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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. All I'm getting from this is that pirates are just way too much easy mode if people keep hopping to them. It's like going main menu - change difficulty - Can I play, daddy? I guess there's certain appeal to a faction that holds 30-40 ports that have _never_ been attacked.
  2. I fully agree with all of that. But maybe you should have launched with Family share completely disabled. By the way, Trincomalee is now 325 crew. Can't find that in the notes.
  3. Good thing I didn't call it an exploit then. It's cheating.
  4. This is where you're wrong. It's flat out in the rules that this type of action is not allowed. Buying a second account and put a different nation character on it is not "clever" or "use of game mechanics" That is why I still think these two accounts should be banned permanently. They're completely illegitimate from the very start. Logging into the British character in itself was already outside the rules.
  5. Hast du beide breitseiten gleichzeitig nachgeladen? Dafür hat die Trinc einfach nicht genug crew. Wenn du nur eine Seite feuerst brauchst du nicht mal vollen focus auf gunnery für reload in 54 sekunden. Habe das gestern sehr ausführlich getestet. Die Trinc ist halt ein low crew ship. Sollteste mal über crew space nachdenken wenn du sie so fährst dass du beide breitseiten brauchst. Von der Eco her ist der Patch ziemlicher rotz. Ich bin es leid, auf einen klick pro Tag reduziert zu sein, weil der winzige labor pool für alles herhalten muss. Und alles natürlich viel zu teuer. Grind, grind, grind, grind, grind. Ich dachte, das soll ein PVP spiel werden...
  6. is it to be more random as well, ie not every gold port also coming with coal?
  7. Don't forget it's only 4 durability. On the fifth you lose the cannons and outfittings, which is far more expensive than just buying another ship. But the other guy was right. If people PVP in captured ships, they will lose much less money. Do ships with 3-4 gun slots have cannons in all of them? However, if people use captured ships instead of crafted ships to PVP and sink in those, there's not much demand for shipwrights. I'd rather have the majority of ships used and sunk in PVP to be crafted, but currently the game is heading the opposite direction. I don't know the numbers obviously, but I'd be surprised if more than 1 out of 4 third rates sent to port battles is crafted.
  8. As I've presented earlier, it depends on how many players get an inflated "assist" reward for the kill. A trincomalee is worth around 10k on kill, another 10k for the damage it takes to kill it. A trincomalee costs 145k to craft exceptional at minimum price for all resources. Therefore, a 1v1 Trincomalee kill is _always_ a money sink. Ganking a ship and giving 4-5 people assist rewards on top of it might generate more money than it destroys - assuming of course the ship and the resources to build it never went through the shop and therefore also incurred the 10% listing fee. If we start factoring that in (ie another 50k on top just for listing the ship), it's becoming harder and harder to reach that threshold. I'm fairly convinced that most PVP battles destroy far more assets than they create. The numbers I've observed from countless fights so far indicate this.
  9. yes, at the cost of the other guy losing a ship that is more expensive than your reward for sinking him. It's a money sink. That's how they work Except Family share is two accounts, not one. This is a refund level issue.
  10. I don't recall asking for free ships. If you respond to something I actually wrote, I'll get back to you.
  11. And here I thought this was a game. So it IS a second job after all.
  12. So those who dont want to grind npc 3 hours a day so they can afford the ships shouldn't play this game? Being able to afford something isn't a question of 'can'. Its a question of grinding.
  13. I have just shown you the math why it isn't. You do like pvp right? What good is it when everyone you sink refuses to pvp by your own advice, do you want this game to be empty?
  14. Pvp simply does not make money. It removes more than it makes Eg a frigate (8500 on kill) is ganked by 5 players. That means 8500 kill gold and 17k assist gold and maybe 10k damage gold. Price of a frigate is at least 300k, means 60k per durability. Means 60k was destroyed and 35k was gained. And that is already very favorable for the whole economy. Assume the frigate is sunk in 1vs1. One frigate killed 8500 +10000 are generated, 60,000 are lost. Yes some people can make money through pvp. The top 1% and the gankers. Everyone else needs to grind losses back in pve. Just like anyone can win the lottery. But not everyone.
  15. Is the one true way to make money in this game PVE grinding? Is this the goal? Economy is a giant money sink now, pvp at least for me is at best a zero sum game, and with the new kill rewards in pve that just became a lot more profitable. In response to someone earlier, if you properly shoot up a ship before you capture it, you get the kill reward and you can sell it too.
  16. PVE money is indeed up quite a lot. Third Rate 25000 gold Frigate 8500 gold Surprise 7000 gold Renommee 5500 gold Cerberus 5000 gold And 50% of that for an assist. On top of the rewards we already made, you can make good money now from fleet grinding or missions. Can fund the PVP expenses that way much more easily. and about Marines, if you use 50% marines, then your focus obviously is full boarding prep, rest sailing, no guns. You board ships that your group mates have disabled. Since crafting third rates and constis is so much harder now, you'll need to cap more and more of these ships. Now if only killing a ship through boarding would actually award you that important "kill" bonus...
  17. Nope, the ships have the exact same broadside armor BTW, why can't we preassign crew? I'd like to start a fight with full sail crew... BTW nice how the AI still has marines, even though they're not receiving penalties for having them...
  18. The marine change isn't that bad. You can have a real boarding powerhouse with them. They're just no longer fit for solo hunting. It's not like there's a lack of regular boarding upgrades. You can still fill all 5 upgrade slots with +boarding stuff that doesn't have a penalty for your solo trader raiding. The only thing I'd like to see is marines also helping with some tasks so they're not just dead weight before boarding. Shoot their rifles during ship combat (in our era there already are proper rifles developed), help fight fire (you're basically dead with a 50% marine ship if a fire breaks out) and do their own boarding preparation.
  19. I'd really like more control over my crew. I can either have like 100 guys on the sails on my trinc, or 180. I don't need that many, but I need more than 0.
  20. Marines basically turn a set amount of your crew into boarding only crew. My MC Marines turned 40% of my crew into marines. Which means I was sailing a Renommee at 60% crew - it was terrible. I assume exceptional marines would do 50%; turning any ship into something that is basically only capable of boarding. And they don't even prepare for boarding, you still need to assign your regular crew to boarding prep. For solo hunting, you are better off with extra hammocks. For group capturing, they're probably great because you can now just board those big ships without having to decrew them first
  21. Yes, I want to encourage players who lose battles to continue playing, continue PVPing. So that we don't end up with the POBS scenario, where only winners were left to PVP, and the majority of losers simply avoided it as much as possible. Winners don't need a lot of encouragement, they're already rewarded fairly well, and they're winning. Which in itself is a reward.
  22. That is not what I said. I meant that increasing the "KILL/ASSIST" Rewards is not the right direction. Damage is negligible for rewards - as proven by my screenshot. Even a lot of damage gives you next to no reward. I've said this before today. You're rewarding damage already - why not boost that part? This isn't Trafalgar, this is a game and people don't stay around in games where they are punished twice.
  23. My concern is a game that only rewards winners while sending losers back to PVE grinding is a game that will have losers quit the game, leaving only winners - which then turns some of the winners into losers, who will then in turn quit.
  24. Marines are busted, I feel sorry for anyone who spent a lot of money to buy them.
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