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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. There were between 15 and 20 Brits involved in the operation. Not what I would call an unstoppable force that came to "finish" you. There were 3 flags pulled all night. Are you sure you are not greatly exaggerating here tenakha? Really don't get what all the fuss is about. Sry mate, you sound like an old women lamenting
  2. I have been enjoying watching the tournament and would like to thank the organizers for their effort put into it. Unfortunately this "feedback thread" has turned into a sorry loosened complaining thread :-(
  3. Im not saying we dont have the largest amount of players. but the RVR game is not decided by number of players. you can have all the players in the world. if they dont show up for battles it doesnt help in the conquest part of the game.
  4. not saying i wouldnt support a mechanism that helps to even out economics. just getting tired of the 30% of the server are brits when its used as an argument for RVR imbalance. there can only be 25 players in a given battle and or 3000 player votes cant even muster that to defend a port in our home waters at times. just saying: the perceifed imbalance that some players are moaning about isnt nearly as bad as they think
  5. so much for being a zerg: 11 british captains made the daunting 30minute sail from jamaica to defend serrenna a shallow water port where all you need is a 30.000 gold ship. maybe the imbalance bullshit will stop sometimes 0/ to the spanish captains for an entertaining little fight :-)
  6. I like the idea of an upkeep. The further a port is from you honearea the more upkeep you have to pay as a nation to keep control. If you don't pay enough the port falls into unrest and at some point it will become neutral.
  7. And if I sink I can't play anymore while a Spanish captain that sinks, goes back to port and merrily plays on? Don't think that will make a lot of players happy
  8. Making Crew Limited is the worst option I think. "Oh great a can't play... Somebody else has used all the crew" Sounds like an awesome mechanic
  9. And how do you wNt to resolve that? Smack our carebears to even it out? From an RVR perspective it's not as imbalanced as you want to make believe.
  10. show me were i said it was imbalanced all im saying is: you look at the numbers of votes in politics and make assumptions i dont share Btw: i am toatally fine with sweden switching to the other side. i would like to see alliances be a much more dynamic thing. right now: voting once seems like enough for ever. i would also like wars to have a defined ending. i believe that would take some emotions out of it if you new at some point: "war is over, cards reshuffled, lets go again"
  11. what is that just false? i havent seen more than 2 full fleets out in port concquest in british nation ever. and i have ammassed 1200+ hours of gametime in this nation. if you attack jamaica you will see 100 SOL defending but thats the only part of the carribean a lot of players in british nation care about. our 24 hour capability is a strenght i give you that, but in no way it is an "abuse". thats just plain and simple BS
  12. you seek balance in RVR (Port battles and conquest). if a larger percentage of players from 1 nation doesnt participate in that but enjoy other ways to play the game the total number of current players in the game is no ondicator for the balance you seek. in a smaller nation it is more difficult and dangerous to play as what some people refer to as a "carebear". therfor people that dont want to participate in RVR gravitate towards nations with more ports and a perceived security. in the british nation there is a very large community of players that dont participate in RVR. the overall number of current players therefor is no indicator for british strenght in RVR. e.g. Danmark norway can muster at least 1 full PB fleet made out of players from 2-3 very dedicated RVR clans. the british nation very rarely can muster more than 1 full fleet either. there can be 1 Million current players casting there votes in politics. if only 25-30 of the players online in a specific timezone are willing to participate in a PB fleet or screening the rest of the players simply dont matter that much when it comes to the balance you seek. (the only impact they might have is collecting ressources and putting them on the market. they use up ressources as well to craft ships for the non RVR community. )
  13. tirelessly i will try to explain to you that "number of players" has no direct impact on "number of active players in RVR". a large nation with lots of ports will always draw players that dont care about RVR but want the relative peace and security. British nation probably has more active RVR players then Spain, i give you that. But the margin is a lot smaller than you seem to believe (or are willing to acknowledge)
  14. I personally find it very hard to assess these things right now. The problem is that we are testing "pieces of the game" without knowing how the game will work out when more of the planned mechanics are implemented. Right now we can say: limit the amount of 1st rates and we are having ideas how to do that with restrictions implemented via game mechanic. What we don't know is how new PB mechanic will play out with land, different ports and a different winning condition. I would suggest that we wait until these are implemented and we get the wider picture and vision devs have for conquest. After that we see if it works and start thinking about these topics. I feel like it's a waste of time atm unfortunately. Tweeting parts here and there has no value since we can only see how it works in an environment that won't exist in a couple of months. TLDR: Implement the big cornerstones first. Let's test and adjust after.
  15. Getting spanked every night but they seem to enjoy it. That's what I call perseverance :-) Joking aside: looks like you are having some fun battles there.
  16. With the current mechanics you can do that. I don't have a problem with you trying to get your ports back. I still think there should be war-goals set by the game you can achieve and a following peace mechanic. I believe that would take some emotions out of the equation. You don't have to agree with me in the topic. Just cut the port timer whining. It's part of the current game mechanics and we set the timers that suit our needs and you set them like you want them to be set. No more, no less
  17. you lost all your ports on southern cuba on your timers.
  18. Your English is way better than you give yourself credit for. I didn't realize that you posted opinions from steam either though. I don't agree with these opinions though. The game devs don't favor the British nation. We play with the same mechanics as everyone else. Btw. In British nation their is a lot of non native speakers (like me) as well and even a lot of players with very little English speaking abilities. We just try to translate for them In battles and it works fine.
  19. And this attitude is one of the problems. if you could have a war that ends with a winner and a looser people could move on and the cards could get reshuffled. If their is always somebody biting your leg and crying "vendetta" players get fedup and you get flamewars on the forums like this where people call each other "cancer" and worse because it has left the realm of being a game. Obviously without a game mechanic we cant just measure our strength in a game, congratulate each other on a good fight and maybe even change alliances on a frequent basis.
  20. All I'm saying: stop being so self righteous and start helping your allies instead of looking for fault in everybody else.
  21. That's why I asked if there is no southern American community in the game?
  22. Don't divert gameplay from open world to arena any further.
  23. The French navy really liked Spain to be their allies when they attacked us preventing more Brits to join our Dutch allies in their defense against France. But when shit hit the fan for Spain their alliance was worth nothing... I have seen tons of Spanish ships during the panama war when the French started their first tour of the Caribbean. Never seen a French ship west of Caymen brac, other then when they toured the map running from us.
  24. I'm thinking some form of BR system for port battle might be cool as well. It has been proposed many times before. I'm not a fan of the current mono fleets. That way we wouldn't need deep water ports and regional capitals with different ship types allowed. Just have different BR limits. A move like that would give more ships (like the Agamemnon) a role
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