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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. I hear POTBS has no mortar ships. Why don't you go play that?
  2. Inflation is a result of people hoarding their assets, not sinking in PVP, because PVP rewards so incredibly poorly. First Rate PB like 50 exp per player on average? What?
  3. oh you posted in the wrong forum, okay. This isn't suggestions, but talk about the current game as it is. Anyways, let's go ahead and not try one of the final nails in the POTBS coffin, yeah?
  4. IMO it should simply never be possible to repair damage with repairs beyond 80%. If you fire off a sail repair at 75%, you get 5%. The End. This would pretty much solve the "repair back to undamaged ship while in combat" situation and I don't see how it would be detrimental.
  5. I like how the first ideas to expand on the suggestion are how to deny rewards for PVP again. As if we're not deep enough down that rabbit hole just yet.
  6. Please look up "to predate" if you're confused by my post.
  7. Those screenshots predate that, as proven by the presence of multiple Sorry players in the first PB in the Bahamas.
  8. Yeah sure, you can't create hostility by battles started after 22:00, but you can in create hostility in older battles way beyond that timer. That's clearly not intended and not how the system was described by admin. But that doesn't matter to you, because you benefit from a bug, so it's A OK. Can you at least prove where konali said it was just an assumption? Or are you just assuming that?
  9. You been here since EA Launch and you don't know what a green name means? :[ Do you think he's lying? best tell him in global today.
  10. Wrong, the hostility window ends at 22 Server Time. The hostilty that created the port battle was made half an hour beyond that point. But I already figured you with the "bugs are okay if they don't happen to us" crowd. If what happened is what we think happened, it's possible to push a port battle all the way back to 23:30 Server time. Is that what you want? Oh yeah I forgot, only when it works out for you.
  11. So Sweden solved your problem and you're now harassing sweden for it?
  12. You do understand that no one is asking for the window to be reduced, but for the window that is defined to be there to actually apply?
  13. There is nothing Prime Time about a Port battle that opens at 22:33 and will easily take until midnight on a day before a work day. Is this what you want? Or rather, would this be what you would want to have to defend against? Or is it okay when it happens to someone else, only?
  14. Again, Sweden took the Pirates from 7 to 6 regions, and you flap your mouth. When Pirates took the US from 4 to 3 regions last week, you didn't say anything. This anonymous clownshow is going on ignore now.
  15. Quote ONE post that proves this. Just ONE. The zerg accusation mainly came from pirates and spain.
  16. What is wrong with you? the Swedish have attacked one nation, and one nation only in the last two weeks: Pirates. The Danish also took two regions from the Pirates, I don't see you posting this nonsense about them. Are the pirates 1-ported by this btw? Nope, they still hold as many regions as the Dutch and the French. Oh, did you post this nonsense about the pirates, when they reduced the US from 4 to 3 regions? No, of course not. You're drunk, am I right? actually I think Lonar has got the right of it. There's no "Admiral Horatio Hornblower" in the game, so as generic as that name goes, best bet it's yet another alt of the thousand headed Hydra Lord Fishes. Except with spell checker.
  17. What is this "Diminishing Returns" tag doing here? I can't see anything about such a mechanic in the patch notes.
  18. So what's the point of making money when there's no RVR to fund? You're not really answering my question there.
  19. What's the goal for pirates to pursue beyond just the next kill when they don't have RVR?
  20. I think it's frankly absurd that it's cheaper to repair in battle than it is to repair on the open world. Fully repairing a 4k armor ship's broadside is... 40 hull repairs. Repairing three times in battle will achieve the same result for only 30. It should be *far* cheaper to repair a ship outside of battle. This would greatly reduce the need to dock and repair after every port I also think repair kits are far too expensive right now. 5k to repair a fifth rate once? That's really a lot of money that's being removed from the game just for repairing something you already have
  21. rejoice everyone, jumping into missions with large groups of raceboats and ganking PVE ships still works just fine.
  22. You had a friendly relationship with Britain in early 2016, until you decided we "betrayed" you for not defending your ports from pirate attacks that were even further away from Jamaica than La Habana - while we were already fighting a Franco-Russian Alliance in Panama I'm pretty certain you'll have thrown away that relationship all by yourself before September. Again. How is it I always end up on the side opposing a side that is totally and completely unreasonable?
  23. No, I clearly was talking about June 25th 1988, when the Netherlands won the Europe Cup in the finals against the Soviet Union. You call it revenge fleet, we call it protecting our waters. You do literally the same thing when we go to MT. You might wanna lay off the insults here, it's pretty rude and you're not in the RP section.
  24. So @Zoky, you did indeed not, on June 25th, jump a mission outside Port au Prince with two Swedish players with a group of 7 SORRY pirates, including Otto Kohl and noone? That did not really happe, right? Because you operate alone or in 2-man hunting groups. Totally didn't happen, right? That's the one time I've seen you. Maybe you are the hardcore PVP player, always looking for a challenge, you claim to be. But you know what they say of first impressions, right? *chuckles*
  25. Why were you not in a battlegroup with the 25 biggest ships? Some of your big ships were stranded outside and you had surprises in the big fight. Oh, I just notice the last slot was taken by a French surprise, denying one more big ship entry. Solid Ally you got there. Did he ever fire a shot in the battle?
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