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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. Exactly. Invisibility is fine, but it should be both ways.
  2. It's not that hard to click on the target in question and read the ships in its fleet.
  3. In real life ships also struck their colors and surrendered if they were unable to maneuver. And rudder damage wasnt something you could fix under fire.
  4. You realize the QAR was a 5th rate corvette... most likely not unlike a Renomee or a Cerberus. And I am against all of these fantasy ships, even the Heavy Rattlesnake. I just want the damned Rattlesnake back in game. I have a simple fix to get more ships in game while removing ships that would have never been in the Caribbean. Remove these ships. Niagara Pirate Frigate Cutter (leave the basic cutter) Trader Cutter 3rd Rate (The Ballona IS the 3rd rate) Add these ships Rattlesnake Xebec Mars (3rd rate) Prince Neufchatue. Santa Cecilia If possible change these ships so it is an option for the captain Brig - Trader Brig, Snow-Trader Snow, Lynx-Trader Lynx. All three of these ships should be functionally identical except for crew and cargo capacity. Not like they are now.
  5. It is a combination of factors. You as a clan have had very little to do with it other than highlight the issues with the game mechanics.
  6. No but many ships had spare sails, and would drop a damaged or torn sail and run a new one up in a short order.
  7. Its noobs, not noods. And Lionshaft learned it from the best, you. You and I both know many people who are Flag Captains and above are little more than noobs in many cases.
  8. So again spreading your fake news..... Brits took 5 regions under agreement with the US. We left the east coast of the US alone and left one region in the gulf for the US. We helped them at Savannah and we helped them in other areas also. You have done nothing but farm noobs. While I havent seen your name personally on this list, there has been several BLACK clan members farming up there. So dont try and play like you dont like you arent at fault either.
  9. Both have their pros and cons. I like NAs system if it was more WYSIWYG in battle instances. But to many people cried about it. But I also think the only people who should be able to join a battle are those in sight of the battle when it starts. And when they join they should be further away from the start point respective of the direction from sail. The join circle should be more like the join circle for port battles. One big circle with the option join as X nation or join as Y nation.
  10. Technically, Eve is instanced per region. So once you enter a region you are in that instance for the whole region. IF you really wanted you could cross the region at the speed of sublight which would take hours if not a day or two if you did in game. But there are FTL options in Eve which cuts the size of the region down greatly. If my scales are correct I think one region in EVE is about the size of Cuba and the Bahamas in game.
  11. Have things turned so bad in the United States that people are being hat-ful... (Yes I am making fun of the misspelling). I think your first order will be take back Georgia....
  12. When this game launches... Because it will launch. It may have 100k users in that first week, but it is highly unlikely. Mortal Online launched on Steam and didnt even break 10k. So to have the same goals as other more anticipated games is a bit.... foolhardy. But on the other hand it is good that you maybe prepared for that... unlike other games. I do hope you see 100k users, but again the problem isnt getting them, it is keeping them. Steam users are like a plague of locusts, they go from free to play title to free to play title. Often leaving a wasted game and horrifying reviews.
  13. You maybe.. but how many people do you know are willing to do the same? And again in EVE, that only works because they have a viable working economy. Here we have no such thing.
  14. Oh I know, I havent paid for a subscription to EVE in about 6 months. Been working off of the PLEX bought off the market from my WH exploration. I can make an easy billion a month if I just explore WHs a couple of hours a day.
  15. As I stated above.. how many people do you HONESTLY think would stick around and pay 14USD a month for this? I can venture to say, less than a quarter. So let us see... what 500 people online peak divided by 1/4..... 125 total during peak on all servers combined. The only thing it would do is cut down on the number of alts.
  16. A bit harsh but no less true. Honestly I think if they had asked for subscriptions over a year ago, this game would have been dead over a year ago. Being buy to play has kept it around as long as it has. Sure there would be people playing but I am quite sure that it would have been about half as many as there are currently if not less depending on the price per month. If you tried to match EVE you wouldnt even see 1/4 of what you have now.
  17. The funny thing is, back then smaller ships had a reason for being used. They were great scouts looking for the flag. Now they are pretty pointless. Why bother using a 7th rate or a 6th rate when you can use a 5th or a 4th rate for the same job.
  18. And if you do get a fight, you fight an exact carbon copy of your fleet 90% of the time. This is not fun. Why bother doing RVR if all you are going to face is Heavy Rattlesnakes/Mercury, Aggies, or Victory/LeOs/Santis. No need for 2nd, or 3rd rates. Most 6th rates and 7th rates are a joke, and not even used.
  19. Why not put back XP gain from crafting ANYTHING. Right now only crafting ships hurts those people who dont have the resources to craft ships. What about XP for crafting cannons?
  20. UCGW and NA are like comparing a bicycle to a horse. Different animals. UCGW is a strategy game and not an MMO with less twitch elements than NA. If we had UCGWs ground combat as a boarding and portbattle mechanic I would say sure the two have something in common. I of lately have been finding it EXTREMELY difficult to want to login due to the sudden plummet and lack of real direction. RVR is a joke, PVP is only so much fun and you need people for that. And honestly there is no point in logging in and going out sink one or two people then go home. Not like I made a dent in any war effort. Fighting the pirates lately is like swatting at gnats. That brings me to my next point and problem. Pirates, you have ignored that faction for over a year. Giving some minor things to them but still leaving them as a nation because somewhere in some book (wikipage) you saw the pirates had a "nation" for 7 years. Well if that is the case why doesnt the Portuguese, Italians, Freed Slaves, Native Americans, or any other short lived republic have a faction in this game? Pirates should NOT be a nation, and shouldnt be a starting choice.
  21. So just for a better understanding. A PB hostility was run up to 100% before 2200 UTC, and was scheduled after that or before that? If it was run to 100% at 2200UTC, it should be at 2000UTC for the PB.
  22. There is no denying EVE is a niche game. Much like Naval Action.... BUT saying that it is an unsuccessful game is just a lie. And yes there are literally dozens of more successful games out there, but there hundreds more that have failed.
  23. To represent it being pressed into Naval service. Civilians werent often aloud to keep their prize vessels they were bought by the crown and sold to "friendly" merchant companies or just broken up for parts.
  24. I guess your definition of success is a pretty high bar. I guess Windows Operating System is a failure too. Ford is a complete flop, and we wont even talk about Blizzard. Seeing as CCP has had ONE game that has been successful and that ONE game has kept that company afloat for 15 years, and aloud them to expand from Europe, to North America and even China. I guess that is a failed project. I would hate to be your kid.... "Oh look Timmy got a A+ on their report card." you- "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE I WILL NOT ACCEPT FAILURES! YOU SHOULD HAVE HAD AN A++++ WITH A LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FROM THE SCHOOL SUPER!"
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