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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. Yes there is a variety of BR, but that doesn't much change what ships would be needed or desired if the plan was to cap the zones. Having random zones being shallow for the 2 low rate PBs might do this and might also give some visual variety in PBs. I also wanted to see the towers in water come back, not have them only on shore, but 1 or 2 towers that are capturable to be strategically placed in the PBs. @admin, what is the possibility of the clan leader of the clan that wins the PB being able to appoint another clanmate as governor to the port? Possibly giving that Gov a reward like a special title or mark, maybe even weekly dbls or reals from the Admiralty? This might make more of an incentive to partake in PBs. Also, the Hostility needs to last longer and not reset so fast. Make it last a few days allowing both sides to react to it. As it is now, all the potential PBs are negated so fast. This also gives no chance for possible PvP around these hostility ports. Also, any chance of making ports upgradable via player interaction, much like the game Gloria Victis? Give Govs the responsibility to upgrade their forts and towers and capital buildings. This means Govs would also be responsible for supplying those resources to do the upgrades.
  2. Yes please! I have forgotten what admin said to this last year but I always envisioned 3 different Ports: Shallow, Medium, Deep. Shallow would have all 3 cap zones in shallow waters. This would allow only 6th rate Medium would have randomly 1 or 2 cap zones in shallow water. This would allow no ships above 4th rate Deep would have none. This would allow ships up to 1st rate.
  3. If 1st and 2nd rates aren't rare enough, why not also make them take longer to craft, not just cost more dbl? Ship building is still tied to labor hours, right? Raise those labor hours 10fold or more. If people are hoarding those LH for 1st and 2nd rates, they will have less LH to produce smaller ships.
  4. This bellow... Yes, outlaw battles should return, but remain open for all to join, plus some changes. But somehow it has to be fixed so that the rat side you join, those rats cannot do damage against the you. But what will stop them from escaping and returning to the battle on the rat side with that account or their multitude of alts? @Sir Texas Sir Purhaps that might have happened, but I know for a fact that rats abused it a hell of a lot. I personally know that often rats would sail in gank fleets, but if were ever outnumbered they would tag each other to hide from us until they would have a shitton more rats show up to gain the number advantage yet again.
  5. @admin All ships should be craftable, even the DLCs. People who buy the ships save time, resources, and reals by not having to craft them. Regular players just wouldn't have that luxury, but at least we wouldn't always be out-maneuvered, out-gunned, and out-manned. All ships should be capturable. This ^ Trader tool is the same as historical word of mouth. There is no reason to remove it. Absolutely no "specialist" will use a lesser qualified ship, unless it is their only option. I am willing to bet that ALL "specialists" you are thinking of have already bought the DLCs and will almost always use them first.
  6. @adminIf you do, please report how many Hercs are in each PB and how many kills they have. I'm betting Hercs will be the most predominant ship. ^indeed, 6th rates are no longer useful by the majority, and certainly any new player will quit after losing to a Herc a couple times. ^yes please
  7. Introducing the.... Hercules EVEN 90 Want to win? Just pay for: More Firepower, More Crew, Better Matchmaking
  8. Much appreciated on the responses. My eyesight must be fading and did not notice the capital "R".
  9. @admin Why is it they every NPC ship you cap that has chasers never have chasers to sell when you get back to port? Why does every NPC seem to have every perk, and skill book loaded, and every ship upgrade? Their rate of fire, angle of fire, pen, ability to stop on a dime without changing their yards or sails or rudder, and everything else is a bit too much, but at least they're more accurate and they fire chain every so often. Why don't at least some NPC traders have 1 or 2 warship escort(s)? Why do some trader NPC turn around in open waters like their on patrol, rather than continue to the port they were intended? Why are trader NPC hulls only half full or less? Why do all NPC stop and turn around on spot in OW without lowering their sails like players would have to? Better "special" loots are needed: flags/banners, paints, Admiralty papers?, major trader fleet locations, trade secret documents (especially if you're getting rid of the Trader Tool). And lastly, why do all NPC get to sail through land and I can't?
  10. I'd be happy if the Herc was excluded from shallow waters. Make the Bahamas fun again for those of us that already shelled out $45 for the game and don't own OPP2WDLC ships. @z4ys Who is getting more "enjoyable" pvp, though? It is enjoyable for only those in the OPP2WDLC ships. And, if Hercs were excluded from shallow waters, then that would leave the rest of us without these ships to still enjoy the Bahamas, and the P2W players could all move to the deep waters of the Bahamas, or go to Tumbado or La Tortue. That way all parties can have fun: P2W players in OP Hercs vs other P2W players in OP Hercs, and regular players in a multitude of 6th rates vs other regular players in a multitude of 6th rates.
  11. West India Company had it's own lettering. EIC did not sail the Caribbean. GWIC is what we should have.
  12. Ya, um, when we bought the game we were expected to have all things before release to be included. There were explorer things expected that never came. Quite a few other things expected that never came. Flags that were expected and.....came only in the form of yet another paid dlc? Horrible parallel. Flags are not "new content". It is content we expected to have with the purchase of the game, mainly because it was promised on this forum, and then delayed for so long they thought we forgot about it. Just like we haven't forgotten about the Explorer and bugs/plants/birds collection missions. There are many things that were "advertised" as in-game and what to expect, yet have not seen. But these are things we paid for when purchasing the game originally. Now, I can understand the other DLCs, they make sense. But not flags that were promised and hand picked by the players as for which ones to include. On the thought of DLCs, @admin consider adding a DLC for unlimited Perk Resets. Or better yet, add it to the Admiralty Connection.
  13. Um, are flags a DLC? I certainly hope not. We've been expecting flags/ensigns/banners for over a year. Also, can people please post images of all the nation flags available? Would be nice to see them all.
  14. I still love this game. Plenty of NPC to player enemy for me. Although, enemy players don't hang around my "sack of the waters" much any more. It seems most of the action is in the Bahamas with those OP Herculese preying on greenhorns.
  15. ^ Very nice map, but some of us still use old computers or laptops and that map is very laggy. Not having things in game will make things worse for those of us stuck with older PCs.
  16. I have always likened the Trader Tool to historical "word of mouth". It let's us know what stuff is wanted where, but we could get there too late and see that the port is overloaded. It's no different than historical traders knowing Canada had fur and that Europe wanted them, or that Jakarta had spices that Europe wanted. Perhaps, rather than killing the tool, you could update it only once a day. Or at least maybe there should be some way to notify players which ports supply/demand what.
  17. I'd like to see NPC sailing their own nation's ships and be named in the proper nation. It's weird seeing Russian NPC sailing an Essex with the name Juan Diego. I'd also like to see NPC traders not sailing a patrol pattern. Leave the patrol patterns to the warships. Would also like to be able to scale menu pop-up windows. Most games have a game option to scale windows. Would love a warning bell sound when enemy players are spotted. Can't wait for customized clan flags/ensigns/banners, and naming our own ships. Love that NPC now fire chain randomly. Keep up the great work!
  18. PvP has continued to climb, but not due to PBs. Most the zone and capitals. Occasionally, a PB will have good PvP screening fleets. I think the hostility grind is what holds back the PB count.
  19. We all know about when a ship will sink. We can tell that maybe one more broadside will do it. I've just made sure my last broadside leaves me upwind from the enemy ship. Makes for only seconds to loot. If sailing in groups, we usually have a faster ship with us, so it's no issue for that one to do all the looting of ships we couldn't get to while we finish off the enemy. Then the looting ship shares the pot.
  20. The Herc is obviously showing a trend of Naval Action to sail on into the pay to win genre. Herc has too many crew, too many guns, and too high caliber to be allowed in shallow waters. #OPAF
  21. Eehhhh, my statement was from experience of joining a rat vs rat battle where they were hiding from screeners. It's been mentioned many times by many folks who have tried it. We join in, we are placed where the battle was originated, and all rats aren't even visible; they're 600 miles away from the original spot not even visible, so you have no idea which way to sail other than to try downwind...but even then there's no catching them. @admin I propose in the Battle World, that you create a pretty large circle that prevents running. If a player leaves the circle they'd be ejected from the battle and back into Open World.
  22. Yes, rat on rat battles stay open, and screeners have attempted to join those battles. However, rats run for miles and miles away from the original battle spot. So when a screening fleet joins in, there is no way in hell they can catch up to the running rats. The devs need to fix this and place the joining enemy down wind near those already in the battle rather than in the battle's original location. or... they could make an In-Battle circle that if you sail outside the circle for too long you are automatically thrown back into Open World.
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