys, and it's been doing this since I bought it. TY for any advice.
  13. The new PB system has shown a good variety in ship appearances. But to many people, we desire something we can cling to that represents our heritage, or nationality, or simply just to satisfy our dreams.
  14. Here ya go! It does not change the fact that in-game nations are lacking. If nothing else, devs need to give us national paint schemes that are integrated into the build. Then if we want to repaint, we can. I'd just like some sort of visual difference between nation ships. Ideally though, we need all nations represented in each rate.
  15. And from this chart you can see in-game nations that are seriously lacking representation
  16. The ship menu at the bottom could really be images of each ship you have, like WoT tank garage; and different in each port. But nice ideas. Also, we need a different background image for each menu item, something related to each.
  17. It would be nice if we could upgrade the quality of ships, meaning adding upgrade slots and increase the quality of the build type, providing we have high enough crafting level. It'd also be nice if we could rebuild dura to a ship, so all the super nice 1 dura player caps could have more dura (not exceeding the original dura of the ship). Rather than us just breaking up ships once capped, It'd be nice to sail with some extra life in some of these steel beast Dane and rat ships we cap.
  18. Alts provide extra ports, ships, buildings, resources, materials and etc, that a single player would not be able to have. I personally despise alts, even though I wish I had one myself to gain all the doubling extras. However, we cannot ask the devs to cut their income in half (funny) by not allowing alts. We cannot ask devs to force everyone with the same IP address to play same nation, because my child and I wish to play different nations (hypothetically). It is too difficult to prevent alts. Giving one account more, as suggested in OP, means that alt users would simply have more of more. It will not stop them.
  19. I didn't see you bitching at your allied best bed buddies the Danes when they rolled thru and crushed every single nation to nothing. Nor did I see you complain about fellow rats who took the entire S America from the Danes, instead of letting the small nations reclaim them. Instead rats kept them for a month plus to make it look like they crushed everyone, until US and Brits joined up against rats. But that's the past right? Well so is it the past when we took France's last port. And btw, we took it, not US, so it is not the US who can give it back. We Dutch are giving it back.
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