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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. I want a stream. Not a 30 minute highlight video of an entire week of looking for PVP.
  2. gerne Die Essex ist nachdem ich raus bin auch noch gesunken. Pedro Recalde war in einer Pirate Frigate Unterm Strich fast doppelte BR. Als wir doppelte BR hatten, haben wir gar nix verloren und alles versenkt. Ohne die Third Rate hätten sie mit 1980 vs 1450 BR wohl völlig verloren, der Kahn war einfach unantastbar für uns. Highlight: Spanische Trinc wird von einzelner Mercury zerlegt weil " Was ist manual sails?!?!?!" zu 2. Du willst es so darstellen, dass uns diese Regionen gehören, weil wir sie unverteidigt von den Spaniern genommen haben. Das hat vor 2 Wochen auch noch gestimmt. Jetzt haben wir sie in schweren Kämpfen von den Franzosen zurückerobert. Damit sollte dieses Thema erledigt sein.
  3. 1. sie haben angegriffen. (Linke seite ist immer der angreifer) Wenn sie dafür nicht die Stärke haben, sollten sie es lassen 2. Honduras und Panama waren vor Ostern französisch. Jetzt nicht mehr 3. Du hast nicht geschrieben "die Briten verlieren ständig". Das war wer anders 4. Das letzte Gefecht war dann ohne unsere Linienschiffe 1450 BR Shallow ships vs 2480 BR 5th rates. Auch das haben sie verloren
  4. Wenn du mal ordentlich verlieren willst, Greif was Englisches an wir machen euch fertig, so wie wir die Franzen fertiggemacht haben, die sich jetzt nur noch mit exploits in Mexico halten können, und so wie wir jeden Abend 100 spanische Schiffe versenken. Die Spanier haben gestern 3 Trincs, ne Essex und ein dutzend kleinerer Fregatten verloren - gegen unsere SHALLOW Flotte, die auf Mugeres ging. das war nur eines der Gefechte: Nicht mal ne Snow können diese Anfänger versenken. Nicht mal ne Snow. Mit Trincs und Frigates. Briten verlieren die ganze Zeit... deswegen gehören uns auch Honduras, Nicaragua und Panama, ja?
  5. Quineloe

    Patch 9.68

    a 14 or 16-gun ship with 60 crew would be a good idea.
  6. a magic circle destroying ship is hopefully not the long term feature planned for the game...
  7. I feel like a lot of the tension would go away if there was a way to generate more labor hours by playing the game. There's already so much money being generated right now that we're seeing a massive inflation, which can especially be seen on crafting notes which are now being bought through contracts for 125k in PR (which means the crafter is spending 131k on a note), that is 4 times as much as what the notes went for before the patch. And the ship prices reflect this as well. Exceptional 5th rates are now being sold at 400k+ because players can afford it because kill/assist money induced inflation. People are asking for shipwrights to click their mats into ships for them, and when the price question comes, I flat out state "I can make 6 high grade notes instead, so your Bellona click is gonna cost you 600k" - and they accept that. It's pretty obviously a case of one resource being available in a fixed, very low amount and the other being available in infinite amounts.
  8. Just so I don't misunderstand this... nationals can craft almost every ship, and pirates can craft the same ships but the Pirate Frigate?
  9. Feels like this is what people are counting on when they vulture outside a port battle that is pretty late already. There needs to be some point where one can say "I've fought enough" and not have to fight on and on because of poopsockers.
  10. Quineloe

    Patch 9.68

    Essex still is not a listed ship in the store but the LGV is.
  11. I honestly think every single child in France became an orphan due to that rake.
  12. Quineloe

    Patch 9.68

    I'd only ever carry crafting notes around in a Renommee or a similar uncaptureable ship.
  13. There's a working ignore feature hidden in the settings. Bye Conde.
  14. Quineloe

    Patch 9.68

    The LGV can probably not fight off a solo renommee, so the extra cargo is nice, but I'm still gonna get an Escort from a Trincomalee if I am moving goods. BTW in the SHIPS Ingermanland is listed as a third rate - so probably crafted with 3 dura. Disappointing. Might as well stay in captured 3rds as a Flag Captain, and in constis as a post captain.
  15. I'd love to see the "send to outpost" only let you choose the nearest outpost. I've watched the French the last few days and I see pavels, bellonas etc enter battles against traders, then the trader comes out of that battle. They're building their war fleet in Fort Royal, and then teleport it west. I doubt a single Santissima, Victory or Pavel was ever sailed that way.
  16. This is such a dumb argument. The flag needs to be within X miles to be planted. You know this. You tried to blockade directly in front of the port, and that doesn't work. If you defend by the port itself, you need to fight the port battle. You want to intercept the flag? Then intercept the flag. But don't sit on port and expect you have BOTH a shot at intercepting the flag and fighting the port battle. I wouldn't even dream about complaining and accusing the other side as cheaters if they did that to us, I'd rather ask my own side why we didn't move out to intercept the flag. But you can only blame others, every time. Never yourself, you are never at fault. Of course we can, read the same posts two weeks back when this was first brought up. Why do we have to repeat this over and over?
  17. I get 60k easily from missions. The only way you're only getting 5k is if someone else solos the mission for you while you afk
  18. Now if only you could craft powder monkeys, marines or boarding parties. But hey, Speed Trim and Copper Plating can be crafted, yay for +10% speed raceboats.
  19. Did you look at "put or view ships on sale" in the ships menu yet?
  20. Exactly the same thing happened again just now
  21. So they flat out told you they don't want any part in your council. You have less and less of a case
  22. The barbary pirates however weren't comparable to Caribbean pirates, as they operated openly from ports held by the proper barbary states of Tunis, Tripolis and Algiers.
  23. Or maybe the players just give up and go pirate. Which actually happened already. Sure, we can ignore experience and just continue dreaming the perfect game, where everyone will take up the most herculean tasks to just stay in the game, but no. Not going to happen.
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