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Everything posted by Bommel

  1. I want more interaction between different nations and by this I mean all nations. The eastern and western part of the map feel very seperated to me. If there would be a map/port reset now, the western part would only be populated by the same nations again, and as long as they don´t fight each other those ports will never have any meaning to the eastern nations. They will remain uncontested and offer lots of resources to the western nations, while the eastern nations are "sitting" on each other and fight over the "few" ports there.
  2. Breaking News: Devs declared war on Pittstown!
  3. Oh such a secret! There is only two options, sverige or dutch. The rest are all friends or allies of pirates, except for US which made a good job by giving you a real boring time. Completely different but similar to carlisle - nice contradiction.
  4. I never said in a single word that sweden is full of highskillers and would beat the danes, actually I gave you guys props for being the better 1st rates captains. The main reason why sweden didn´t brought their 1st rates to port battles is the bad economy, don´t bring what you can´t afford to lose. Sweden didn´t invent the flag spamming and doing so (especially in war) is totally legit. You guys bought more then one flag too and even fake ones to distract swedish players. Calling them noskillers because you clearly won some battles is just low, and if you go by that rule your allies have even less skill then (which I wouldn´t say is true!) because said noskillers beat them clearly in some battles too.
  5. You said in your post that sweden attacked french I don´t see how this can not be seen as stating sweden is the aggressor. And "letting your nation to play" is exactly what shows your attitude, you think you are the real deal and only allowed sweden to play. Brothers in mind with L.V. I guess. ^^ And to bad you are forced to race east west every day, when this is exactly what you did to sweden by attacking on both front with your allies. Too bad you can´t prevent the noskillers as you put it from playing the game. You were more skilled in 25 1st rate PB war because you had a better economy to provide your fleets with 1st rates and a higher playerbase (I guess) and therefore being more experienced in it. Now that you can´t roflstomp smaller nations with better equipment you call them noskillers and accuse them by only being able to win in numbers. Ignorance is a bliss.
  6. You forced them into war by declaring war on sverige and ask them to join. They attacked the swedish ports while sweden was busy fighting/defending against you guys. And at this point they didn´t even had officially declared war on Sweden. It´s so funny that some danes allways complain about sweden as being the aggressor and picking on weaker nations, because that´s exactly what you guys do and have done. And Kloothommel is the one complaining about zergs after 9.8. You can find the thread he started about it in this forum, if you want to look it up.
  7. Attack a weaker nation? Which nation is/was weaker then Sverige? Start a war? lol seriously this is getting really old now.... You started a war because you didn´t have any respect for the weaker nation and thought you gonna make them beg for mercy and don´t have the balls top simply admit it. If you think you guys are so powerfull why don´t you prove it by fighting other presumably powerfull nations then? And don´t accuse me of wanting you to start a war with your friends, I´m just getting tired of all this bullshitting of you guys and Lord Vicious and yet you never take on any powerfull nation. You fight the brits yeah, which have to fight like minimum three nations at once and have three fronts to defend. You don´t take risks at all imho.
  8. Why do people still vote on this poll? It regularly shows up when I press "View New Content". Can a mod please lock it or remove the poll?
  9. Breaking ships will only give you a chance for a BP drop of the ships you are breaking. Breaking frigates will never give you a Blueprint. You can break a LGV for example to have a chance to get the LGV Blueprint if you didn´t learn it yet.
  10. Es geht nicht nur ums Setting, WoW, War Thunder und WoT sind free to play Spiele und haben daher von Natur aus eine höhere Spielerzahl. Auch wenn WW2 und Modern Warfare schon eine breitere Masse ansprechen. IL2 hat z.B. eine höhere Spielerzahl weil sie weitaus mehr Flugzeuge bieten als z.B. Rise of Flight (Vegleich IL2-1946 zu RoF) Die ganzen IL2 Spieler sind aus Mangel an Alternativen natürlich der IL Reihe treu geblieben, und RoF hat leider das Problem das man im Basis Paket leider nur eine sehr übersichtliche Anzahl and Fluggeräten hat und sich den Rest für Bare Münze dazu kaufen muss. Das ist bei den neueren IL Teilen zwar leider auch so (Premium Content) , aber da macht es die grosse Playerbase der Vorgänger wieder wett.
  11. Der ist weder besser noch schlechter er hat schlichtweg eine deutlich geringere Population.
  12. Why does it matter where someone declares war?
  13. Well after looking again at my map I came to the conclusion that it might give the wrong impression. What I want to achieve is to have a more dense action packed playing field, I chose Sverige for exactly that reason too. My problem is that players voted for Carribean Sea at some point and this map doesn´t give me the option to place the Nations capitals closer together without creating a lot of unused/dead space. There is a reason why so many players are happy to have no cooldown for the teleport from outpost to outpost now, The exploration part is important too but it will be over pretty soon since there will be third party maps that show all the "hidden" places/islands in no time. The Gulf of Mexico has no meaning apart of being a huge resource pool and space for PVE (for the western nations like Spain/US/Pirates and Brits). None of the eastern nations will ever capture a port there, since they would have to conquer lots of ports in between their capital/homewaters and the gulf because of the 1 hour duration limit of the flags. PS: Combine this with a Port Battle Overhauling where ports aren´t flipped left and right all the time.
  14. I don´t think the dutch need to do such actions, the player in that cutter could be anyone with a second account, who decided that it would be "fun" (for him!) to cause trouble. Shitty move of that guy for sure but don´t get to upset about it, because that´s most likely exactly what this guy wanted to achieve.
  15. Hi there, I think ports are at the moment totally meaningless because there are way too much of them. There is countless portswapping (of mostly undefended ports) going on. In my opinion 1/3 of them should be removed or converted into neutral towns that only consume goods and create/spawn NPC traders and we shouldn´t be able to build anything in them. I also think the balancing of the capital positions on the map could be better. Right now the gulf of mexico is so far away from any capital that it should be abandoned or removed. I made a really rough layout: And even in this rough layout the space between the capitals is kinda too empty but the capitals are more evenly spread out. I just want to share my thoughts and discuss with the rest of the community. I´m aware of the fact that this might not be historically correct but it is a game and I´d rather have a ahistorical map then an unbalanced one. Maybe it would be even better if Britain would be placed at Quintana Roo and Spain at Costa Rica. Port Royal could then be given to the pirates. So what do you think, did I lost my mind and should shut up, or does my idea make any sense to you?
  16. OT: Are you sure it was a Mid Grade Note? Actually a Brig should only drop a Low Grade Note.
  17. Wenn du einen neuen Char auf einem anderem Server erstellst werden deine Labor Hours auf beiden Servern auf 0 gesetzt!!!
  18. Im Bezug auf Flugsimulationen wie z.B. die IL2 Reihe gebe ich dir recht, das man da reale Taktiken anwenden kann, aber diese sehr ausgereiften Flugsimulatoren mit Naval Action zu vergleichen ist meiner Meinung nach einfach nicht drin. Linienfahren funktioniert in Naval Action auch nicht so gut wie es vielleicht damals in der Realität funktionierte. Ich habe oft genug erlebt wie eine Seite die schön in Linienformation gefahren ist komplett zerlegt wurde, weil die andere Seite sich nicht an diese Taktik gehalten hat, und somit wunderbar ihr Feuer auf einzelne Schiffe am Ende der Linie konzentrieren konnte. Linienfahren funktioniert nur solange die andere Seite auch schön in Linie neben der anderen Linie fährt/vorbei fährt, ansonsten sind 90% der Schiffe in der Linienformation einfach nutzlos, da keine Gegner in Reichweite ihrer Kanonen sind. Und dein Argument das diese Taktiken noch heute an Militärakademien gelehrt wird, ist genau der Punkt, der zu meiner Aussage führt, das in diesem Spiel fast niemand nach miltärisch gelehrten Taktiken handelt, und somit auch nicht durch die dort gelehrten Taktiken gekontert werden kann. Anders ausgedrückt, wer stur nach den Taktiken solcher Leute handelt macht sich verwundbar.
  19. Auf Argumente nicht eingehen und dann versuchen jemanden zu beleidigen? Wo habe ich denn die PVE Spieler bewertet? Ich rede mit dir und nicht mit allen PVE Spielern. Aber die Diskussion scheint wohl eh sinnlos zu sein. Zitiere einfach weiter deine "Taktik-Helden" und werde glücklich damit.
  20. At low speed the rudder doesn´t have that much effect so the force is not enough to break the grappling hooks or the ropes attached to them. A ship at 10knots speed would more likely break the hooks/ropes. That´s my guess why there is a max speed set and not a relative speed difference.
  21. In einem Spiel reagieren die Spieler nicht so, wie es sich die Theoretiker vorstellen. Es wäre vielleicht ratsam, mehr praktische Erfahrung im PVP zu sammeln, anstatt im Kopf theoretische Gefechte durchzugehen. Wir fahren hier nicht mit echten Schiffen, und es geht auch nicht um Leben oder Tod. Und die Kommandostrukturen, die es in echten Gefechten gibt, sind hier auch nicht zwingend vorhanden. Ich bleibe dabei, das man diese Theorien nicht auf ein Spiel anwenden kann, da es in der Praxis einfach anders aussieht/abläuft. PS: Ausserdem kämpft man hier nicht gegen Personen, die nach einer militärisch antrainierten Handlungsweise vorgehen.
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