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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. I don't see why a DCed ship should auto-surrender in the first place... but that's just me. The ship could remain a target for the entire battle, but if no enemy ends up sinking or boarding it, it should return to the open sea unharmed .
  2. If it was an exploit and not group content, why wasn't their progress reset?
  3. If that is your opinion, why are you letting them operate unchecked right outside your borders? You seem to be very comfortable with the pirate scum.
  4. Manual cannons! Shoot cannons at the front on the port side, shoot cannons in the back starboard side -> ship turns to starboard.
  5. Today I learned that being outside the ring in a port battle makes your ship take magic damage. Please come up with something better than that We had a real fight going on that was suddenly made stupid because the ring of death appeared and a couple of ships just got melted.
  6. I've voted Overhaul War etc, but I'd really rather use my vote to take 1 vote away from "Hired Crew" The last thing I'd like to see is even more economy micromanagement, mandatory money sinks and stuff like that. I wouldn't mind seeing officers, but I don't want to get nickled and dimed even more at every opportunity. I'd like to see more open world PVE. Large convoys with trade ships, preferably with the new big ones that are also armed, so you have to take on these convoys with groups yourself. Solo trader raiding is getting pretty dull, and grouping for the small fleets (mercury, navybrig and brig as escort for example) is simply not worth it because the trader carries the same amount of cargo and sinking 6th rates is a waste of time. Overhaul of Resource and labor is something I really want to see, but I think a better open world PVP system is more important. I'm really disappointed that being a shipwright has reduced me to less than a click per day because the ships I am building now require more hours than I even get per day. It feels like a Zynga Facebook game in that regard, except I can't obtain more hours in any way. People keep saying one player shouldn't be able to do everything, I don't understand that argument - one player already CAN do everything, it will just take him longer. Also, one player not being able to do everything is one thing. Forcing the economy on every single player because otherwise your ship building can't keep up with ship losses from PVP is another. Many players do not want to engage in the economy at all. When we started distributing labor, a lot of players, rank 6-8 mind you, not new players, gained craft level 1 that day. Is it a sandbox if everyone has to do everything? IMO the fact that hardly anyone voted for crafting changes speaks for itself - very few people actually want to run the economy, so no one would vote for it. Yet every single 40+ ship builder I've ever talked to is unhappy about being reduced to a click a day - or less.
  7. where do you get those numbers form?
  8. yes I have talked to everyone. Took me a while. it was 82.34% in favor of the current mechanics, taken from the nations that are not being attacked by pirates, and 12.87% from the nations that are. In total, that added up to 56.3%
  9. But is it the long term solution that we do not know a battle is about to take place if we are neither tagger nor taggee?
  10. Completely contrary to this poll and thread, the majority of players are perfectly happy with the pirates being a nation capturing ports - as long as its the ports of the enemy - and will happily form alliances with the pirates.
  11. This is something we would never figure out on our own because we can't shoot friendlies excessively to test things like that.
  12. Teleport should take you back to the port where you left.
  13. That depends on how much exp you lose. Either the system is completely irrelevant, so regular PVP exp will keep you at cap anyways even if you're a casual player, or the system is super punishing that you lose the ability to sail your first rates after a two week vacation. If you think this is the solution to make first rates rare again, you're way off target.
  14. Teleporting should go away - but this idea is not fun. IMO a captured ship should get added to the Fleet of the player in a captured state - bare minimum crew, in the state you captured them at, AI control if another battle happens so you need to protect it or send it to run away. Amass as many ships like this as you want.
  15. Fir built Trinco with exceptional speed rig and copper plating (those both can be crafted so will be very easily available in a week or two when a bunch of powercrafters hit 50) is impossible to catch with "normal" ships. It's Triton Interceptor Frigate all over again.
  16. I hit a 3rd rate in the rudder. It did not repair the rudder. We sunk the other, then I chased the third rate for 15 minutes, putting ball into its stern. Eventually, I had "module x1" as a reported hit at the top, but no new module lighted up. THEN the 3rd rate repaired the rudder apparently the threshold for "can't turn" is higher than the threshold for "repair"...
  17. Has anyone observed AI ships no longer repairing rudder damage?
  18. Admin, I don't think with a 2 minute timer this is fully resolved yet. Consider the following scenario 1 tagger is outside the port. the rest are inside the port The tagger sees a target on the open world and announces this on teamspeak and initiates the attack The remaining players leave the port at the same time. Now after the 20 second tag timer, the rest of the group is still invisible - 10 seconds left. Battle starts, and after 40 seconds it is fully reinforced by the formerly invisible players in port / battle.
  19. What was bugged about boarding parties? they seemed to work fine for me.
  20. How high would that payment be? 1 Dura on a sixth rate is worth like 10k?
  21. I tried an undercrewed constitution with medium guns at post captain. Even with the reduced crew requirement of mediums, I can just man a broadside and still have people in the sails. So the broadside works, but sailing is pretty poor. The medium cannons still bounce like crazy at even close range. I get better penetration results on my Trinc with long 18s. I'm not sure you could crew a long gun broadside and sails. Maybe just barely, and the moment you get leaks and a fire. your reload goes out of sync. The performance on post captain missions was inferior to the Trinc. Both surprise+renommee and frigate fights the Trinc finishes faster and is more likely to swap broadsides to milk the target for more exp. The performance on Flag captain missions was better, but still can't solo them. I'd fully agree with Bouff there, if Rank 7 could fully crew a consti (and an Ingermanland, another upcoming ship that will be just as harmed by the current levels as the consti), and rank 6 was scaled up a little to unlock everything up to the Belle Poule, this would greatly improve the game.
  22. that's what "unrealistic" means. Just because you can automatically means it is not unrealistic. and how dare naval action expect you to use drivers for your video card You do know shadowplay is not some third party software but an integrated part of nvidia drivers, right?
  23. No, it's not. Shadowplay runs on my 3.5 year old computer and I can on a whim record the last five minutes. I fully agree on point 3, but then again we have players who are not interested in testing this game, but only want to win and play accordingly. Apparently he's one of these guys. The moment you charge full price you can't expect everyone who joins to be a fully committed alpha tester.
  24. Except that taking the Bellona required defeating it in combat, while preventing them from capturing the already defeated Bellona required no fighting at all.
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