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Everything posted by OneEyedSnake

  1. The problem with these tests are they rely on a large server population to represent them accurately. You are testing this game as though it has a large player base. It does not. It has a tiny population, and even if we all were out on your open world, it is so massive it will be a needle in a hay stack unless you set up battles prior or just sit out of capital ports and 2-3 free ports all the time. Which is what we already have.
  2. thank you very much! i completely glanced right over the display name column
  3. very nice! Where can i find this name change place? I looked and just didnt come across it.
  4. With the new servers, global and EU, on the visible horizon id like to propose a change to one part of the forums. As you may have guess that is in regards to our names, I know some Dutch wish to change their names, and probably several other players. This of course can be done in game, however not in forums, from what I have seen, I could be wrong though. Anyways, if we could change our forum names to rematch our names in the new server, this would be splendid! Godspeed, OneEyedSnake
  5. US has never been 1 ported. However the pirates did take all their valuable woods and metals ports once. However the pirates and their allied danes (unofficial by screeniung for each other) did 1 port the Brits, the Dutch, the Swedes, helped with the Spanish (but that was everyone), and also the French.
  6. welcome to the pvp2 pirates. they are half of the reason why pvp2 died.
  7. never before have i seen so much agreement in the player base, must be a sign!
  8. Point being, its always been a stupid small minded saying, and will always be.
  9. One of me ships I actually have let other captains sail her into battle as of late. Still my favorite ship is the Ocean. She rolls over enemies like a wave in shallows swallowing a clutch of newly birthed turtles. She preserves the life of her allies, and drowns those that dare challenge her.
  10. I havent decided yet. I feel like OneEyedSnake could use some creative reform, but eh. It has earned quite the reputation.
  11. Way to completely avoid what you know i meant. Its funny. I definitely remember pirates always saying how we could always fill port battles, and when we didnt its because we ran away. Alright, well we all know the pirates can too, and you didnt, so half of you must have ran. tsk tsk tsk.
  12. Oh sure, but when we do it, its running away. alright. logic. *F12s this post, main source is "logic_lacking," secondary source has (no domain) and its main elements consist of 100% hypocrisy* But on a side note, if you all want to come out of navasse, all nations, and pirates included wanted to have a BBQ cookoff in the pvp event area out of navasse in lineships with all fireship fittings, that would be cool.
  13. ah! I understand now, well you can name her Sunk after we meet in open world sir! haha
  14. We have a mid 1600s EU4 game on right now. As a matter of a fact the freaking manufactories enlightenment spawned about 5 minutes after our last save. And somehow it spawned in Vietnam, at last the mother Russia will be equally behind as everyone else. But I'm sure you can join if you want, I'd probably not spawn as the Ottomans though, I think we all have huge grudges on them and plan on slaughtering them, again. On another note, as Davos mentioned. We could also do some kaiserreich in HO4, we may also all get a game extender mod if we wanted and try for total global conquest. Maybe I'll become a Jewish nation and conquer Germany out of nowhere... hm. That would be ironic.
  15. perhaps then because i agree we dont have 18 alts in our nation, is this just the amount of times people in these nations log in per reset? So if i were to log in twice 2 pips would show up and thus add 2 to our population? Because these numbers seem quite high for all the nations to be honest.
  16. Thats actually right on +- 2 players hahaha. But i will point out 35-17=18. so these 18 players, most are alts? and some could be people we have never encountered? Its like someone you dont know is living in your house. spooky.
  17. The "for now" part makes me think you are going to abandon giving fair fights and go back to terribly timed flips. All praise incoming global server.
  18. Anyways, as a senior member of Dutch PVP2, we will be joining this meeting to the best of our ability as the time slot will allow. Godspeed o7
  19. Well, Benny's break must be over already, saw him running from battle this morning. But in terms of Davos being no better, id say Benny's white supremacy views are enough to justify concern, especially with his extreme outbursts, it would be appropriate to let anyone joining the global server know how he is. Especially in a meeting setting. We have to remember most people from pvp1 wont know most from pvp2 and vise versa. I would say this is a good thing, but in the case of the SS (suicide squad my flamboyant arse) group from pvp2 sweden it is well advised to just let them know that yes we have massive racists in our server sadly, but luckily they represent no one but themselves.
  20. Oh man, i had the best laugh since playing that game when he posted his youtube to global saying that it was proof he could beat us all.
  21. well i havent seen it, and i apologize for that, i know for certain when i am running battles no one calls out hacks, because 1) i dont see it and i am watching chat like a hawk because our battle com policy and 2) I have always been very picky about calling out hacks, i have myself been accused of hacking, for example, The Nazi group gets triggered that i know game mechanics. So i know skill vs hacks when i see it, and only once have i ever F11d a player for exploitation, and that was in 2016 february for sailing through the land and then attacking me. Anyways, i am sorry to hear that, and best of luck on the seas. Also enjoy that video, its funny.
  22. If you ever want to talk math with me. I am more than happier to learn and also from the current point of view help you understand how numbers can represent and misrepresent data Joba. And that is not meant to be demeaning but rather in all seriousnous. As game testers it's important we know the basic mathematical concepts specifically in statistical analyses. Which I will admit, I only have taken up to a 500 level course in statistics, so I certainly don't know everything in it, however enough to understand numbers from charts when someone is saying something to point out the variables that can cause bad data. Seriously though. If you want, you and I can go over numbers on your Teamspeak, and we can draw conclusions, I am not against this at all, and the more facts we get the more we will all understand why we have two very different viewpoints and hopefully draw upon a single viewpoint. you must understand why I am very adamant about the number situation, I am not pulling that to troll, it's what most of us honestly believe on our side. We have more people than you, but way less fighters than you guys do, and whatever the cause of that it doesn't matter, be it jobs, education, whatever. Just from our side that is the fact. But I would rather enjoy talking with you guys, and really discussing in game mechanics and numbers so we can unify our actions on the forums and make this game better because if there is one thing all of us have in common, it's most all of us, and certainly myself, care and enjoy this game enough that we want to see it succeed and grow.
  23. For that post it is meant to be taken seriously. It's a very simple math concept.
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