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[MCC] Die Antwoord

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Everything posted by [MCC] Die Antwoord

  1. If only 5% of the buyers are enjoying the game enough to play it there is no reason to think bringing more players would fix the issue. The issue is bigger than players..
  2. Wow, I'm really amazed they actually sold that much. Is that including all the guys that bought before the steam release or not? Things are much worse than I thought.
  3. I don't care much for in-port match making but I definitely want an option added to the list of actions you get when you target someone (atack / private message / invite) that allows to players to have a consentual and private duel, even within the same nation. Extend this option to groups and you'll make a lot of peeps happy. How many times have 2 groups met with totally unfair BR diff but offered duels/fair fights to avoid cat and mouse and port camping.... Being able to jump in a duel without the 24 other guys betraying would be hella nice.
  4. 70k????!! I'd be surprised if they sold more than 20k copies half of which are crafting/spy alts. You do have a point though that eventually, if they somehow manage to convince new people to join or come back, it will be a problem.
  5. No this is too harsh, man it takes forever to level. A XP hit maybe, or perhaps a gold cost and definitely a sizeable cooldown (2 weeks sounds like a good minimum), etc.
  6. See, its all your fault Slamz, you scared everyone off the server!
  7. Still pvp2 barely hit 1000 on its peak and stabilized at 800ish quick and stayed tbat way for weeks.
  8. There never were even close to 1500 on PVP2... as for latency from Aus/NZ.. how bad is it really?
  9. Voir la discussion des patch notes en anglais une partie de l'info a ete publiëe. Le Gros ventre est un tradeur armé avec près du double de la capacité d'un trader snow et l'autre semble être entre le Constitution et 3rd rate, penchant vers Consti...
  10. Good idea. IMHO replace the deliveries system with this... You can hire a crew to sail your ship from and to any port, but the ship will actually sail and be manned by AI and can be intercepted by AI/players as any other ship. You pay for distance, crew and cargo weight and heck, even have the possibility of chartering an AI ship for it if you are only moving cargo. Make the time based on actually sailing there... and even maybe hire fleet protection for the convoy, at a significant premium. This would add some much needed "AI" fleets with actual value to them... and it would add a HUGE risk to moving ships and cargo across the map unattended. You could even follow your own hired fleet to protect it if needs be.
  11. It has nothing to do with being sheeps and even if no pvp2 players ever swtiched the server would still be going down because the game pop is going down. The solution to this is to bring new players in but the devs clearly have no intention of doing this (some nonesense about getting quality players - totally ignoring the fact the quality players are so bored they are switching servers or game right now). So if no new players come and the ship is sinking.. You can sink with the ship or jump ships. Either way a couple weeks from now it will be sunk.
  12. Les 6 livres du Pavel tu peux simplement ne pas les équiper, ça donne plus d'hommes sur les autres cannons et ça compense amplement pour le manque à gagner. Pour le reste, ne pas oublier que le Pavel a 2 durabitlités alors que le Victory en a seulement une. Pour la vitesse et maniabilité, les deux sont plus lents qu'un 3rd Rate/Bellona, alors honnêtement, rendu à ces vaisseaux, la poursuite de n'importe quel vaisseau plus petit devient pratiquement impossible.
  13. I agree that the problem is bigger than mergers, but since all these servers were created to accommodate an overflow of players at the steam EA release, they have served their purpose and now have no real use unless the devs manage to get more players in the game.
  14. Explain how it is impossible? I keep hearing it's been tested and it sucked, but nobody ever explained why. There is nothing epic about falling asleep on your keyboard traveling for 5 hours....
  15. Nope, I don't like it. I always come back to my suggestion: Remove teleports altogether and make open sea travel much faster. There already is time compression there, no reason not to add more of it to get rid of teleports (and the need for them).
  16. You were on our comms last night, its done and thanks for your support Some of our guys will keep some basic activities on pvp2 but we officially moved.
  17. I liked the post but it was because of the 2nd statement in it...... but that last paragraph is fantasy world material for sure lol. Leveling through PVP alone would take about 4-5x the time.
  18. Good to see you guys at least address the issue. In 1-2 months it will be too late though... so other than appeasing a couple of restless souls on the forum it won't do much. About half the pop from PVP2 already moved to PVP1 in the last couple of weeks and it's still happening (my clan is switching right now) and while it will be nice to get our ships, BP's and money back in 1-2 months, it's now that we could really use them. Would be really nice if you guys could find a away ASAP to do a one time transfer option to PVP1, including gold, upgrades, BP's, and the contents of at least one port perhaps so we can xfer crafting mats and ships but still "keep it simple".
  19. IMHO just make it like urgent repairs... put it on a cooldown and not tied to kills/assists... Put the cooldown at 15 min.. If you are still alive after 15 min in any fight, you've earned a second repair. Still alive after 30, ok, 3rd repair... You can burn the amount of damage a repair kit does in just a few minutes so it won't make it unbalanced.
  20. News on this, we had a meeting last night and we are moving to pvp1, USA nation. We're going back to our original Crimson Flotilla name. We were losing too many players and unable to replenish them. RIP pvp2 its been fun.
  21. Made the same exact error with ARK a while back... I was like, this is gonna be a big budget production, EA is behind it
  22. I don't see that happening unless the devs wake up and do something about it. Whenever a new game gets out in early access, it instantly draws in most of the the target audience, the guys that are going to be your die-hard, hardcore players, the ones that will spend thousands of hours in your game. The 40$ price tag for these players is somewhat irrelevant... You like sailing boats, sea battle and pirates and you're a hardcore PC gamer? You're going to buy this game whether it's free, 10$ or 100$. That said KEEPING these players interested is KEY to success. They are the players who are going to make or break the game by making extensive reviews, recommending (OR NOT) to friends, they are the passionate ones, they are the ones the devs need to keep an eye on most. The players that weren't hardcore left after 1-2 days, a week at most, so we don't have those anymore, they've been weeded out for the most part. The game is now bleeding core players, and this is bad. In order to prevent this, they need to address the issues of these core players, the main ones being the grind and the declining population. You cannot stop people from leaving, like every game, they come and go, but you need to replenish these players. In order to do this, you need to make the game interesting to new players, the ones who aren't sold on the concept from the get go... For those players (and they are LEGION compared to the guys playing now), a 40$ price tag is a major obstacle. The game is totally worth the 40$, don't get me wrong, but trying to sell this price to a guy who isn't sold on the concept to begin with or even someone who is interested, but not hell bent on getting it is hard. There are TONS of PC games, tons of early access games, there are tons of ways to spend 40$ on Steam and get a ton of good games. Say a random guy starts watching Black Sails and likes the series... He then gets a urge to play a pirate game. He logs on Steam and looks what's available... For 40$, he can get Assassin's Creed Black Flag, he can get Sid Meirs' pirates and he probably had 20-25$ left for some other pirate themed games, so he can end up with 4-5 games easily... Why would he spend 40$ on Naval Action.... an early access game... when he can get 4-5 finished products for the same price? Lower the price... Get more players... The current 2500-3000ish we have on an average night is a bare minimum, you cannot let it slip lower, we need fresh blood... a constant stream of flesh blood to replace the guys who are leaving. When the game is done, EVERYONE that bought the game or almost will come back... Instead of having 5k players coming back.. You'll have 100k... because that 5k will have replenished 20 times over the course of the early access instead of stagnating or dwindeling down to zero. At this rate, this game will have 500 players left in a couple weeks... if that. Don't tell me patches will bring them back... That last big content patch did nothing... nothing at all... we had a surge of 50 guys on the server for 1-2 days and poof they were gone and the bleeding continued. I want this game to succeed and it's really sad to see it die like this not even 2 months after the steam early release.
  23. [OJ] Orange Flotilla is staying but if the pop keeps declining we'll definitely have to weight our options. Our active member count is bleeding at about the same rate as the server is, despite getting new clan members on a regular basis.
  24. I proposed something last week for this. The ships should be predetermined and when players join they are assigned to them based on ranks. All unused slots filled with AI captains. This way it's always a fight based on skill and how many good players show up. Any captain not high enough for the ship assigned would be full crew.. so 25 santismas show up? 1 santis, 2 vics, 3 pavels, 5 3rd rates, etc.... 25 cerbs show up.. same thing...
  25. Either that or master troll
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