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[MCC] Die Antwoord

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Everything posted by [MCC] Die Antwoord

  1. If there ever was a demise of the Pirates (which I highly doubt), what makes you think you will have any relevance? As it stands, all the clans could pull out of the area and just leave the pirates with no clan and they would be strong enough to keep you and every other small nation that dares try in check on their own. The clans, on their own, are strong enough to push back any other nation... I keep using the term "mosquitoes in the windshield" when referring to the "french threat" on teamspeak and it's hardly an exaggeration. Your "successes" down south only occur because you only have a small portion of the pirates to deal with. We have enough peeps to wipe all your cities in the area within 2 hours if we wanted to. Don't mistake our slow pace at eliminating you guys for us having a trouble doing so. It's just that most pirates right now have better things to do than run over you guys. Good luck in Louisiana though, I bet the US zerg will be super cool and friendly, after all, they've been super nice to the Spaniards and Pirates in the region.
  2. I disagree with the most popular option, namely "Fleet" because that term has already a clear signification in game, namely either those 2 little fleet members you can hire or used as a term to describe a group of ships, be it a bunch of players or an NPC fleet composed of several ships.
  3. You guys don't need a wall, we already have one raised around our lands and you hit it head on full speed this weekend. We're still scrapping off the brits and pieces off it as we speak.
  4. I doubt the US will ever make it here and even if they did, they'd just end up wasted like the Brits were. I don't know what nation you are, but it's irrelevant, the small nations here that joined on the Brit alliance didn't make a significant difference, I don't see why they would in the future. If anything, you guys should be worried about getting run over by your "friends". Only thing that's going to be able to stop the red or green wave coming our way is the Pirates... The clock is ticking!
  5. We haven't killed any pvp opportunity, heck we are doing so good that the biggest clan on the server actually spent a whole week plotting to come end us. Newsflash, the only thing you guys are succeeding in doing is delaying us playing with the big boys. I personnaly dislike this French war not because we are having a hard time with you guys but just because it distracts us from doing something actually useful. But hey its just a game right? One thing is sure, it looks like the Brits are busy with the US now. I've been wanting to see this for a long time. Things are about to get real.
  6. I'm eager to see what the devs will do of all the events on pvp2us. I don't know how it is on other servers but I think we have a pretty messed up map. The French, Pirates and Spanish are all pretty much disabled in thier capital area but all have another spot they can retreat too, a long and dangerous sail to "safer" lands. I heard the devs intervened on another server? I don't have the details of that and it could just be rumors. One thing is sure, its an interesting problem both for players of these nations and the devs.
  7. You are looking at this problem wrong. Just make the flag cost scale up in relation to the amount of ports a nation has. This would benefit the smaller nations and hurt the zergs to a point of potentially stopping them. It doesn't have to be a linear increase either, it could get to a point where it is almost impossible for a nation to buy a flag. A nation wide tax might work too. Lower quest/pvp rewards, increase repair costs, ai ship costs, shop costs, etc. With each extra port.... This would make everyone a little more picky.
  8. IMHO just block undercrewed ships from joining a port battle.
  9. While the limit feels articifial, it prevents one player from abusing ALL the market. I think the limit is a necessary evil until the whole economy model gets more fleshed out.
  10. I don't know much about BSO but ultimately they are late comers in the area and most of the peeps that left mort late are either vets from war with the US or low level/newer players. So lots of these late comer clans have more lower level members in them. Doesn't make them training clans and we have a strict policy about not poaching each others members between all the clans here.
  11. I said this on the steam forums, I wouldn't be opposed to increasing significantly the protection area around the capital.. Enough so that at least 5-6 towns around it are immune to capping and have fleets autospawn from cities when anyone enters that area. This would allow level 1-3 players to do quests within that area but at later levels, they would have to venture out. This would solve the capital camping issue for everyone. I also would not be oppposed to a more flexible teleport system. What if teleport to capital was replaces by teleport to any Free Town on top of outposts? Maybe also fresh players could chose whichever port as their first outpost (defaulting to capital).
  12. For the record Slamz, you keep saying all we do is mainly PVE, hoard cash and other pointless things that will have zero value when a wipe hits. How do you think we managed to have so many high levels on our side? It is simply because we work on leveling. You guys are still about all the same level as you were 2 weeks ago when the pounding started, while most of us are now Raiders, Ravagers, Demon and we even have some Devils (that's a totally pointless level right now, since Demon can already fully crew the biggest ship). When the wipe happens. the Pirates will have the most high level players. I wouldn't call that achieving nothing. We all get more than our share of PVP, between the Brits and US up north, to all you small nations who PVP us for fun, for challenge or out of sheer suicidal tendencies... Being rich is just a consequence of doing lots of missions and killing constitution fleets, etc. It's not a goal.... More XP and gold out of missions/fleets than PVP, so we're not wasting time. Lets call it a loose understanding. That was BEFORE the famous meeting where all went south BTW... I know the meeting went nowhere fast.
  13. The bottom line is that what is going on right now does not give France any viability short, medium or long term. Like I always said, diplomacy is a process, not something that can be done overnight. I'm clearly hearing that you guys enjoy the PVP just as much as we do and having an agreement doesn't exclude this. Take the Swedes for example, we've had a loose understanding them them and drew a line in the sand at Plymouth. We don't take their ports, they don't take ours, but it's FFA PVP. Neither faction camps missions (systematically at the very least, I did hear reports of occasional jumping) and overall, we're all enjoying sweet pvp without affecting each other's trade, crafting or leveling capabilities so everyone gets their fair share of the pie. You got to start somewhere. If you guys want to exist, start by talking to us.. then lets talk cease-fire... then lets talk line in the sand about ports and mission camping, giving you guys room to trade/level/craft... Later, when all the tension has dropped several notches, then perhaps further deals could be made. St-Pierre, La Trinite and whatever else port we took recently up North.. we don't need. We're not straight out going to give them back on a whim based on how you never managed to hold your end of the bargain... but if you show that you can be good neighbors, I don't see why we would oppose giving some stuff back. Again, some clans will probably not mesh with all this so well... but CF's goal in the region was to secure a small haven for our clan to operate at. Everybody joined the bandwagon so we now have the brawn for much bigger ambitions, but the mission as far as CF is concerned is accomplished and totally overdone when we start talking about any french port south of Rosaly/Roseau (that whole island was Neutral BTW, so we didn't steal it from you guys, you just failed to claim it faster than a pair of small pirate clans could). St-Joseph though I must admit we had eyes on it since the beginning as oak/iron/hemp is scarce in our own ports. The only french port we took down south, as far as I know, is the neutral port we clearly said we were going to take and that you ninja'd fully knowing we wanted it while we were attacking Puerto de Espana. You should have been attacking a Brit port, not that one port we said we wanted.
  14. Invictus, OMG and CF are the clans that have most of the higher level players from what I estimate (we are mostly by CDR). The clans down south (BSO, SIN and FC mostly) have their own thing going and they do have less high level players than we have up north. There are no "leveling clans" or anything like that, each clan is operating it's own thing and there is no member sharing or even migration as far as I know... As for all of us not being on the same page, that is very true.. This trickles down to individuals even. We've had several clan or council decisions that have pissed off clans and/or members, I guess it's healthy debate overall. I opened the door for negotiation with other nations, but I'm speaking as myself and for CF. Whatever I negotiate or talk over is going to have to fly by the clan's leadership and ultimately the alliance council and each clan will have their say in anything proposed. We are very democratic in the way we do things, in pure pirate tradition
  15. The night everything went south for France that meeting should not have happened. We had 40 guys in the teamspeak with sword in hand, dagger between the teeth and foam dripping out the mouth to go and push the British out. When the call was made to move on the British, it was out understanding that previous discussions were for you guys to attack British ports at the same time, serving both our national interests. You guys did not hold your end of that deal and then the council meeting was called. All the pirates were pissed at you guys from the get go, on top of being in a rush because of the 40 dudes roaring on teamspeak for us to do something, anything... Meeting in those circumstances simply cannot lead to good results... Diplomacy cannot be rushed and that evening was a good proof of that. Any long lasting deal in the region needs to be talked over several days/weeks and have both sides show good faith. Giving up ports? Geez, you're skipping way ahead. Lets start by all agreeing this war does not serve either's interest and that stopping this silly war would benefit everyone. Not talking about giving ports or anything here, just pause the bloodshed and discuss how the french can get the room to level, craft and trade, etc. I'm sure only that would be a HUGE improvement over the situation for you guys, and it would allow us pirates to recenter and actually use our brawn for something useful that actually changes something at the server level, rather than pointless skirmishes. So lets start by talking about a cease fire before we even bring port give-aways. Way too early for that, way way too early.
  16. For the record I have been appointed official diplomat for Crimson Flotilla. If any leader of any nation wants to parlay, I am available to do so. I have already reached out to several small nations in our area to improve relationships. I do not represent the whole pirate nation but I can make meetings happen, so feel free to contact me. The general consensus within CF is that we don't want to wipe any of the small nations. I realize diplomacy has been a little rough around the edges from our side, but we are working on improving that. Ultimately, I think everyone in the region agrees everyone's efforts should be aimed at Brits and/or US. We got thanks and congradulations from most nations in the area for pushing out the Brits. I can be a master troll at times but when its time to get down to business I'm going to respect every nation and opinion, so don't hesitate if you want to talk serious. That includes you Slamz <3
  17. Je suis sur le serveur PVP2US et cette région est présentement complètement contrôlée par les pirates. Qu'elle vire neutre ou qu'elle reste Free ça ne change pas grand chose pour nous dans l'état des choses. Ce qui manque par contre à ce jeu c'est la possibilité pour une nation de choisir une nouvelle capitale. Il a été mention de pouvoir changer la destination de notre "teleport to capital" pour une ville de notre choix, individuellement, ce qui est un pas dans la bonne direction, mais le fait qu'une nation puisse vider tout autour d'une capitale et essentiellement empêcher celle-ci d'avoir de nouveaux joueurs ce n'est vraiment pas l'idéal. C'est un peu triste ce qui se passe avec les Francais sur notre serveur. D'ici quelques jours, il ne restera que la capitale dans cette région alors que les français sont encore une dizaine de ports dans le coin de la Louisiane. Les Pirates sont dans la même situation, on est campé jour et nuit à Mortimer par les US et Britaniques. Le groupe de pirates qui a bougé à Aves/Le Moule initialement n'avait aucune intention de tout prendre aux Français, mais tout le monde a fuit Mortimer par la suite et sont maintenant ici. Dans un monde idéal sur ce serveur, la capitale pirate devrait être Aves et la capitale Française devrait être en Louisiane avec la distribution de port qu'on observe. Enfin bref, je ne suis pas contre pour CDR, on aurait très bien pu se baser à Plymouth et ça n'aurait rien changé à la suite des choses.
  18. So many lies and misconceptions are being thrown here, wow. First off, the general pirate population does not care about the Dutch and we never had any plan at all to even take any of their ports. They attacked us a while ago at Aves and that's the only dealing we had with them. I know some of the smaller clans down south had some dealing with them but it wasn't anything serious and it certainly wasn't a coordinated thing among the pirate clans over east, I wasn't part of that meeting and I wish it had been recorded because what we hear from you French and what our leaders told us are two totally different stories. The mandate we agreed on down south was that we would temporarily be in a truce with you guys so we could both, in an equal and mutually respectable way, get rid of the Brits down here which were a problem for both you and us. There was no talk about us taking any French ports (although some lesser clans had ambitions to that effect, I was under the impression these were being abandoned for the greater good of getting rid of the Brits down here). We gave zero mandate to try and rip you of any ports to our leaders, so if that is really what transpired, our leaders deceived us and failed at diplomacy on a stellar level. Also, there are now 10+ clans down here each with their own agenda. We have that council going which is a democracy, nobody is leading it, it's simply all of us talking things over and then we usually, not always, agree on an orientation. Be careful not to mix the ambitions of a lesser 10 man clan in there with those of the whole population of pirates here. The dutch thing comes to mind... I personally think that every small nation including the pirates should work together to stop the double steamroll that is coming from the east. It appears obvious now from what happened last night that the steamroll is coming over and unless I'm totally retarded, they are here for the pirates. While this might seem like a victory to you guys, understand that there will be absolutely nothing left to crush after us but you. The US and Brits are in bed together and have been since the start, so don't expect them to tackle each other and turn the heat off until there is nothing left but these two.
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