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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. If he hasn't changed recently "God emperor trump" is a Brit player and if I recall correctly comes from one of the Scandinavian countries.
  2. My thought was if you score less points (tbd and somewhat along the lines of rules in PVP event) with the screen and the port is defended it gets blockaded. A blockade would influence a ports trading and crafting abilities for a set time period. At the end of the period another PB is automatically scheduled. During blockade you cannot teleport to the port. This way the second attack would have better chances of not being screened again. If attack fails again the blockade is broken and we are back to normal. Wouldnt by want the screening battle to effect PB directly though.
  3. There was a British initiative back a couple of month to organize a fleet battle with set composition to reenact a historic battle. Back then the French (if I remember correctly) weren't open to this due to different reasons. Maybe we can think about something like this again?
  4. In another thread I posted my thoughts on a mechanic that would make screening battles more relevant via introducing blockaded ports if the screen looses the battles in the open world. Basic thought was: if you stop the force from arriving but don't beat it at sea it is still around. You defend the port but it gets blockaded. If people like the idea we could start a thread and discuss different ideas about it.
  5. I think he was referring to the "get more people to participate in RVR" part. Yes it is an effort but it's worth it. At least that's what I understood from christendoms post.
  6. I was just referring to an earlier post were somebody argued the distance would stop them from helping more. Seems like I didn't quote correctly.
  7. I have outposts from Wilmington to the windwards and Belize to the Bermudas. The sail is the same for all of us.
  8. Loosing your 5 dura runaway ship in a matter of days while only playing for an hour or two a day is probably not that easy to accomplish ;-) never sailed anything better then a green ship till flag captain I think. They are perfectly fine for leveling and learning the game. If you loose ships faster then you can recraft them, you should probably practice with grey ships.
  9. you are most likely getting the no holds bar part of it
  10. still a dickmove and you know it. we will see if you opened pandoras box for when you fall out of alliance next time. time will tell
  11. We know that. For obvious reasons we haven't done that. We could attack all French regions or all Danish regions at once. Even could do it at 4am in the morning. But we haven't done it cause obviously it would have hurt the game. What at I find especially distasteful is that Sweden, a group of people that have switched sides to "balance things out" if you want to trust their reasoning, now picks on the smallest population nation during the week they fall out of alliance. I personally would have thought higher of you :-(
  12. Was outside the map in the wind wards couple of months ago. So funny when you see the port 100 meters away but can't get there ;-)
  13. There is already an event with 1v1 restriction: it's called "duell" if we need PVP zones with balancing restrictions like that we can cut the bullshit where we sail for 20 minutes to set up our little battle and can make it an arena game. I understand the idea behind the PVP event on a server with low population. But if this would be where the game is headed, I would certainly leave, because it is not the game anymore that I signed up to. If we allow the open world to be a place we merely use to sail to our little FairPlay balanced lobby 3/4 of what makes this game a great idea is gone :-(
  14. Selling multiple copy's of the game to one customer probably allows devs to continue with development. Why would devs want to stop that. After all this is (also) a job for game labs and as it is with (all) jobs: the aim is to make money. All you can do is set rules for what you can do with multiple accounts and what is considered a punishable offense. Devs are trying to to that and it is a thin line to walk Consequently enforcing these rules is a different story entirely.
  15. Flagsystem was in no way better then hostility right now. Hostility system might actually work perfectly fine. Combine it with the chests and paints And people might actually sail there and fight ;-) loot is what seems to motivate a lot of people. More so then the capture of regions in their own right. All that flags did was lock people in a harbor for 3 hours. 2 hours of waiting for a flag to be pulled plus 1 hour of waiting for it to never show up. A lot of people seem to have some romanticized memory of the past here. What we limes was 1200 players online and not the flagmechanics. Some players might have left for different reasons related to game design. But to be fair: a lot probably left because after 3000 hours of playing one game people just move on. No matter what the game mechanics are.
  16. Monkey; if you are so unhappy with playing for the British empire and you hate or leadership and you despise every decision we as a community take and everything you hear in nation char goes against what your believes are... Why don't you just join another nation then?
  17. How is it promoting PVP and RVR if I can be where the fight is? All it promotes is port swaps and empty port battles with regions nobody cares about switching ownership
  18. punishes players that dont even play the RVR game. make it attractive for players to join smaller nations by giving them something (XP Boost, rare starter ships like the yacht). Any mechanism that takes something away from others or restricts the open world will fail. getting to the suggestion about ports and alliances being linked: so if one nation has 75 ports it cant ally with anybody. but 2 nations with 74 ports each can? how is that fair in a wolrd where number of ports are presumably a sign of strength (which they arent). we (and i mean all nations with this) have proven in the past, will use everey loophole there is to get an edge. every mechanism like this will just lead to port swapping till you reach an optimum within an alliance. none of the so called "balancing" approaches has come up with anything that actually measures the strenght of a nation and therfore even calls for a balancing. number of active players? - nothing to do with RVR strenght or even number of captians that can be fielded in RVR on a regular basis. number of ports? - see Spain
  19. dont restrict the open world... its calle "open" world for a reason. if you restrict battles to 1v1 , 3v3 and so on you might as well make it a lobby game, all you have left is basically a lobby that you have to sail to, if you do.
  20. your getting a bit annoying. if you have nothing to say dont on topic: non of the nations is as small as you want to appear. as somebody said earlier 25 people can control the map. there is no such thing as a small nation. all your doomsaying has not come true too this point. most battles in and out of ports are pretty even and with conquering a port being harder then defending it there hasnt been much ground lost either. both alliances are at a stalemate as it seems, with nobody being able to make up a lot of ground. both sides have a live oak region and strong hull regions. the map is large for everybody not only for spain. I have outposts from wilmington to the bermudas to the windwards and panama so thats pretty much spanning the whole map... everybody can do that and be a part of the action where ever it is.
  21. i personally dont really care if my voice is recorded here, but I know there is people out there that dont really want it recorded. Its a double edged sword. I do enjoy watching the streams with TS but can understand if people dont want to be recorded.
  22. i dont mind benefits like "+15% to gained XP" for new players or a redeemable ship or something along those lines to encourage new players to select smaller nations. Any mechanic that takes elements of the game away from other nations - and i include alliances in that - is not a good mechanic in my opinion. enforcing mechanics like that dont work in the concept of an open world sandbox game
  23. If that was the case every people would start to try to get rid of ther care bear crowd to get an edge in RVR. total number of players does not reflect in nu,ber of players participating in RVR. for the port battle in trinidad for example: screening resulted in 2 pretty even OW battles and a port battle. both alliances where able to field roughly the same nu,ber of players for the event (and number of known danish RVR players showing up was pretty low if i recall correctly, so you still had reserves. you guys just cant be bothered to do the work and just want to play the PBs) Port battle for castries was screened of. but that seems more due to the fact, that you guys managed to piss each other off enough so that alliance partners didnt show up than due to british-dutch-us alliance being larger in population. we brought roughly the same amount of screeners as we did for trinidad (25-30) an alliance that is able to gather enolugh people to fill 7 port battles with 175 players should be able to field 30 for screening, unless you really just care for the port battle in which case i am sorry to tell you: this might not be the right kind of game for you. it is not a wows style arena combat game with matchmaking system you can bitch about once one team seems to have an adventage.
  24. I think its pretty clearly stated, that it is for RVR. If there is a need to talk about it I suggest we take it to TS and stop the bickering on the forum
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