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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. Indeed, but a week to me is not too long. IMO, a month is not too long. For me, I welcomed the daily grind in most games, provided it was an even playing field..not even battles..but an even chance between all players to accomplish the same things. And I find this game to have that perfect balance of equality between players, as opposed to other games that you can just buy your way to the top. This I totally agree with. The new port autonomy needs to allow the clan to set the ports production for the port, allocating some of those resources to the clan, but anyone in nation should have rights to build an outpost there and have their our little production. Let the clan make the tax off the outpost and partially from the resources collected...or something of the like. A soloist should have the same abilities as a clansmen, albeit at a smaller/slower rate, certainly.
  2. Dear @admin, please don't listen to these people who demand instant gratification when speaking of the rank grind, or the ship/port building grind. Honestly, anyone who needs the rank instantly will not play this game for more than a week. You must look at why people will continue to play this game after they have ranked up. What will make them come back the following week if everyone can build every ship instantly and limitlessly. The conquesting? Why would they come for that when the enemy can just rebuild all their ships endlessly and recapture it in 2 days. The PvP? Possibly, but they can get pvp in any game without any detriment of loss, because most other games are arena style. All I'm asking is please don't kowtow to those who need instant gratification. The grind for desirable things is what makes people continue playing a game...for a large part.
  3. Perhaps the ports will have a limitation of the number of ships built per week, or run out of resources sooner than expected, or at the very least require about 1 weeks worth of work to upgrade it for each level and the ports having 5 + levels. So if they're leveled ports with limited production at each level, that might be a reason to expand. For example: Shipyard Ports Level 1 produces 7th rate ships and can at max produce 5 per week no matter how many people have shipyards there Level 2 produces 7th & 6th rates with max of 5 7th rates and 5 6th rates Level 3 produces 7th, 6th and 5th rates with max 5 ships per rate per week, etc, etc ,etc And the Fortification of those ports would be Level 1 has 1 tower Level 2 has 2 towers Level 3 has 2 towers and 1 fort each time it's raided successfully it would lose 1 tower, then the 2nd tower, then the fort Resource Ports would be much like shipyards but with production levels of whichever resource is desired...hemp, oak, iron, etc. This would certainly require expansion, especially if Resource Ports can be only one or two resources for the Shipyard Ports.
  4. This is brilliant. Terra incognito on the mini map. We just need fog battles back.
  5. IMO repairs were OP in that with mods and perks people could repair a nearly sunk ship to almost 100% health on the hull or the sails, whichever they used. It made no logical sense to me that a crew deep at sea in the middle of a battle would be completely replacing all sails and the rigging to make it 100% again. I felt it should ave been that on the first repair, the max it could do is get you back to 85% sails, then the second repir max would be say 75%, etc. Making each instance of repair doing slightly less than the previous. Same thing with hull. Before it just felt ridiculous and pointless taking on some captains who somehow had 100% ships every repair. At least now with the new dpm their repairs wouldn't be able to keep up...and I like that. I just still think 100% repaired ships should not happen.
  6. @admin In response to the solo players, I would assume that a clan can choose the function of the port - resource production, ship building, etc and that anyone in that nation would be able to utilize the port? So if the port is a level 3+ ship building port, then any player, even a solo player, who has an outpost there would be able to utilize the level 3 ship building IF he built a shipyard there?
  7. OH HELL YEAH! Actual port management! Great work devs! May I please suggest that: whatever values you use that you make it so that a "full grown port" is not completed ridiculously fast? Make clans and nations actually have to work at this regularly and over a good length of time. And make it so the ports will become dysfunctional if not regularly taken care of. And maybe even make it so that the ports will autonomously revolt and go neutral if clans do not take care of their ports on a regular basis. And then.....make it so other nations can somehow do actual raids on the ports...attacking traders, attacking the port, stealing their resources, something that will disrupt and stunt the ports growth. Please and thank you!
  8. Before patch, the only thing I noticed is that about 60% of the time the incoming traders would have goods that would sell well at the port it was entering and inversely if it were exiting. However an exiting NPC would about 70% of the time have goods that the port did not produce. I am hoping that traders will import goods needed for the port and export goods that the port produces, but at a greater percentage and that it will have a national econ effect. This will help tremendously to make ports have value. And if ports can have some kind of autonomy, it will make it important to keep active with the ports you capture...because maybe the port would revolt and go neutral if nations don't take care of their ports. (wishful thinking)
  9. I'm liking the new trade econ. It feels more realistic than just being able to make large profits from any capital port. The only thing I wish is that players had influence over the development of these trading hubs...making their population and town size and econ demand change based on our deliveries. ATM, I find trader capping is the easiest meta...sailing the goods to a high value port is just a plus. I just wish this merchant capping had some kind of larger influence on the nation of the ship.
  10. Oh, I thought the BR limiter started at battle instance to help prevent ganking. ohwell. ty.
  11. What @Angus MacDuff said. It makes no sense forcing us to choose a "reward" when the "action" is the same....the killing of another captain. @admin Here is a legit question. I just saw this happen outside El Toco not 5 minutes ago. One Dutch captain was chased and tagged by a fleet of Russians. The battle started as 2 v 1. Over the next 2 minutes, the Russians kept piling in the battle...it went up to 3 v 1, then 5 v 1, now after 10 minutes it is 5 v 3...BR 3450 to 780. Why were the Russians able to keep piling in there when I thought the new ROE had a balancing BR?
  12. Combat Medals I thought were for ONLY PvP kills. It is how it should be. I personally suggest to make the PvP Missions to reward 10 CMs for each kill (edit: "AND not restrict us to find other captains in specific rates, this could take months"), but multiply it by the rate differential of ships killed. 10 per kill makes it an easy modifier. Then just change the CM cost of Admiralty items that they can buy. This will make a reasonable value of CMs. However, I also believe that the Admiralty Ship Notes should be purchasable with CMs OR doubloons. Making these notes available to only PvPers makes the balance uneven, imo.
  13. Issue taken care of by @Ink and very much appreciated! Much thanks to the entire NA staff for a beautiful game. Keep up the great works!
  14. I believe the devs and most ppl consider the ship (and being able to sell it and the guns and the cargo) is the extra "payment". However, I absolutely believe that captures need to be counted as kills and so we should be rewarded with Combat Marks and PvP Zone points for captures.
  15. @admin tagged. Very good results. I'm curious if this was just an attempt to quickly add some ships to 3rd rate class? Carronades would've been the better balancing act. Maybe not having the same rated carros on all decks? But even so, we as captains, need to recognize what a ship is outfitted with and maintain our distance if they have all carros. Not easy to do when some mods allows Ludicrous Speed on some ships.
  16. I received my paints and ship, but I haven't changed nation.
  17. I'm quite back and forth on this as in IRL there would be multiple chests holding the captain's dbls and reals and papers. But they also had banks and I kind of liken NA moneys being in banks like in the other pirate type games, POTBS and Uncharted Waters. I do like that dbls are in holds when you cap a ship that just capped another...maybe I would vote a yes if reals were awarded along with dbls when we cap enemy captains. But as it is now, most likely not.
  18. They just need to make the kill count obligatory with no rate specification, but instead be the multiplier...and yes take our ship's rate into account as well, like OP said. Call it a Rate Differential Modifier. Each PvP kill gets 10 Combat Medals, but what rate we kill makes the multiplier. Chart examples would be a + - .1 for each rate difference: I'm in a 5th rate and kill another 5th rate, I get the full 10 CMs. If I'm in a 5th rate and kill a 4th rate, I get 11 CMs. If I'm in a 5th rate and kill a 6th rate, I get only 9 CMs. etc..
  19. I've had an issue trying to tag another captain on the edge of the Solo PvP as well. I was in 4th rate (as restricted) and he in a 5th rate. It did the proper countdown, began loading the "Entering Combat" screen, but then froze. Upon reloading game, it placed us both in OW and not in the battle instance. Apparently his game froze as well and also placed him back in OW and not in the battle. Since we were on the edge of the Solo PvP, we expected not to enter a Solo battle, but rather a standard PvP zone battle.....but we certainly didd not expect the game to freeze and spit us back into OW where either of us could've been tagged by others or get an advantage tag on the other. When everything is precise, (i.e. correct ships, clearly in the zones, etc...) the zones work great. But it might behoove the devs to completely separate the 2 zones and have them on opposite sides of one another on the map each night.
  20. I've not read the description on Steam. Did it mention P2W and the ship is no longer P2W? I do remember the ship is daily redeemable for free in an instant. Is it no longer that? Just curious how it no longer fits the description.
  21. Yes, we should certainly receive something that will denote our EA tester status. The Pandora should not be purchasable, should not be sellable, maybe capturable.....and I think we should have a special rank we can work toward...maybe only EA testers can achieve Vice Admiral?
  22. Not sure where to post this, but Combat Medals need to be rewarded for capturing ships. It is still a battle. It is still a win/loss. It should count for something....especially in the PvP zones. All I got out of it was a junk Fatty, some wood he had, carros, and a NDE. I didn't even get dbls. And because the PvP missions I had were only for 4th and 3rd rates, it didn't count. This is why the PvP missions should not be rate specific...just reward us CMs with a rate multiplier, and make the missions be for different battle actions: kills, captures. Please and ty. If you are worried that alts will exploit this, it seems alts are already exploiting the current model. The very day the patch came out I witnessed in Combat Chat a captain board and sink 7 pirates within 10 minutes. I pondered, since when are rats so stupid to stop right next to an enemy who has boarded multiple friends one after the other.
  23. I completely agree with the OP. They don't need a huge adjustment, max maybe a 10% turn drop. On the flip side, the Pirate Frig needs a boost. It feels like a log compared to the Frig. This new model allows for much easier mini-tweaking that won't be so drastic. If you remember before the last major damage patch, they were making tweaks of 1000% for certain things that would mess other things up. So, if we just keep reporting each ship's issues, they can make the slight adjustments to those parameters much easier and faster.
  24. I have an old USS Constitution Note bought from Admiralty before update that is now called a USS United States Note and has a Tree as the Icon. Trying to open it it say it cannot be opened in port. I made a F11. Will I somehow be able to redeem this properly?
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